... I STARTLING ADMISSION BY TH[E CULPRIT. A correspondent, telegraphing from Chelmsford last evening states that yesterday James Cantain Read, who is to be executed this morning for the Southend murder, received farewell visits from his brother Harry Read, and his married sister, Mrs. Kelly, both of whom were witnesses at the trial. The scene was a I very affecting one. On their departure Mr. J. ...


... BIRKINGHAM'X3 POLICE COURT. Y-stErDAY.- Before Messrs. Cobelw_ (Stip.), Edwards, ff ]5~_1ramw, azu Dr. 714arden2. MsAsRn SSE FOi1 B1 ThET.-BM ary Broown, Cattell Road, prolision dealer, was summoned for ellirg hutwr con- tairin- 75 per vent. of foreign fat. Th(t offencs wea admitted, but it was urged that the article was sold jist as it was received, and that defendant had no know- ledge that ...


... BIRMINGHAM- POLICE COURT. YEsIEEDnAY.-B&fore Messrs. Cetlroc (Stip.), . H. .Voyd, Hard jolt, Pa3/too, acc7c Wenei yesgit. ALLGnnos PoccEicrTC71xNG AT THE CATTLE SHOW.-A reopectably-dressed girl named Agnes Smith was 1 charged with stealing a purse containing 8s. from the packet of Mrs. Harriet Brown.-On Monday night the, iprosecutrix was at the Cattle Show, and after making a purchase at onre ...


... SH-9ROPSHIRRE ASSIZES. - SATUI1OA.-305f. oliefhi. ArtEcEn Ar TAtOTl AT A CorLInitev.-M-rt ,Tames Stevens (en bail) swas charg~ed wvith tile man- slanehsr ofJanusWilliamrs, at (iis id n Sep- temb~er 18; Mr. EK. Kettle, Mr. Daniel!, andi Mr. i-lorton w~ere, for the prosiecution, and Til. Spearmtan and Mr. Grahaml for th,~ e tifce.M . Ktte sicplactted that the prisoner had Iceen emiplo'yed as ...


... I :: - BIRMINGBAM COUNTY COURT. YEsTsBD.Yw.-Be5fore Mr. anphiett, Deputy J7u.%, -DAMAGISS FOR ASSAULT. -Mary Ann Millwald widow, carrying on business as a taxidermist, at 11 Moseley Street, brought an action against David jarrd, Davis, 87, Jamaica Row, to recover £150. damagesfoj assault. Mr. Dorsett (instructed by Mr. Fitter) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Dale (instructed by' Mr. ...


... KENSINGTON MURDER.I THE PRIOBABLE DE ElNCE, I ti C It in ondertitoed that no0 attemipt will be made to~ leap.1 lbs fact thiit Itogizliad SaunA LOrson1, who in 110W illn cuntody ait Armiaghi Gii l, actually curinniittat li t rhe nne I iii 'ieait l~eiiaiiugtoii sylijuli iq l11(1 to b1in charge. In Yi addition to ovislenae aigainet; the unsfortuantte n1ato whichl is regarded an coanctesivo, tIm, ...


... ROBBERY UNDER ARMS.' it it At the Guildhall, on the 23d ult., Arthur Moore, as 8. employee of the Princess's Theatre, was summoned for 5e driving a coach through the City for advertising purposes not sanctioned by the Commissioner. Con- ig stable Barton, 30J9, stated that on Oct. 23 1 he saw oh defendant driving a four-horse coach in Newgate-street. a- There were boards on each side, upon ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1894
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 496 | Page: Page 17 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... GAS COMPANY APPEALS IN VAIN. Judge Lumley Smith, Q.C., gave his decision in Westminster County Court, on Monday, on an appli- cation made by the Gas Light and Coke Company for a new trial in the ease of the man Brooks, whom a jury on the 2nd inst. awarded .30 damages under the Employers Liability Act, for injuries he received through the tilting of a ladder. Mr. Loebms had applied for a new ...


... XIDDLESEX SESSIONS. EIGHT MONTHS FOR 5s. The first man before this eminent Q.C. yesterday was Willtiam} Daobbs, horsekeper, who was convicted of stealing a coat, value Se. He has already been in cus- todv for three monthls. Mr. Littler nov obliged him with five months more. There is nothing known against you,, he said, but You must bare It suffi. ciently sharp sentenec to make you ...


... LIVTERPOOL POLICE C01 RT. at 11. SATUBRDAY, DECESZEER L. in BEFORE MRB. STEWABT, SCTIFECDILT. ilsanl-. Id ALLS5eo Uixc.&wrc PoSv-essS.O -Amra ?? and Annie Mutrphy were ?? Dma rscharge of bi in unlaw*u ...


... BIRMINGHAM_ POLICE COURT. ?? iiC3sers. Ceolmoe (StimX-) Sarf, I, a ir.~ 'jacobsq, (fd Lanoerei. AP.TEMfT-TK Potli1-13T'ICKING AT ,SetTFliiELTl 'AgnET -A pickpacket, nainel George Brown111, Was charged Lwith frequenthing Smithfield Nstack for then piurpose of picking puekett-0ii S3aturdliy ni bt DetectivNe-sergeant It C~ , artionelit 'ole', tele prisonec: press agaist orne ?? Madket. Hils right ...


... D REPORTED FURTHER CONTFESSIO.N,. The Press Association says the details which were published yesterday morning as to the arrest of and previous circumstances connected with the young mae Saunderson, charged with the murder of Auuste Dawes, at Kensington, on Sunday week, have, r, telegrams from various parts of the country show, aroused widespread feeling of sorrow for the crime, and sympathy ...