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... ?? fortnightily petty sessions were 'held on 28th inst. before M1r. R. C. Leslie, J.P., iU.L. (chairman), armd Nelssrs. Sullivan, E.M.; Teinnison, Gray, Murphy, Fitzpatrick, MKasne, 'Connolly, and Pringie. Henry Telfer, publioan, t was charged by Sergeant Rielly with being drutnk and disorderly on 1st October at Deny-alley. near Bad211vay. Thistrict-Iaspeotor kawvlor pri'sectited. nrd MIr. ...


... BELFAST. Before his Honour Judge FiTzGneaow. Mr. Thonsw Cunningham, deputy and acting clerk of the peace, was present. ?? V. QUEF. Wim. hI'Cully, farmer. Ballasiceagh, procesedc John Quee, cattle dealer. Slhankill Road. for £7 7s, amwiount of damage done to a. quantity of turnips and 117 stookls of cori by reasrn of the trespass of defendants cattle on plaintiff's lands. Mr. M'GCrath ...


... PETTlYSESSIONS. BALs.eoNEY.-.Yssterda3y a special court of | petty sessions was held in the office of Mr. Robert Dowler, ?? before Messrs. Win. Ha~milton, J.P., and John Boyd, JB.. when a tramp who grave the name of Daniel Boyle, a rae-gatherer. bailing from Draperstown. wa1s brought up on a charge of drunkennees at the suit of the con- stabulary. There beingf a previous conviction for a ...


... * )1WT}W.NAP.DSD Be.ore hlis Piorour Judge RIrirt MORGAN V. 31'CALLISTFR. John Morgan, farmier. flnruin, i! '.il r5K flction against John Mtl ...


... LAW INTELlIGENCE. LAW NOTICES.;-TKIA DAY. (troai tire Legal livy.) CirlANCERti t'ViSItN. Before the Ltfraidirnee iiaiirta.i:&l ,aax So-ret of IreuLad :trin Andrew BE-ir. 1; etelr a. ?? an iat- prerltice, tin' trite rierrta Act, 2. ieriray v. itynie, 1: :-.l-ran af e'roer. 2: ,e AA. \iCI.Ltrr lee.,etl.l LCotter v. Mt rriceiti.u 3 tt. ?? ?? xxI:.v[ . re WV. teaiwdxxeil. deceacori tarater v. Ct v ...


... tBELFA.ST CUSTODY COURT-wY- TS?;tDAY. I Before Messrs. F. G. HODDER, Et. H.; THOMAS SHAW, J.P.: and ARTHUR HAMILL, J.P. BNO PrACE OF ABODE. Charles Cushley was charged by Consthl'o Fox with sleeping in the open air. He wvas four,! in I Murphy's brickfield by the constable. who ntac | that he had no place of abode. Their XX ocsi ipj ordered the prisoner to find bail to the ?? of £5 to keep the ...


... THE YORKSHIRE TR\GEDY, ARREST OF 'HUDSON. The erpectationi. that Hudson, the man wanted for the murder of his wifwaud child on Helmsley Moor, would be run to eairth in or about Birning- ham has been realised. It hiss already been nar- rated that a man answering his description and giving the name of R. H. IMudson, called at a, barber's shop at Coventry and arranged for letters to be received ...


... CAR.nlCKFsRm;Urs (S!aPr v.A).-On Monday night a man' named .lohn ?? telty u-as brought before .Nlessrs. Win. (Gorman. .1. ?? and Daniel Bowman, .. l, elharged by Constable Frazer with having been dr(iii.1 on the jitilic street on same date, and Uvitl haevine assaulted the constale while in the ceccut'lo]i of ihis duty. Accused became violent in the constal es hands aifter arrest, so inuch so ...


... ILAIPGRTMNTT ACTION AG4ALNSW A AGOTOR. Du| CT.N, SATURnAv,-To-day, in the Court of Excheqller, beforeh Mr. Justice 'Murphy and a spe- cial jury, an action was heard in which Mr. An- drew Mason, carrying on bs.iness as a draper at 4B, FRathnhmines Road, is the plaintiff, and Dr. John E. Hadden, of Castlewoud Avenue, Rath- mines, defendant. The action was brought to re- cover da-mages for having ...


... Before is ?? Judsge Frrwrnow. Mr. H. M'Neilo MICormick, registrar, and Mir. Edward Ailworthy, official assignee, were pre- sent. There were two arrangement matters on the list, in which the solicitors engaged were-Messrs. MGonigal, Kerr, M'Cntcheon. (Wheeler & AM'Cuthecon), and Ross. IN RE, JANE GOOGiGTAN. Thi s matter came up for the second meeting after cooin tion. Sir. David MZ'Gonigal ...


... * POLIC INTE UIGENCF,. BLFAST CUSTODY CGURT-YJSRRDAY. Before Messrs. F. G. HODDER, R.M.; JA3W DoRaN, J.P.; and Dr. MGsEz J.P. ALLEGED ASSAULT. Sergeant Eakin charged Wm. BEattie awd Jofir M'Keowa with having assaulted Alemander Ldrkei in a house in Union Street on Thursday night. Mr. L~ewis prosecuted and Mr. Harper defendedi. The artieabad had a rw, and ?? from the Evidence for the ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. F. G. HODinEn, R.M., and SAssurLl KmaerTLE, J.P. AN ARTTEL BICYCLE THIEF. Samuel Woods was charged with the theft of a bicycle, the property of Thomas M'Kinstry. Pro- secutor stated that he went into a shop in Brad- bury Place on Saturday last, leaving the machine outside. On his return he found it had been taken away. The bicycle was a prize ...