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... CUSTODY COURT-YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. GARRETT NAGLE, K.M., and DAVID COE1BETT, 3.?. LARCEN6Y OFf BOOTS. Detective-Constable Mitchell charged Eileen Doherty, or Heaney, with the larceny of a pair of boots, the property of Joseph Hums, North Street, by means of a trick. Mr. Spiller said the prisoner went to Mr. Hnme'q shop, and alleged that her mother wvas a customer there. She asked for a ...


... BiELFAST RECORDER'S COURT. His Honour Judge Fitzgibbon, Recorder of Belfast, commenced the business of the City Re- corder's Court at half-past ten o'clock yesterday tiorning, in the Recorder's Court, Municipal Bii Idingcs. Mt. il. Clrson. J.P., Clerk of t :e Peace, was in attendanre. The gentleniec svlorn on the Grand Jury elc ?? ses. ,Louts A. Plunkett (foremian). Orr MiCaus- land, Edward M. ...


... POLICE ITFi'ELLIGENCE. BELFAST CUSTODY CO¶JRT-SATuRDATr. v Before Messrs. F. G. HoDDhR, R.M., and J. C C. ti PAYNE, J.P. 01 LARCENY Or STAIII'S. t3 Detective Hanna charged a boy named William Martin with the larceny of a letter and a number of stamis. the property of Adam Duffin & Company. stock'brokers. The detective stated that from in- oG formation received the previous day be followed the ...


... BELFAST. The work of revising the voters' lists, for the parliamentary divisions of Belfast, was continued on Saturday in the County Courthouse, Crumlin Road. No cases of special interest arose. It is anticipated that the business of the courts xvill be concluded early this week. . m ?? SOUTH DERRY. Mr. T. C. Drury, Q.C., Assistant Revising- Barrister for this division, sat in the Courthouse, ...


... POLICE INTEI2(mENCE. BELTASTC iLSTODY COURT. -YESTERDAY. Before -Messrs. GAliKPTT NxAcT.a, RB h., anl Taos. ?ILIW, J.RP TlTRATENTING TO SHOOT. A eharge of threatening to shoot was preferredk against q isher Eri hin. 1'risoner hadl been lo(d'*in wuith the complin inant, John )i'e'lean, and' on Sstrrrdv. vwhen linder ItIe influence of drink, a li3- cvuzs-on Nith reri('en'e to s-oe i !nc ...


... IAW INFELLlGENCIF LAW NOTICES.-TuIS DAY. (From the Diary.) ROLLS Armstrong's trusts, e;-psrte Arrnstr'g, 1; Arxiaztrong' trusts. ex-lyarte Arw-refrong. 2: Dubli. Corgporation. ex- p-art Butts. 3: Blake v. O'Reilly-, 4: Mfalconmst c. Bun- hruy, 5; Hughes v. Butterly. 6; 0'Priern v. Gillmcan, 7: .axrshw v. Dtvei.Ison, 8; Girey v. Perry, 9: t4uihnian v. 'Domioell, 10; Kean v. ReLa, 1I. ...


... ' Anariton.-This weekly court was held yosrter- 1 day, before Mlessrs. N. L. Townsend, R.M1. (chair- ,mno); Win. KIerr z .D., T.P.; Henry Hillock, J.P.: andt W. J. Best, J.P. A man named XVatters , for obstructing the twhoroulhfare while a hand was !passirg wzwas fined 5s anl costs. A young lad named, Ai'Derniott was charged at tlhe suit of the Arnmagh Town Cozmmissioners with breaking a large ...


... | ;SsZE INTELLIGENCE, COUNTY ANTRIM, CROSNX COUt. , Baron Palles sat in the Crown Court, art cl00* Crulinlm Road, Belfast, at Len 11 y esdY nl.rtng, and re- ban'soierD i; , 1 'SJilt RF-(ORDS CO. BELFAST MACHINE WORKS t CoO(PANY. r. JtIr f case was resumed. The plain- ifcn$aej55510 siipanau & Co.. scteelnakers, of j;k tiri souaglr to recover £71 for steel defendants. hvlo are makters of d t' in ...


... BsAuYAY. -These petty sessions were held yesterday, before Messrs. R. C. Leslie, D.L. (in the chair), Francis Connolly, J.P.; 'Thomas Digicarm, J.P.; and Lucas D. Gray, JRP Roes Connolly summoned a younni man named Alfred Jcbb for assaulting her on the morning of the 29th July, by striking her on the head with ZL st-one. The case was dismiissed. Charles 'Mitchiell, spirit grocer, wvas proeue ? ...


... F;ATAL AOCfflENTS. An inquest was held yesterday afternoon it the RecordEr's Court by the ?? (Mr. E. S. Finnigan; on the ibxy of a child named Elizabeth Hastings, who succumbed in the Royal Hospital on Tuesday to injuries received caused by her falling into the Hamilton Graving Dock. Head- Constable Mahon y watched the proceedings on behalf of the police. The evidence was to the effect that ...


... MAoHERA..-This monthly court of petty sessions was held on the 31st ult., before Messrs. Thomas S. Ash, J.P. (presiding); R. W. Forrester, J.P.; and Robert Johnston, J.P. A large number of a cases of drunkenness were entez rl1 for bearing, in which fines ranging from Is to ?? and costs were n imposed. Arising out of the party disturbance in n Maehera on tlre 1st ult., two young mien named l'N ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YEsTZRD AI, Before Messrs. G-AirsFT NAGLE, RAM., and R. J. HILTONT, J.P. FIGHTING. Two men named Syrmngton and Dempster were charged with fighting in Qarrick Hill the previous evening. Mr. Spiller prosecuted, and Mr. Brown ppeared for Dempster. It appea redl from the evi- dence thalt Derapter was a barman in the employ- mient of Mrs. Adams, and that yesterday he was ...