... [sROre THE PRESS Aesoosunow.- poat LOND ON, TuESDAY. De- '1here baa been very little inqur 'for money gvesi to-day, and short loans were quoted very easy Spasi at, 4' per cent. The Discount Mlarket was very TurkI ,weak!, and, with few- bills offering, rates for Do. I first-class, acceptances were quoted rather De,s& carter at -J to 9-16 per cent. Do/IT Business was againl somewhat; restricted ...

Published: Wednesday 03 July 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 3466 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCOE. LOCAL CHARTERIING TRANSACTIONS. Te . CAnDIzf, Thursday. ?? lowing include the latest fixtýares re. OUTNVARD-ST &5ER9. Cardi to Brindisi, 4s 41d, clean terms, 1,000 delivery i, Brindisi, 4a 10id, 500 delivery, clean terms- .. Gothenburg, 5s 6d, clean terms M a rs& 11i 6 s , T7 f . .: - II . I . . , Genoa, 5s 41d, clean.,.terms, 3,000 delivery Alexaadria, 5s 6d, clean ...

Published: Friday 14 June 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 3173 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... IFINANCIALe r'oM THiE P}nEss ABSOC5ATION.1 LONDON, THuS-DAy, Bank rate of discount without alteration. Money continues very abundant, and short loans or fixtures reusain without the slightest change, at 4 per cent. Discount _larket remains dull, and little doing, rates being nominally unaltered at 9-16 per cent for best three months' bills. The Paris cheque on London has further ad-. vanced ...

Published: Friday 26 July 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2929 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... I] n 4 T'EE LOSS -ft[bA!Eg^ :lUlRTHERE . INTERVIEWS. c representativ afternodil a, Western Maili r ?? nteviw ith twvo nliaslbers of the, crew. of the steamsnslp Angelica., which sailed from . Bordeaux on MAonday week with a cargo ofI ptoa for BarrY which struck the rocks off Milford' and whose crew, after the 11 W vessel had fouudered: were, saed under the g thrilling croumstance,~detailed. ...

Published: Tuesday 30 July 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 812 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... 3f LONDON METAL MARKET. LONDO E; -Friday. 4., Copper began at about last night's final-leval, cash making :842 7s. 6d., July'2 £42 ?? and 3uly 30 ?? 8 combined'£!2 1;. d. S After the c:ll there was a small ýimproement j to :£42 8s. 9d. for'casli and E42 los, for July 6 2, £642 16s. 3d. being accepted -for three months and £42 lie. 3d. for one month. A faip busi- ness Was effeoted in the ...

Published: Saturday 22 June 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2945 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... THADE REPORTS. 3n3r | ARDIFYF: oi EXCHANGE, Wednesday. a] pa 'l'he ?? of the steam coal trade wvas nn- v rf altered~to-day. Best and setcond qnalities wverev in modera~te request atblest prices. Trhere wvas a t slightly better demrand for ary sorts, anid thlereb eek. bvae no ohunge in small coal quotations. The uiooogt p~rice~s were. as ?? -Best steaiseo coal 10s, 3d to 10s 6d, seconds 9s 6d ...

Published: Thursday 15 August 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 572 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIPPING INTlELLIGENCE. : LOCAL CHIARlTERING TRANSACTIONS. : : CAurawF Thursday.' T ho fellowingr inelude .the la~test Sx~tures: reported- . . Ou rwAntD-STEnAMErIft5. -0 Cardiff to Tarragona, 7s 6d, olean terms, 550 - : tons -- I ?? Torre Annunziata, 5s 3d, clean teirms ?? Civita 'ecobia, 5s 6d, clean ?? : [ , Corfu, 6.s hlcin terins (Lynton) - ,'Devenport. Ss 6d, uet r.¢nditions * - ,, :Poirt ...

Published: Friday 06 September 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 4016 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... , ?? T~RYieeGtAw.1 NEW YORIK SATURDAY. Cotton declined all day, with, few reactions, and closed barely eteady; spot quiet. Cotton dl oil weakc-crude, 23c.; yelldw,-28e: Petroleum fa (refined) steady. Lard baa beenl steady,with. i out much change; cash quiet. Wheat advan-fced.V orawile, th1en gave way, but closed steady ;P sptfr.Flour firm._ Corn has bed a, declining B .arket, and closed! wealk ...

Published: Monday 28 October 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 730 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... Thir CARDIFF. Tb r During the past EXCHANGE, Saturday. 16 1 ?? the past eek shipments from Cardiff HRoe again reached 300,000 tons, but the general tone. van] of the steam coal market is easier. Stems by t for best and second qualitie6, however, are well rero L fi led for next week's loading, and, consequently, IL prices are well maintained. At the beginning Asll of the present week: the ...

Published: Monday 08 July 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 686 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... LATEST COMMTERCIAL. AIMERICAN COTTON. FRID.AY EvEtNsG. The New York spot market closed quiet. anl &c. per lb. lower. Exchange raised do. Futures opened steady at an advance of about 7 points, G and before noon a further advance of 2 to 3 points Was testallished. This afternoon values gave way. closing quiet, steady, at an advance on the day of I to 3 points. The spot market at New Orleans ...

Published: Saturday 12 October 1895
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2543 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... -1 C .COMD1ER-IL'&' MARKETS.| ?? -ably -P. And.P BANE RAm S WTEa CEaT. C, ast LOe 1iONDON STOCK EXCHANGE W at WEDNEsDAY EVancG. Dora . TMoney was wanted ta-day owing to the Consols sm settlement, 4 to I per cent. bsing paid for call loans. The India Council lent at the higher figures, and a, trifle was borrowed from the Bank at 2 per cent. for sev en days. The discount rate riey for three ...

Published: Thursday 07 November 1895
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 12520 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... .1I|2 RBAse RanZ 2 PRE COai. LONDON STOC ECHANGE MOVDAY EVING 2. ! Disonunt rakes were somewhat harder to-day Zi on the basis of per cent. for tbhre mcnths' Bak 3 . bills. More business was doing, and the banks 6i were not free takers of bills, i spite of the ,Threateed deluge of gold here before long. 31 a Call money was mor wanted at 4 to i 71 d per cent., and the banks cls.rged.l to 1i per ...

Published: Tuesday 13 August 1895
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 11066 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce