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... YESTERDAY. Before Mr W. Soommetville, Jun. (In the chair) and Mr 0, W. Savage, NAUGHTY BOYS, Three boys of about tee years of age, named Robart Lewis, Arthur Webber, and George lien, were brought before the court charged with ntcdirtp a quantity of scrap iron. value Gd, the property of the Great Weetern Railway Company, from Lawrence Hill Station. blr Parr (of the firm of Osborne, Ward, ...


... YESTERDAY. B6foro hoeora F. F. Fox end J. Ponbory. 6INGULAR OCCURRENCE IN CASTLE STitEEr. John Henry Bath, a raeilectaably dressed men, ?? charged on remand with being drunk whilst in charge of a horse and trap, with furions driving, and RliN with ?? the police, Mr A. J . Maeer (Ififton, Crteor. and Co.) appeared for the defence. P.C. Wall statae thaG about half-past seven on the uveniug of ...


... STAPLETON SMALLPOX HOSPITAL; TEE RATING APPEAL WI rHDRLWN. At the Lawford'a Gate po ce court yeuterday, Mr Holman Gregory (Meesrm Gregory 3nd Hiurst) men- tioned the matter of the aupeal aaainet the Stapleton local dietrict rate. lie said the matter eas aodjourned to thst day in order that before the Rev W. a, Shaw, the appellant, entered into recoxnisauoeo to appear before the court end cbide ...


... SHOCKING SUICID-., A t, 1, l; 4 1 4 1 i I I I Sergeant Greager, of the luil police force, aid refidiret in Iall chtteet, committed suicide on Sesday ?? by hlinging himnelt to the etiira hauaEnter, What catied him to commit the dc a he htd phown no hiinO or mental disorder, Hie hid beeon many years in the police force, A hoolec iY nsuicide, rwhich oreatled a pRinfa. nanea- tion in tile town, ...


... E3ilfTODL POLstl COURT. SATURDAY. Before ?? F. J, Fry and T. Fornbay4 HUSBAND AND WVIrE IN TUOU)LE, Jane Idledouzue, ta. youuvg woman of reepact1ahib e exilralice, wieja Charged with being- dzunt; wnd dia. ornirly and with :veauilt g P0. 40 D, a woamn Dimamed Mary Park, and TWil.liam Johbno,, ; ped her huisband, Edwin John Rodbourne, wan eherged wifn Ftt~ez.tiOr to reMonM her, ldra Park', o? ...


... PORTWi B3OMERSEr DIVISION. LIVELY SITTING AT KEYN81101, A9SIFITANT OVERSEER A TORY AGENT. f Mr ?? NOville continued hir reviion of the libtl of voters in the North Somerest Dlivieion at Keyu- ,Soazn iettodi3y, tokinz the pariehee of Keynrmsin, QuCtn Charnton, haltford, flurnett, Coarpton DIaulo, Maikthury, Priaton, aud Stanton Prior. The eourt wae hold at the Lamb sad Lirk hotel, Mr J. E, ...

Daring Robbery at Queenstreet Station

... Daring Robbery at Queen- street Station. About £203 Worth of Lugeaeg Stolen, An Arrest at Bath. A telegram fromn Batii ?? .nnonmce; an arrest in connection wivrh dalringrobbery at Queci,-street Station, Lxe:er, involving the loss of luggage, said to amoint to ulpwlr.3 of or about £;200. From particslais ws-, have been abtle t ?? it appears to be a case which haa required a cot.s derable amount ...


... At the C!,ekenidell seoicn, London, yesterday, John 1 ' C. Wayd, 8G, dctorited as a journalict, wre indict d w for harving obtained, by means of false prsteaner, eloem Hery Dana, four tickets of admission to the Globe Theatre, value two guineas, with intent to defraud. llsi Kerehaw prosecuted, and ral Googhegan defended. it appearcied ?? on the 11th or 10th of July lest Mr v Dr)C, lU.rsincCR ...


... BI3ISTOL POLICE 00UaT. SATURDAY, Before Mauve 0. luotegod and W. A. Tod7d, ATTEI\IPTED SUICIDE. Janne Harris wp brought up on remand, charred with attempted tuicide in the Floatingz Harbour, The evideacefgiven Ft the previous bearing wat to the effect that the prisoner wes teen to jump into the harbour near Alc9ire ICing Brothers. A laborore Lamed Johnalox jamped in alter hor, and both would ...


... TEE FATAL HYPNOTIC C&SE .. ~ ~~ ~_ . _.:i Z - ?? ?? &Ub~.IT - Now tcat a legal inquiry (writer the Vienna aorre- Ppondent of the Times ) has been ordered into the circumstancca connected with the sudden death, in the presence of her family, of a young lady in the Szaholiczer district, in Hungtary, while under hypnotic influence, a complete and trustworthy account may be expected of this ...


... TEE DIAMOND ROBBERY. It is considered extremely probable that the thieves knew the value of the diamonde which M1r Spyzer bad brought with him to England, and they were no doubt disappointed with their kin.l Mr Spyzer was in posaession of over Q20,CC0 worth of preciona stones, which ho usually carried in a diamond belt under- neath hia waimtcost. It was not from any motiven of suspicion that ...


... BBISTOL POLICE COURT. YESTERDAY, Before Messrs W. Patbicek and J. C. Godwin. Is A CARDIFF BOY IN TROUBLE. fr Sidney C barles Yoneg, a boy, was charged on remand fn with s rtaling 14s 4d from a till in the shop of William rt I Henry Ireland, chemist, of College etrest. It 13semed f freso the evidence that the prosecutor's daughter saw the Di I ?? lening over the shop counter, and when a51ce di ...