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Manchester Times


... CA-NICaED MG BROW. TH.E. DFIAKLN COIhLLENGE OUPS. Tle eighthi annlual Manchester fog Show opened op Tuesday in St. JTames's EHall, Oxford-street, under anl- ?? circunistances. About 1,400 entries were re- i cilled, this figure being 400 in excess of the entries of lbst year, an(l the total number of dogs staged wa* some 900, ?? being entered in two or three classes eaoh. Taken altogether the ...


... THE ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHIBITION IN bMANOHESTER. I 'rTe Lord Mlayor of Mtnichester formally opened the Arts and Craifts~ Exhibition in thle City) Art Gallery, Alosley-streot. in this city, onl Monday, in the presences of a larg,, e gthering of visitors. The procee-dings were of a ?? but interesting character, and brought to- gether miany hinluential residents wiho have takesn Part inl thle ...


... -dT- h- STGE |: 0 l; . TAh STAGH.% Tihe ust of '.King Arthur, to be produced ar the ?? to-morros night, is as. ?? Arthur, Mir.. irving; Sir: Lacelot5 Mr. Forbes Robertson; Sir Mirdred, M1r. Frank Cooper; Sir osaain, Mr. Clarence Hague; Sir Kay, Mr. Tyarm; Sir Bedivere, Mv! Fuller Mellish; Sir Argavaiine, O Ir. Lacy; Sir Percivale, Mr. Buckley; Sir Ls- vaine, Mr. Julius Kniight; Sir Dagouct, ...


... I THE STAG:E. . hvr,. D'Oyly Carte's Mnqa)sy are devwting the second. weekt of their Visit to Maneester to The yinar- r of Bray, the comic apera by Messrs. Gmrndy and Solomon. The piece 'iR one of the best of its class, being clover, amusing, and piquane; and it is admirably played by the ladies aad gentloanen now at. the '±'heatre ?? Mr, Courtice t Polndo, Miss Margueribe Broydel, Aliss ...


... N&VALA EXELI13ITION AT ST. JAMES'S I HAI',I I A. nnval chihitien and Nelson niaueum wras opened in St. Jnimes's Ilall, on aturday evening, for aseasgn, ending next. Septeniher. The director is Mr. John .Hollihigabeod. a gentleman of great experiemce in these nIamtteTS; who Tilay be reledl upon to provide plenity of variety in the ente.rtainments which accompany the exhibition. The ...


... BURNLEY AGR[ICULTURAL SHOW. I~~ ~ ?? I I The annual show of the Burnley Agricultural Society was hold on Tuesday in Towneley Park, Burnley. Estab- lisihed originallfy in 1885, the society had three succes- sive shows, wit,4 only slight encouragement, and after- wards its operations were suspended until last year. As the result of a strong effort the showv wvas thlen resuscitated, On the ...


... . - I F .11-1 S11IONS-TWORK. 110ME'?F I .. , I BELLE TO PHYLLIS. 9yomES PiYLLIS. At the presett noment tbe leffinihe A r sorld is abaoredl in t le rontemplatioq ,,sISVuAs of Christmas presents. Oneh glils bisy VgErSEsir. -in the nalking of gifts, 0P, other half iqj the purehisilig thereof. There is llo o it at 0,( ri~sthii time a ?? pure is a t;lqrticdi,,IV use'ful pOeSsLSrioII when one ...


... i I t}l STAGE. - .. - Mr. -F. P. Benson and his 5Sxrinn Co - I are always welcome in Manchester. The visit to te Royal, which began on Monday, is specily i t. ing, because 'Mr. Benson is -taking advantage of the opportunity to present to his Manchestr frlends, once- more, The Tempest.' The play is elaborately and artistically put upo the t e nte, and i bS aetted ctmh the all-round excellence ...


... gQgE--- lASHIONS-WORK ; BELLE, TO PEMLIJIS. VO TptiYLLIS, Az I write, the ground is covered with a CoAl' oF' a blaek frost, and the air is keen and biting. One's thoughts involuntarily CLOTU. tunl to wraps ind (Oats, and as fashion is ' paxtiularly kind to us this season, we 11 be able to indulgo in a garment that is at once Wdlilbe and warm. The old-fashioucti ulster, vith afflnty skirt and ...


... I THiE CHILI)REIN'S: 10U11. I , ?? CONDUCTED BY I'ilo, are you. thlre? 1 c-aililed and I al, I lirfli1i the tolle ini Aviich I spoke w a ot ver, ex jL1t2atiV( of welcomne. ?? I'm. her;, replifd Rfl1fll'lelguinl)le, with ?? 1siti'f:ietion, a1. ...


... TIE CARL ROSA OPEIRA ('10MPANZY. Woi lhato rtas'ided the last. week of tit, visit to -\iachiester of thie (arl 13sa Opera C'oinp.aily. 'Tonight will be devoted to IvRallhoe. itl which AIdile. IDumia and 3Nr. Barton M'Giekiii will appear, A ve:y full and intereetuig progranine Jai been arrarnged for to-morrow. 'Bastien andl Bastinrie and Hansel and wrstpl MI ill ?? )latyed a't a, monI- ilg ...


... jjgLI.ICOE' MELODRAMA .I By JOHN J.: WOOD, A,*r of KiOking StiMips PRaOe. lThe riie-t , d ?? N'ode FWt, skc., &,c. jeollcoe is a gifted author. He is also a con- punied nuisince. He is a member of our elub, ,Xd his entry is, as a rule, wonderfully coincident vi-h the other miemberi departure. We *ldon't cbiect to I3iv writing plays, but we do object to his, .eadig t-hem. He has a fertile ...