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... Yesterday evening the coroner (Mr. E. S. Finnigan) held an adjourned inquest in the Recorder's Court on the body of a labourer named Felix M'Keown, who resided at 5, Mourne Street, and whose death took place on the 16th ult. from the result of injuries received in MNessrs. Camp- bell's steam saw mill. Head-Constable Malhony re- presented the police, and Mr. Arhuthnot Messis. Campbell. Mr. ...


... VERDICT AND SENTENCE. At the Central Criminal Court, London, on Saturday last, before Mr. Justice Wills, the trina was resumned of Oscar Wilde, 40. author. on an indictment charging him with certain misdemea- nours. This was the sixth day of the trials of I Wilde and Taylor. The Marquis of Queensberry was again in attendance. The Solicitor-General Sir Frank Lockwood, QC.), Mr C. F Gill. aid Mi ...


... LAW INTELLL(iENCF?. (Frtosa iof afetionir. ?? To AI~t Raf amb ?? ?? n m Befre ir toer lranevier-R cames Deavis sieeking Ocoerh- Sehpeiea Cermrrrstoitwsrher iclrkena ravle, thatus Mi andrslr Rahpt H~. Reid, sehoculdt boe aisitingd ae i ais .at B ?? Dan egas a. cosn L oAW S POIETLSDY .1 To~, ?? vl Othe rrt 3;a Dier Par it-l YCfL-rJitARY 'CISLLOK Ii F bks *hteealaed, a omiioerfr ...


... HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE-VACATION SITTINGS-Auuo'Sr 13. Mr. Justice MIam'ry, vacation judge sat in Lhe Court of Queen's Bench to-day. and hcard pressing applications from all branches of thie High Court of Justice. NEMTIEP.Y, DECEASED; NETHERY V. STRAIAN. 'Mr. Cullinan (instruuted by Miessrs. M'Ncill & Williams) applied for liberty to substitulte service by last on -Mr. Robert Strahan. (Counsel ...


... THE CLOTAEL TR A GE Y. SPECIAL 'EELEGEA3T- ~tONEL Srx~flAY'~it C:~hf1e to-day thle blxea-ing of the- charge~ of ?? murder agaidnst thle prisoner:; erincarned iii tlei burning and iii treating of Bridg~et Clery'rts ridttiltt'i before Colonel Ev'enr'. P.. tiiile Riall. D.L. anti Gc rubb, i JT P '[le accflxid pc'i tax ?? Cleary (hizz-baud oft the, tierixsed) Patrick Roland (fathier)- Wn.m- ...


... AIR MJ A G H. 8 Before his Honour Judge KIssErY. CAMPBELL V. CAMPBELL. AXI OTHE)S. This was an action brought for damages sustained , by plaintiff by reason of defeudant having t obstructed-him in the use of a right of way. Mr. Bell, solicitor, appeared for plaintifi, and Mr. J. R. Gibb for defendants. After hearing evidence in the case, his Honour granted a (lecree for 6d, with title costs. u ...


... BELFAST BANKRUPTCY COURT, I Before his Honour Judge FITZGmIBBy Mr. Edward Aliworthy, official assignee, a ! J. H. B. Murphy, deputy registrar, were it e:c dance. There were nine arrangementmatters I of, in which the solicitors engaged w ere 3r. D: M'Gonigal and Mr. Bram Thompson. IN BE W.M. BOBT. LONG. This bankrupt was a farmer in ?? Down, and the matter came before the Cc. adjourned hearing ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TaiS DAY. (Fromn the Legal Diary.) iF.lf. COIITl' OF .AI'I'AIJ IN JRFLAND. Simpsan v. Sinjilon, 1; Kevdos, plaintitt, Joyce and DuBfao, defendants, 2. Qlligley ~ ~ v.'hnad-,1 re B;. II'Donaadb dere-suel. Burle vZfti~ph, 2-re.P.' Wielards.on, fleceassed, Ioilden v. ocznion, 3- H1ealy v O'Neill, 4. Before t ue A ,st Chief Clerk-Re C.. Hecrwt., de- ceed, Reid v. Herbert, 1; re ?? ...


... LONMDO. TvSnDAY.-JTa Spencer Ballour wm to-day, in Lonudon, again charged with con- spiraey and fraud in connection with various build- ing and larnd societies. Some formal supplemen- tary evidence in connection with the alieged lank- ruptcy frauds having been given, the Crown pro- oeeded to deal wiithl their charge against the pri- soner to the effet. that, while a dtrecior of the Building ...


... TIHI FORTHCO'3ING SESSION. LoN-noN, PRaDe.a-The Pren' Asoociatioln axes from prelprations now in progress it is alreaiy evi- dent that the coming parliamenaary svtssi it will lie one o! exceptional animation and importance. Ir is enderstood that, contrary to the expectatinus entertained ina crnmc quaritere, the Queenes SpNch will contain no reference to the qurolun *f the Hourese of Lords, and ...


... PETrTY SESSIONS. DRfMoRFn (CouxNry Dows).-Yestorday these sessinns were held before MIessrs. John R. Miniss J.P. (in the chair) Thoras Harrison, J.P.; 31. Weir, J.P.; Robsrt Spsratt, J.P. ; Jobn Moore, J. P.: lobert Taylor, J.P.; and C. L'Estrange. |.M. Therev were few entries, nnd no case of ?? calling for a report. A number of persons were charged with drunkenness, and after hearing the ...


... I A R M A G H. Yesterday morning, at iralf-past ten eclock, Lord Chief Baron Palles entered the Crown Court and reairned the business of these aasises. The High Sheriff £MT. J. B. Lrmnsdale). the Under Sheritf (Mvir. J. G. Shearkeyl, and Mr. Mhos. J. MaTron (Clerk of the Crown and Peace) were present. ThirE MAX.LAUGHTER OASBh Patritk Ctiflen was indicted for that he did, on the 25th ...