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... i YESTERDAY. Before Meseva F. Tothill (in the chair), G U. Pope, and El, Derbam., BlrGGIN0. William Henry Millard, who itated that he came from London, was charged with beopint and with beiag drunk and disorderly at Hayfield on Uriday, Disobarged on promibint to leive tne district. John Smith, for begging at Fishponde, was di%. misied with a caution. THEFT OF PIGEONS, Edward Banning, a lad, ...


... INQUESTS IN BRIBTOL. Yesterday the City Coroner (Mr H. G. Doggett) held the followiog inquests- DROWN'ED IN TEEi FLOATISN HARBOUR, At the Bedruinster police statIon, on the body of Franois Latbnew, aged 19 Tears, who was found drowned in the Floating Hirbour, near the Avon Wharf, on Saturday morning. The ?? was a seaman on board tho trow Shepherd, of Brlidgwater. The trow had recently come UV ...


... I ; sinam i 17I CATAPULT QUESTION: WHITE amen, ~~GLOVES. Ss at thr The Courtof QuartcrSession ?? rhe of Bideford was held on Wednesday before 'Rwed Sir George Sherston Baker, Bart., ktecordor, me, who was accompanied on the Bench by the who yor (Councillor R. Dymond) , Alderman J. icked . Narraway, J.P., C.C., and Mr. J. Wyatt, Prize J.P. Mr. J. Brock was foreman of the Grand l tion. Jury, but ...


... C!REDITON COUNTY COURT. Before his Honour Judge Edge. kett`jh VARYIING AN ORDIDB. founc JAIMID BUCKINGHAM V. FREIDERICK ?? m,,S SD-~r. Seldon, of Barustaple, wt e] ; ired for the plaintiff, a tinplate manu- term urer of ('rediton-I October last the Dugia ..'iutant lost ani action brought by tbe ortr ' ?? for a sum of £5 10s Od for I supplied, and an order was : ig;inst Mr. Folland for the A S( ...


... TEIGNMOUTEI Pt)LICE DOURT. Before General Sir A. Lucas (in the chair), Colonel Graemce Colonel Nightingale, Captain Paul, and Major Brown.. LICENSING. Mr. H. Partridge applied for an extension of time on the occasion of a cabman'.i dinner to be held at the Queen's Hotel, on the 26th inst., until two o'clock.-Granted. D. AND D, I WILLIAIE ArPs was summoned for bfting drunk at Bishopsteignton on ...


... JACK ASN aon CHARGE OF SHARPING i2 ,RISTOL, A TTJNION SEORETARY COMMsIZNDED. At the B0setol police court, yesterday, bb~)eO Mean S. Wiilr mid Wi W. Tribe, a case in w ?? a young man nnrned Samuel Brain was ohargel with stealing 'e from a seaman [a a Prince street publihouNe,, revealed an extraordlnary instance of sharping on sailors newly paid off from their vessels. Evidence in support of ...


... RHIBTOh POIME COURT. YESTERDAY. Before Mesrs FP. . Pox and P. SparkelEvans. CHBISTMAS ?? rOR TUE E&VEGERS, George PFioe, a middle-aged man, on remand, was charged with obtaining money by false pretences. Prisoner was found in Caledonla clace, Clifton, on Boxing, Day, making calls at differeat houses for Ohri=tnias boxes, hi. statement at enoh being that ha was one of the road scavengers. The ...


... i PROGRESS AT ROFk!BLO. DIVIDED OPINIONS. Yehterday nmorning an inquiry. dtrsoted by the Local Geverament 1Jisard, was belhi at the Temperanuce -all, trcinefttor ro'it, Btsbopton, b-fore Col. Wailter airdoj Drata E. , in-pector to the Board, relative to prop c al t s by the w Sofield Local Board ind the B. rton Ragie fanitfry MAutbori'y respectively to borrow £2.J70 and £2878 fr wIoks, of ...


... The business of the Somerset Winter Assize was contmenced at.the.Shire.baU, Taunton, yesterday morning, before Mr Justicoe Vaughan Williams. His lordship took his-seat iu the Crown Court ebortly after eleven o'clock, hbving previously attended service at St. MIsry'a Churoh. There were 10 prisoners for trial, as compared with 23 at the corresponding assize last year, which, however, was held a ...


... BAD CASE IN BRISTOL. At the Royal Infirmaty yesterday afternoon, the City Coroner, Mr H. G. Doggett, held an inquest on the body of James George, who died at that institu. tion on Friday afternoon from the effeots of oarbolic acid 1oisonolg. Uary Ann Crane, a widow, of 8, Catherine atreet, Newtown, maid that the deoemsed was her half-brother. He wae 06 seurs of age and worked am a labourer. He ...


... I I Walter Coley, 10. clerk, of Kentish Town road, was charged on a warrant, before Mr Lane. at the North London police court, yesterday, with unlawfally obtaining los from Mrs Emma Ward, of Lucerne road, Highbury; and with being concerned in stealing clothing belonging to a Mr Walter Sell, of St. Thomas's road, Finsbury park. A representative of the Gas Light and Coke Go mpany said he did ...


... ITEXCHEPSiTOW WILLB UIT. JUDGn ENT FOR THE DEFEtNDANT. In the Probate Division' of the; High Court of Justice yesterdaiy, before the President (Sir Francis Jenne), the eare of Davis and Jobea v, Dow was. decided. The suit bad reference to the testamentary dispositions of Mrs Rebecca Baker, a widow, who had lived at Shirencwton, near Ohepitow, Monmouth. shire and died on the 21et January, 1892, ...