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... GLOUCESTERSIRJE ASSEIZE - f _-x Before Mr justice Mathew. ALLEGED CHILD XURDEBe Mary Fryer (20), domestic servant, was chargzed with murdering, on August 41th at Berkeley, a newly born unnamed male child, She was also charged an the Inquisition of the Cofoner (Dr E. M. Grace) with the e if iul murderofher childe It appearedf ro- the evidence that at the time of the committal of the alleged ...


... TEMPILE CLOUD POLICE COURT. YESTIBRDAY, Before Col. Barton So0bell and Mr O. A. Xemble CSUErTY TO A CAT, William Palfitb, of Paulton, was summoned for cruelly 1lltweating a cat by striking it with a atone, on October 14th. He pleaded guilty, No evidence was Oiven, although statements were made by Kra Chapman and a lad named Simmons. The former, who was the owner of the oat, said that the ...


... I3RISTOL POLICE COURT, YESTERDAY, w Before Mfesers A, N. Price and Henry Danil, tl A MIDNIGHT FROLIC, Y William Fredk. Adams, a respectably dretked ; r man, described as a hairdresser, was ctirgeC W4 i2 orderly conduct and with damagiDQ notice boirt if Whiteladies road that morning. ?? Joh4 0 said tbkt shortly after midnight be heard a no-cl e of breaking boards in front of Vicvofi Cbs; RN e ...


... V11.fl l A V YBEITERDAY, Before Mr Justice Grantbasn. THEFT BlY 4 POSTM AN PACKER. Frederiok Davie, 131, postman packer, pleaded #Itillty, to steeling a postal packet and letter containing 43 in t money and a watch, volue P3, the property of the di POetnIUS~ter.General, on October 21th. Mr Foote wagt t for, te prosecution, and air Mathews defended. o Peisonler had been employed at the Poet ...

Exeter Police Court

... Exete? Poi Monday. Before the Bight, 'Worshipful Cth (Alderman E. J. Dotevlle) 70 Varwell, B. It. Force, A. Bue) M-5. W. Peters, W. w. Bureb wt B. Theft. I [rar Llly awoujan well ko police, was charged riti , ° value 2s 6p1, the property of ]d ,re Prisoner pleaded no,~ gulitr and sid was lent to her by ?? s on the Friars, 'vhere she r is VI ?? ivas denied by the servant, J -is PC Symorss ...


... TRAGEDY AT KILBURN, SUICIDE AND ATEEMPTED MURDER, A double tragedy-attempted murder and suioide- occurred yesterday morning at No. 48, Oimond road, Kilburn, The eircoumstanceu eurounding the affair are stlll involved in mystery, but it appears bhat a man named Carter, who is represented as elderly, shot a MIs S1mv with a eix obambered revolver, and in the belief that he had aceomplished hie ...


... AN APPEAL CASE, B. W. MILLER AND Co,, LIMITED, V. GOZIIrE- I Yesterday, in the Court of Appeal, consisting of the Mamsrex of the Bolls and Lords Justices Lope. and Bigby, the appeal of the defendant flam the judg. ment of Mr Justice Lawrance at Bristol came on for I rgument. Mr Bomp~s, Q.C,, maid he appearel with Mr Doke for the appellant, Mrs Gommer, who had teen sied by Mewsrs R. W. Miller ...


... BDRIST POLOT! UBST, YESTEfRDAY. Before Jadje Austin nd Mr 0. W. OoPe.Px0toto. CRUELTY TO A HORSE. Obarleg Raywon wa urn smd~ied for cruellY Ill. -treating a borne by working it in an unfit state, Band Henry ?? was summoned for causift tihe anewaA to, be so 1wtreated. P.C. 21 D at ted that on Meon day be saw Rayon in Albert roaI, t Philip a udarob, with a wagon and two horsee. te had come from ...


... BBTSTOL FOLWE OURfT. YE'E3ERDAY. 13 fore Thlcreia F. J, Fry and J. Carlo. THEFT OF IRON. William Blunt, a haulier, was cabrzed with gteling ten owt. of iron from the Great Webtern ?? yard, the property of Ches ea Jame-c Hlabgood. Detective Lawrence saiv the prisoner in Redcrois atreet the previous day with a trap bcke.i to as m1riae store dealer's shop, Befng suspicioue, he made injuiries of ...


... BRITOL aoUNTaY OOUTG YESTERDAY. Before hlim Honour Judge Austin4 INTEiRESING CASe OF A QUARANTEN. Re THOMAS ELLOT, Back Hull ohambers, Bristol, prodnoe ?? was an application for a composition to be approved. A mistake had been imade in the notice, Thursday, November ltb, being printed for Feiday, November 10th, but it ?? thai there would be no objection to the proceedings on that account, the ...

The Suicide of a Prisoner

... I The Bujide of a Pris8mr. The gentlemn wfho comm~itte-seicide I her M iesty's rrison H ollowaywas wttajor Wil iam n Flenrylarkiason o lf t Bth tion of Mailitia. He was ,gnder remnda ODoge of indecently aesaulting two boys on Tower' bill. Tbe inquest was opened on Tuasday morning. Mr. Newtoni solicitor, wag present. The first witness was Iteginalil AYlmsr, Of 1, West Chapel-street. Mayfair. ...

Newton Police

... Before Mr. W. Vicary, 0.C. (in the Ohair), Admiral Cornish-Bowden, Dr. Gaye, Mes;rs. H. B., Brown, M: Fortesecue, F. J. Robinson, and F. H. Plumptre. The petroleum licenses in the division were ?? renewed. Mr. Richard Langdon, as representative of Mr. H. Maker, of the Teign Valley Granite Works, Hennock, near Bovey, applied for a license to keep about 200 pounds of blasting powder there, ...