... FOOTBALL NOTES AND NEWS. By Next Monday, being Mahon'® Day, the Merthyr Club's new ground at Penydarren Park will be formally opened with a match between a team from Newport, captained and organised by Parfitt, and swatch team picked from all parts of ...


... football vats, contain Phosphates and Nitrogen 'Football Oats, prevent Indigestion, Gout. Football Oats, Rheumatism, Headache, Commended by Medical Press. Ask Grocers. Refuse all others* For Breakfast and Supper. Amos Brothers, 13, Sussex Street, aud ...


... Midland Ladies' Football Association, formed as a oor-i- merciat speculation, if one may judge from the following advertisement which recently appoared In a contemporary :— Gii-Is (strong and healthy) wanted, to; joia | Midland Ladies' Football Association ...


... FOOTBALL OATS for Breakfast and Sappei. FOOTBALL OAl'S prevent Indigesfi-Ju, FOOTBALL OAXS contain Phosphates aadNitrogen. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Gout, iUieumatism. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Dyspepftia, Distension. ...


... FOOTBALL OATS for Ureakfsut and Supper. FOOTBALL OATS prevent indigesfion, FOOTBALL OAXS contain Phosphates and Nitrogen. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Gout, Itbeumatism. FOOTBALL OATS j;:e->ent Dyspepsia, Distension. ...


... FOOTBALL OATS for Break rast and Supper FO TBALL OATS prevent indigestion. FOOTBALL OATH ixmwin l;hosphrt-sa»id Nitrogen FOOTBALL OATS pi event (iOUI. Rheumatism. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Dvsp^pia, llisMiti-ion. FOOTBALL OATS supply Vigour HIK1 ...


... FOOTBALL OATS lorBrenkfip&C ;iml Supper FO TliALL OATS prevent, indigestion. FOOTHAI.I. OATS i-ontam I'ho.-piiat and Nitrogen FOOTBALL OATS prevent GUll:, Kheumatism. FOOTBALL, OATS prevent lJi,euL,iun. FOOTBALL OATS supply Vigour and Pure Blood, FOOTBALL ...


... THE LADY FOOTBALLERS. A considerable sensation is likely to be created, by the lady footballers, whose captain, Misf Netty Honeybal!, has been opening her heart to the ubiquitous interviewer, and explaining that the first match, which takes place this ...


... FOOTBALL OATS for Breakfast and Supper. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Indigestion. FOOTBA LL OATS contain Phoslihaics and Nitrogen. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Gout, liheirni.u,ism. FOOTBALL OATS preveu; Dyspepsia. Disteii.-io:i. FOOTBALL OATS supply ...


... FOOTBALL OATS for Br.?;vkfast and FT,OTBALL OATS previ-nt, Indigestion, FOOTBALL OATS contain 1'hos.,ha.tCö all.1 FOOTBALL OATS prevent Goal., HhcumiLtism. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Dyspepsia, Distension. FOCX-BALi. OATS supply Vigour and Pur? Blood. FOOTBALL ...


... FOOTBALL OATS for Breakfast Mud JSup per FO TBALLOATH prevent, indigestion. FOOTUALL OATS contain Phosphates and Nitrogen F OOTBALL OATS prevent Gout, libeuniatism. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Dyapepia, DUentsion. FOOT-BALL OATS supply Viffour and Pure Bloixl ...


... FOOTBALL OATS for Breakfast and Suppe;. .FOOTBALL OATS prevent Indigestio*, FOOTBALL OATS contain Phosphates and Nitro ren. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Gout, Hheumatism.. FOOTBALL OATS prevent Dyspepsia, Distension. ...