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South West, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... L5EGED BO- S- - flccrO r~LjGEJD BOGUS REGISTRY. Cft&GES WN BRISTOL POLICE COURT., gtf~ltlpolice court yesterday, before Mr E. cotuo r~ et-ebaly-deeatid young women, '13aki~'llgbarid Ellen BeoLefn, worebrought r~E~ ~ chere~ed witb ?? 2v GJ by feave 01 ~ ~res rom ]3~icBiunri'.titt W i~t ikit uto defr&u1, ti e L~tOWeT ottr harueG Li? a similar~ Mittura in ete vronu, in rddition to sta oharge of ...


... GLOUCESTERSIRJE ASSEIZE - f _-x Before Mr justice Mathew. ALLEGED CHILD XURDEBe Mary Fryer (20), domestic servant, was chargzed with murdering, on August 41th at Berkeley, a newly born unnamed male child, She was also charged an the Inquisition of the Cofoner (Dr E. M. Grace) with the e if iul murderofher childe It appearedf ro- the evidence that at the time of the committal of the alleged ...


... TEMPILE CLOUD POLICE COURT. YESTIBRDAY, Before Col. Barton So0bell and Mr O. A. Xemble CSUErTY TO A CAT, William Palfitb, of Paulton, was summoned for cruelly 1lltweating a cat by striking it with a atone, on October 14th. He pleaded guilty, No evidence was Oiven, although statements were made by Kra Chapman and a lad named Simmons. The former, who was the owner of the oat, said that the ...

ODD [ill]

... ODD S Ui Ci j, Tho cry of the ?? fi ?? i- . ypublie wil1 have. -Nor do y *. : ncr what the novelcy iq . obteinid it, to Iog 1.3 tL y itraiftiifg after reehi::7 ntr ne. , art or lit3ratWeo; it ?? r e 7 tnicide. Ac- a rule, whcn ?? ila to p.ut an end .a thunr L. I : forixer timec to ?? u;.cn tk .. thtrwte, or Poison thn ve- r cle of feur meths^.n Ticeco.. .. : I Foieco, ?? tb ' C' * :. or ut ...


... SUICIDE AT FOUBTEEN. all Mr A, Braxton Hicks hold an Inquest at the Angel 1% inD, Thames Ditton, Surrey, an the body of Ethel on Annie Jeans aged 14, which was found on the London ird nad South-Western Railway, near Thames Ditton er, Station, early on Thursday morning, with the bead LOB out off. ed Harry Milbham, iiving at Summer road, East Mlolsey, identified the ody as that of him foster ...


... In the Divorce Division of the High Court of Justice yesterday, before the Preident (Sir Franoli Jenee) and a common jury, the case of Andrew v, Andrew, Moon and Cole came on for heaoing. This was a petition of Mr Archibald Andrew, African merohant and shipowner, of Bristol, who rued for a divorce from him wife on the ground of her alleged adultery with the coreipondents, Ur Moon, who Was ...


... I CHIPPING BODBURY POLICB COURT. The magistrates present at the petty session, at Chipping Sodbnry, yesterday, were the Duke of Beaufort, the sgv 5I Canon Nash, Sir Wm. Robinson, Gon. Hale, and fgr H. F. 81 Coney. THE ITHWKESIBURY AFFRAY. Et The resumed hearing of the charge against a man, T nametd Miunckton, of feloniously wounding P.C. Wright, at Hawkesbnry, on November 21'h, with intent to ...


... In the Q1een's Benoh Divitionyetterday, before Mr mel Justiie Mathew, Mr Andrew Melv511e5 PropTrieor of pol the Standard Tbeatre, sued the defendants, MeBsrm Poi W. G. Moore and Co. and Mr Sidney Frederlok Collins, Q the publisher and editor respectively of the news- Q paper Comet, to rcoover damages for alleged libel, Vit The defendants admitted the publioation, but denied ctO that it was ...


... LYSAGET & CO. (LIMITED) v. COLEMAN. of In the Qaeon'a Bench Division of the High Court of tb Juetice yeaterda y, Mr Juetice Wills gave judgment in tbo au nee of Lysaght and Co. (Limited) v. Coleman, heard before stA hin at the last Bristol Assize, and further considered in co London last week. Thia was an action brought against an di underwriter to recover his proportion of tho expznse53 op th ...


... BUIOIDE AMONG INDIANS. The old idea that suicide wat the child of civili.. tUOn, practically Unknown among savages, has received a blow from the result of investigations rscently made among AmericnnIndiana. Oautf the oases collected, 20 were the result of disappointment In love, 13 offended pride, five fear of captivity, seven family quDrrelm, and four melancholy, The feelings wits bhich ...


... AN IMPOXTER -IN J BRISTOL. EXTRAOUtDINNAUY FRA.U D8, Ylieterday, at tbe Bristol Po1loe Clonr, Meei Wr U. B B Darker and W. E: George heard ?? In whioh William King, a young fellow, was charged with e stealing a gold chain, a Beal, and two tinge, of the it value of £9, the property of James Tavener, sho I nailstant, of 71, College street The proseontor maid a that on February 10th the prisoner, ...


... BRISTOL COUNCIL . REPORTS. I ?? -. a &' i . WS -ti 4. 'A 1MS THE LOCAL GOVERNMEN1T ACT, 18. Amongst other business to be dealt with At the monthly Council meetiigR sumemoned for Tuesday next will be the following ?? committee appointed to consider, tha report of the Town Clerk on the Local Government Act, 18h1, and to advise the Council as to the coarse of action to he pursued in the interests ...