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... iMVPORTANT DUBLIN WILL CASE. &LLEGED UNDUE INFLUENCE. SINGULAR LETTERS. Yesterday in the Probate and Matrimonial Court, before Mr Justice Gibson and a special jury of the city of Dublin, a. suit was commenced to establish the will of the late Mr Gervas Lennox Taylor, of 21 Molesworth street, in which Dr L H Ormsby and Messrs Robert Gibney and Fro- derick W Nevin were plaintiffs, and Messrs ...


... LAW-IT-TEL NC , E. C OQl:RT- OF? A'PPEAL. ?? - . ' (Before the Lord' Chancellor, the Lard Chief Justice, and tfli Lords Jstices of Appbat)j.: HXNNON V G S AND W RAIL*AYCO:-.V 'This was an appeal from an order of the Es- cheger Divisiohn settin- aside d ve3-dict-ob- tained by the:plaintiff for $50 0ainst the defendant company for false iiprisonment and mualicious prosecution Thejplaintiff, A ...


... OP1ENIN% OF MUNSTER ' . ' ASSIZES. - I I . .. r ._ , , -- . . -.s .. . L.- THE CHIRF BARON ON THE COG- DITION OF THE SOUTH. A SGENERAL- DINUTIOIN OF CRIME. Cork, Monday. Chief Baron Ealles opened the Commission for the Mundter Winter Assizes this afternoon at half.past four in the temporary oourthouse, Cork, His Lordship was accompnied by Mr James Dwyer, J PB, igh Sheriff of. . the, city. T me ...


... AN ALLEG-ED BETTING LIBEL. I I~ A RAILWAY GUARD'S CASE. Yesterday the followzng case came on before Nir. Justice .Hrrison amnd a jury- MURPHY V. GOUGH. This was an action ?? Murphy, a railway guard in the employment of the Great Southern and Western Railway, to re- cover damages from Mr. Patrick Gough, who caried on business as B1 X Gough, for a libellous letter which he alleged that the. ...


... I I I ~~SA >TURPD Ay. 0 CHANCERY DIVISION. a; G (Before the Master of the Rolls.) i ?? v. ORB AND ROBsNsoss.-On Satur- day the arguments were resumed and con- claded in this case in which the plaintiff, Miss B Julia Hfanson, seeks to be declared entitled to c £7,000 and silver plate and household effeets, B under a deed made by her late uncle, Mr John C Hanson. The Malster of the Rolls ...


... IA TEMPLEMORE SLkNDEPR CASE. I vp.Rf .- Pa n o i . P , Yesterday, in the Exchequer Court. hbefrE I Mr Justice Andrews and a special jury, tih- case of Cussen v Ryan came on for hearinz The action was brought by Mr Jerome J cus- sen, T C, a draper and auctioneer in Temnale- more, county Tipperary, to recover -£1 000 'damages from Air William -fyan, T C, for alleged slander. The statement of ...


... I tA BANK OFFICIAL COMMITS SUICIDE. Enuiscorthy, Wednesday. A teller named Arthur Hitchmough, a young man of about,26, connected wlth the Provincial Ban k, Enniscorthy, was found in a bedroom at the bank to-day with his throat cut from ear to ear. Medical assistance was summoned, but proved of no avail, and the unfortunate man died in a brief time. Coroner Murphy will hold an inquest. ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENOE-YESTERDAY Nor=BUN DIrvszo.N-(Before Mr. Keys.) LAUCANY FROM THE BEUNY STRNXT DEBRIS. Michael Walsh was charged by Constable 194 D with stealing two pieces of lead from the debris of kite great fire in Henry strtet. The constable stated that the prisoner aass em- ployed in clearing away the debrisi and . lie ?? hibm pick up two pieces of lead and secrete them, The accuned ...


... TTIlE colt, C-., SCANDAIL C A S E. I ?? ?? EX`_'AMINATIONX OP Mu. IuN_\ SlR Gt COLTHIUIRSi', NT) LORD BANDONq CLOSE OF PLAINTIFFS CASE. Yesterday in the Xiisi Prius Court, befort M3r. Justice O'Brien and a special Jury, the rial of the action of Pike v icatijalish Wa resumned. The action is brolugilt by MIr Josueph Pike, J P, D L, of Dulalnad, Dun- kettle, county Cork, against Co.,t Richard ...


... .LA INTELLIGENCE. *1 1~~~ ~ -- . ?? l I: CHNCR DIV ISVI IO - .(Before the -Master of the F&ls.0w I DAV4.Vn 1MGYMir Shortt (instizucted by: Ti essr~s ?? and. Sho2rtt) appl4sd for leive to issiea sulamonus ?? the pe'*song- , estate of Kenll=:-Thomas Joseph Digbv, M P, and to serve 1i out 9f the ZUtisdietion. m Coiinsei's client was a mortgagee of lands of 00, the dereased in the cbunty of ...


... C'S Fl-T-. A V SATURDAY. lett CHANCERY DIVISION. On Saturday the Lord C anoellor sat in his; own court and disposed of a list which in claded minor, lunacy, and other matters. to NOTA'RiMS PUBLIC FOR BELFAsT. sab e On the motion of Mr Meredith. Q C, M~r ini g Archibald ?? Rtowan Carr, stockbrbker, a a was appointed a notary public for Belfast. P a On the motion of Mr JosOph -Moore, Mr of d ...


... . DUBLIN CITY C9M.MITSSION. JUDGE HARRISON'S CHAGE,. Yesterday the City Commission was openeo by Mr Justice Harrison and the Iight lion the Lord Mayor. The latter attended in state, and was attended by the civic. officers -the City Marshal, the Sword Bearer, ani Mace Bearer. The CiLy High Sheriff (Mr. M'Coy) and the Sub-SheriTMro CIoy} were in attend- alice. TG~e5'oing'rent1eXn~ 'were swvor on ...