... ' RACING ?? STEWMARKET NOTES. cM A c d WEDzNSDAY NIGHT. IM ACaptal day8 sport was provided at New- ?? market, and as'the weather was of the cm most deliglhtrul Character it is a pity ...


... LIVERPOOL A3IATECR BILLI ARD CHAMIPION-SHIP.X RECORD BY GOLBORNE. ?? first match in the semi-fin~al stfage a! *siS cometiionwasplayed by M5Ssrs. ?? Gali~r t and H. Hlughenden, a~t Ashes-oft's Billisxd ...


... scat LANCASHIRE v. YORKSHIRE oan (PEEL'S BENEFIT.) add It is pleasing to be able to record that, what- wit] ever the-weather may have in store, or however a5sf the match may terminate, the return fixture be- sbij at tween Lancashire and Yorkshire, commenced ?? ?? yesterday, and set apart by the York- not b;shire committee as'a benefit for Robert Peel, baa nuni lb already achieved its object, ...


... EENTILIVORTH GOLF WNEEK. The last two days have ;ev--n v-ery wet for playat Eenilworth. On WNednesday the Ladies captainey fell to TMrs. W. IL .Mitchsli. &eores Grs. Hrp. Net. Mrs. 1cmnp-13ourne ?? 143 . 50 ?? 93 Miss GemT ?? _-W ?? 125 . 26 .. 99 Miss L. bidel-ottozu ?? ?? 120 24 .. 96 MLrs. IV. Uf. LtEchell ?? 15 ?? 16 .. 99 Mrs. If. O'Leary ?? 115 ?? 13 ?? 102 Miss 0. M. Allen ?? 1.19 .. 16 ...


... . a t S7 : To the Editor of the Daily Post.-Sir,-T'- is -eldof tbat at this period of the year we experience ueh mild weather as that which has prevailed of js and conseqluently racing has been, and looks ;ike being, carried on withouti any interruption this ide C1hristmas. Those trainers who have to1 orupare novices at the jumping game mustbethankful for the absence of frost, for it will ...


... SPORITING NEWS. : I: notletRACING NOTES. Wi th ill theaf Etrust the t~l~tC ma 0OJOPIV trhruri~w t K'nptnetar k. 'The ?? Is in ap~ -iordrandI tltons &~ every prospect oWst~gt~ sport th. entry fur thr overnight race ieita: a grad CnM- .10- t'-tnorrone I sliail 'ootthe ?? ~'Flat Race, Sn, Anreoxy - November H1urdle P..a~s I ',r.u01 ellr Steeplechase WRE IATNS D LiiA e tepcas ITEr 'NoN; SD. ...


... MORNING GALLOPS AT AINTREE. is It was very cold and dhili at Aintree early testerday- e-morning, and throughout the atmosphere was so thick ;sthat little of the work done could he discerned. There 1e was, notwithstanding, a very fair company present. The Mlcourse was in good condition, but unless some 7 I rain fails it will certainly become on the hard I.side before the meeting is completed. ...


... As was generally foreseen, the protest laid by thei ?? Villa against Sheffield Wednesday proved futile, and for this season at least all hopes of gaining the: the Englisha Cup are gone. Although there can be no doubt iea.% that the Villa were most unlucky in losing at Sheffield, es), and that a goal, which it is claimed was not a legitimate! nd1 point,- was given against thorn, there was no ...


... SPORTING NEWSs RACI-ING NOTES. Evcrything is most prosnisinz for the old-es;tablished' Checster meeting, as the weather to-night is indicative of - being fine to-morrow, The improvem~ents which have , bean carried out since lastyea-r in th-ete~legraphic, press, weighing-roomt, and business ofilces will, i am sore, be greatly appreciated, as will bie the ex~tension of the pad- C: dock. Already ...


... TEE football season has now commenced, and so o apparently has the summer. For four months past the: y poor otlceter has been bravely struggling against his! h inclination to swear at the clerk of the weather, and now; the footbaler will probably be required to display similar icommand over his temper and bis tongue. The poor old gentleman who deals ort the English weather is either I e ...


... In spite of a very wet morning and a dull afternocon, there was a large attendance at this annual meeting yes- terday. An attractive programme was provided anL all the arrangements were admirably carried out by a capable staff of oficials. The special attraction was a balloon ascent and parachute descent by Miss Maud Brooks. These feats were success- fully accrplished shortly Lefore seven ...


... I - To the Editor of the Daily Post.-Sir,-The news to liand from America that racing in the State of New York is likely to be stopped for the next twenty years now that the Puritan party have got!-, the upper hand in Congress plainly shows that the I Sporting League was started not a bit too soon; I r and I am pleased to hear bbat allover the country Ic memboia are enrolling themselves in ...