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... PETTY _ESSIONS. RA.NDA1STne 7.-This monthly court wa: heM yesterday before Mr. ?? Orr, R.M. (ohairmar). Dr. MI'Donnel. J.P.: Messrs. John Xirk, J.P. ii Meenan. J.P.; and 0. L. Young, J.P. IlhiaiL Peelan, 1 B. Lanark Street. Belfast, was snoumoan ...


... A RMAGH. ON 25th inst. hie Honour Judge Kisbey sat in the County Courthouee, Armagh, and concluded the business. Mr. J. Mann, Clerk of the Crown and Peace; Mr. J. Morrow, assistant, and Mr. G. I Moffet, registrar, were in attendance. SCOTT V. EDWARDS. This was an action brought by George Scott, of Annaclare, against George A. Edwards, J.P. Armagh, to recover the sou ef £45, loss sus- tained by ...


... THE LARIN[ TRAGEDY. IN Q TT ES T. The ?? i-nquiry into the oirc.mstances attending the death of Adm Mfaxweli was w ld Iast evening in the Courthouse before Dr. J. J. Adams,. cxroner f.r the division. Distriet-Ia- spector Lilly was present in behalf of the con- stabulary. Arthur Donald, dea.ler, St. John's Place, said he was in Lizzie MDonvcll's hon-se aout eleven oalock on the night in ...


... LONG VACATION MOTION;S-Ocr. 18. !fr. Justice MADDEN sitting as Vacation Judge. 0. AND J. G. POTTER V WILLIAM WHITE. Mr. ?? C. X. Wilson (instructed by Mesrsr Wheeler cz MCutcheou) moved for liberty to sign final judgment in this action for d8 7s lid, being the amount due by the defendant, who is a news- paper proprietor, carrying on busines at Lurtian, on foot of a dishonoured bill of exchange ...


... BELFAST ]MUNTICIPAI, SESSIONS. Yesterdlay tire revisiocn of the url-ges liskt *,a.s .lresUned in tire Comity Courtlior'se, Crimliri Pload. r bY Mess. Geitrge Hill Smnit. A. II. Bates. WV. ai Wjlitalher. IV. AM. tl'Grath. acnd. F. H. Ej'tistun, I1 Duck WaC ;rd. where Mr. Smithi presided. Robt. Wil-l1o, ihuildher. Doncaidlo Strnet, was olbjt'cted tO in rvepspct of premi ises at 10, Rlichimofnd ...


... PIECENT MUPIDER IA COUNTY CORl. . r E I UN Q T E S T. SPECIAL TELEGRAMe. ClRYa, MIOYDALY-This afternoon in the Court- house. N ewmarket, County Cork, Coroner Byrns held an inquest on the body of a farmer uimed John T. Murphy. who wa.r beaten to death in the presence of his 'nother and brotihtrs on last WVed- uesday ?? Michael Murnhy brother of the deceased. deposed that, while return- from a ...


... A R 31 A G R. Yesterday his Honour, Judge Kishey, COiunty Court Judge for the Counties of Arinagh and Louth, sat in the County Courthouse, Armagh, and took up the hearing of the eases for the Armagh division). Mr. J. Man-on. Clerk of the Crown and Peace, was in attendance . The following gentle. men were sworn en the Grand Jury:-3leisss. Geo. WV. Lowenl (firTeman), John Edgamr, George Finnegan ...


... THE SOJIO MYSTE1R1Y. EXTRAORDINARY DEVELOPMENT. SENYSATIONAL REVELATIONS. The Central N ews ?? September 15th last an elderly gentleman. supposed to be v, Spanish priest, accompanied by a Frenchman, aged ap- parently about twenty-five years, hired a small. druble-bedded room on the third floor of Blondel's Hotel and Restaurant, at 49, Old Compton Street, Solio. The priest gave no name, but the ...


... 'POLIlCE INTELLIGENCE. CUS'TODY COURT.-YmSzFRRAY. Before Miessrs. F. J. MACCARTHY, R.M., and DAVID COBETT, J.P. STONE-TEROWIt. Peter Maxwlell was charged with having assaulted a little boy namedi Mt'Chesney by striking him on the head with a stone. Constable YoungI having given evidence of the arrest, the injured boys mnother said the prisoner was going up a street on the previous day with a ...


... QUARTER SEtSSIONS. BALLY3ENA. Yesr-tirdlav his TEinour. Ar. FIenty Fitzgibbian. Comnty COurt .JTidgc for Antru-n. and Ret-order for iT;,it-. sa~t it the Ballyrtn-na CiMriiit'-e. and re- 6libii- L tr-- e tile: s-e 'u Mr. Tltnma.s. i ?? Ft ?? Act~ing C~lark at tiII sc;, pro- l~ Ii LII 'l tT TO i'YCLbT5. Ifiugh CEt.i,-. Ii.ltlleta. -ael til- Bfitxc-alstle pf2i-1;j ?? t.- i-c-cite r th!e Lli ...


... KILLINCOY GRAVEYAJAP AGAIN. PROSECUTION UNMER THE PUBLIC HEA MTh AC'. ALLEGED INFRINGEMRENNT OF BURLAL RIGHTS. Yesterday at Killyleagh monthly court of petty sessiotas a case was heed whiich once again rinmg the Kiillincby graveyard under public notice. It airose out of the alleged infringemnent of the burial rightts of Mrs. Sarath Anderson, of Craigavad. some of Whose ?? loe been interred ...


... POLICE INTELIAGENCE. BELFAST CU--STODY COURT-YMSTrasoxy. Before iMr. F. J. MACCATHT7. RPiA. and Mr, DATVID ^COrBETT. J.F. Charles Scott was charged with stealing a brush from the licensed premises of John Gleater. 89, Shank ill Road. Constable (Crane arrested the prisoner uvtl the broomn, and Gleazer identified the propertv, which no one had any rirht to take. Drink was Scott's defence. ...