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... CLAIM Pon 280 IIEARIeIG AT BRISTOL ASBI17M MV,Tpotloe Lwras~fnoe, sitting Wit otedt a hjr iw the pg f ystrda t ?? the' action -brought by ob Bistl Tamwys.and~ CarrIaga CompAny, fi the n31itl Messrs Weston andl COn Tne cove ti limited, ded with onsiderable Interest, and for the n ,,,er prefet of the day the court ?? c bretr~ of corn mefohanlts being Present. It C coiner ntl loeupon noon, ...


... REMARKABLE FBAUDS. to HlOW~ PEOPLE ARE DUPED. The followin~g' are details of the extraordinary case of fraud which has just been brought to light in Birmingham. air tebd which. in some respects, parallels the celebrated lbs Furneaux frauds which caused a sensation. in that city and of Orhigibour'bood a dozen years ago. Oa that occasion people of where swindled by a woman who, dressed in male ...


... LAWFOBD'1 GATE POLIGE UOUST. YESTERDAY. Before Meotoe F. Totbill,W. Butler, G. H, Pope, and J. Derham, T1E EABLY BIRDS GOT T1lE CREAM. Frank Didhiam, who carries on busineis at a dairy. man, at Redfieid, St. George, was charged with telling milk whioh bad been altered by 35 per cent of the cream having been extracted, on the 13th Jane MlrWanabrougb (Wansbrough and Robinson) appearel for the ...


... .: = - , , = . : THE; ;HAYMARKET CASIL L I . ?? AF -fmir ELIOT v. TRZ BRISTOL OOBPORATION. FIFTH DAY'S PBOONIiDINGS, In the Uhancery Division of the High Court of Justioe yesterday, before Mr Jvitie Kekewiol, the further bearing of this action was continued, the Nome counsel as before representing the different parties. Mr Cozeno-Hsidy, Q.O,, ?? him arguments in support of the defendants' cAce ...


... LAWFOBD'S GATE POLIOH (OURT. Vvng'Pn n A V YESTERDAY. Before Messrs F. Tothill (in the chair), (harlee Thomas, G. I. Pope, Ilenry Derkarn, and U. W. savage. WORKUo E CASES. A middle aged man, named John Cox, was cbarged with deatroayig his clothing while an inmate of the Brittol Workbouee, on Friday, The evidenue showoa that the man tore his clothes into shreds, Prinonee said they weoe *o ...


... EI COUHT. YESTERDAY, Before D1mrsr G. H. Pope, D. 0. A. Came, O. W% 8avage, I. G. Graham, G. Fuasell, and H, Derhanm, REMANDED. Jobn Didwin Baxtur, a one eyed man, who eaid ta bblon~ed to Ilath, was ohbrited with breakinif ard eoterinE a houme at Willabridge, in the ocoupition of Albekt ldwrd Gully, with intentto commita felony. tlire Gully vaid ?? on TuesdBy afternoon she was aboeiat from the ...


... INQUEST AND VEMDIOM. The inquest was resumed yesterday at Southend on the body of Florence Dennis, li connection with whose murder a pay clerk named Read la wanted, Robert Dowethwaite, an umbrella maker, deposed that on the Sunday night prior to the ditcovery of the murd r he Paw a man and woman near PrIttlewell viuarage. They were arm in arm. The mra suddenly wheelfd hie companion around from ...


... A BRISTOL INSURANCE CASE, . AJ^hJ4J %J8. Ad- N Sd AYA.S %.t ?? Yesterday at the Briqtol County 'ourt his lonot)r Judge Austin waa oocpied some time with tbe vdjourred case of the Orown Accident Insurance Company v. Wilkinson. Mr Styring represented tl e plaintiffs. The action was brought to recover £I 5o Cd premiums alleged to have been collected by the defendant and retained, and lor £27 18e ...


... lXAMIiATION OF MR COOPER, In the Divorce Court, yesterday, before Sit F. Jeune' and a speclal jury, the further hearing of the case Hawtrey v, Hawtrey (Queen's Ptootor intervening) war resumed, It wag A suit In which the Queen'a Proctor intervened to prevent a decree nisi being' made absolute which Mri Hawtrey had obtained in. an undefended divorce suit inatitated against hp&, husband, Mr ...


... ., ?? - -: ?? . , - , SEWYvil - ?.-a ,. YESTERDAY. a 1eforo Messrs A. Robineon and C. W. Cope Proctor. WHOLESALE TlIEETO OF TOOLS. t Frederick Ward,a youvg nin, was charged withatealing a thrre trowels, value Os, the property of Edward Joseph a Hrflerman, a plasterer, of Bedminster. Prosecutor said a that he was at work at Paradise row, Bedminster, and miesed the trowels from the building on ...


... .SENEATIONAL UBIM1RAL TRIAL. he Rhide commenced on Monday -before a Npeui',il did ii he8 sitting of the Hninaulb Aislee Court at Mons, one of 0a th ge msomt sensational criminal trials over known in plizo HBelgium, Whe prisoners, l3 in number, of whout t vo vir Za the Centre, under the Leadership of a one-armed man 2011 A' named Van Ham, There are no lessthan S oonats in Ga'il or the ...


... A SETTLEMIENT. Cl In the Frobate and Divozc: Division, yesebrday, n before LaId Justice Lorep, the further helving of the case of Rogers v, Rogers and Rome was resamed. t The petition was praeentcl by Mr John Rummell f Rogers, a theatrical maue 'er, praying for a diveola. h tion of his marriage on the ground of the misconduct Ea of his wife, Ura Wilhel'ir', Rogers, professionally e known as M ...