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... EsxsssKrILss.-This court was held on 22nd inst., before Mir. William Carson, J.F. (in the chair); Viscoant Corry, 1.L.; Messrs. John Arthur Irwvin, J.P.; William T eelle, J.P.; Edward Smyth. J.P.; H. R. Lindsay, J. .; Jeremiah Jordan, ?? and Dr. WValsh, J.P. The Town Commissioners suramnoned Captain Collum, DL.., for having ocr- tain premises occupied by residents in Queen Street in an alleged ...


... J3ELFAST iEOOi?ThtrS ? | Ir. harery Fitizgibbon, Q.C., County Court IJudlge. took his seat; in tshe Recorder's C~ourt at ?? t2on Satur.lay morning, an~d resaumed th~e lbeeriug of ?? civil bill cases. 3Ir T;hemesa Cunninu tharo, regi'arar of the court, nsas in attenrdanlce. C1iAWFOit. V. ARCIThO.OG. THE aiDV5NTISBS li A :eLSTReE[. TR.OtiOS Inz this nose. Jo}hn Crawford, phrocorreniher, ci ...


... LISBIJRN QUARTER SESSIONS. Yesterday Nr. EUeury Fitzgibbon, QOC.. County Court fuadge of Antrimn. took his seat in the Court- house, Lishurn. and nroeeeded to deal. with the cases entered forbearingv. IMr Thomais Cunnine. hamn, Acting Clerk of the Peace, w as in attend- ance. WrRIGIST V. INGIAS & 00., LIMITED. Dr. K~eighticy. Barrister-at-Law (instructed by Mr. Hugh Mulholland) stated that the ...


... ?? seess ins x were hield ont 13tl iot. tm'-lle Aita'S. Joihn RaLpihael, -.J. (in thte cu ...


... i uAGssrAF L'T-Tite hi-m1ontllly court of pet-y ej.SSIvflS Lasai held on tlee 25th inst.-hefore Mr. Camnpbell Ga':;ssen, Barrister-at-Law, J.P. (pre- sinding) ; Ar. Thonlaz Wilson, J.P. ; and Mr. .iohn tlieenaon, J.P. Rrtixrt Weir, Bilayuocker, supi- monaed Wifliaun J. Reynolds, of same place, for that hle did wilfully stop the free courae of a water co-tn-e. Mr. MGnetmkin (fur Mfr. WV. W. ...


... LAWN TENNI[S. | TERE OLIFTOYVILLE TOURNAMENT. , OW7ING to the wret state of the ground the com- mnittee hawing charge of the annual touarnament on the Cliftouvillc grounds decided not to start play yesterday. The improvemuent in the wveather since Monlday night has been such that the ground should b:e in very good condition at one o'clock to- day. when it is proposed to make a begrinning.: | ...


... BELFAST QUARTER SESS1ONS THE County Court Jadge sat in the Record Court of the County Courthouse, Crumlin Road, on Saturdav, and resumed the business. Mr. Thomasn Cunningham, Acting Clerk of the Peace, was in attendance. TURNER V. MiCOOD. Adam Turner, undertaker, Clifton Street, sued John Mt'ord, farmer, Ballinderry, to recover £40 143 6d, ' whereof £20 is for cash paid by the plaintiff to the ...


... DGE SNPATRiMK ]QUIT-7- SESSIONS. Oi thbs Qtch isst. the bsirness of thsse scssions wa c conanseaoed before Mr. l;c auD COLQe ?? e. County C Court Judge of Down. 'Mlessrs. S-. L. -lae~afl-ne. Clerk of the Crovn ea nd 5aes TMho as Or'e-u. Dcpuly Clerk; ani Charles I'izpicsu.i registrar, weere in attendance. TOir AIa V. SAVAC F. Thi~s v~a3 a remit'--zti ob firelu the 1T1gb c Court of Justice ...


... A IMJBLLNWILL CASE. DUBLINy, MoNDA. ,-To-day, in the Proboate and Matrimonial Court, before Mlr. Justice Gibsoal and a special jury of the city of Dublin, a ?? wvas comnmenced to establish thle will1 of thle late 3Ir, Gervas Lennox Ta~ylor. of 21, lloleswcrth Street, in wrhich Dr. L. H,. Ormsby and M~essrs. Robert G-ibney and Frederick W. Kevin w-ere plaintiffs; and Meassrs. Thomas Good. WV. 5 ...


... I DeBtIN, FaTDr. -To,-day, in the Probate asd Matrimonial -Division, before Judge Warren and a common jury, the case of M'Cormick v. M'Cor- Mick came on for bearing. ft is a suit brought by Charles and Alexander M'Cormick, nephew of the late JrFras M'Cornmick-, a farmer, residing at Ballymaconoan, County Longford, to set aride the will of the deceased. nated 9th December, 1892, which had been ...


... BELFAST QUARTER, SESSIONS. His Honouir the Countv Couirt -Tudrp- Si-t in firs Retaord Court cc tirt' CqII tv C:~ i- i. sl,, Crucolinii Rto ul, vissti-rdav. and re-ciirnl ii 'f2lTO.r'- Sli. Tillor111 ISCmln~itaL 4111 1 5111 V .al Iir rq Clerk of time p -act', we'- ro -atcnd,. TILL WAI't-llN V. i-AIMTN. Thi's was an r eti 0 in ~ijzud b-a I liter Watsonr, auctionleer, Nvelihu 41 i Pv1-c~ -'II ,. ...


... QUABi 1?R SIUSIONS. DOW9NPATIIICKE. i t F], a:- sessionS were continued oni th 31st nlgl, ~ -U. fre lir. Davidrebutol erie.l~l Q C., Counuts don'-t a eldg,,e. A SProTINGr CA-SE. o ITa;,iiito'ni MDowoell. Ballynah3inch., sa edwiuilani Johmn Re d. 13ollynacarn. and Wl1ian Rtice, 33ally- nahineb. to recover £5, the half value ?? a stak;e1 woen by plaintiff'a bitch, Ulster Lily, at the late 1 ...