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... BRISTOY BAUNKRUPTCY COURT. ra-mv~n A IV YESTERDAY. Before the Omf1elal R~eeiver (Cit , E. UlQuke), FIRST MEETIRMS, Re HENiY PAYNE, O 8, Lowei Qable street, mifil. ture nunufaoturer, rlately of Little Bagbtone fa°m, Ransewor by, Giiouceftenhtsh, Land osiflyM? on. Sio Lowor.Oal~le glttoet.-4lets G~regory* and Hiast re ftieted, the debtor. The Ilab~liftlas amounted ~to 8856 5s 9id, pand a ...


... BBISTOL.QUARTER SESION. | f~~~ ^ -w -W tfls ?? ?? *dur edt-a 61e' Guild. ball on Satulrosy moraint, before the Re~oorder (Xi A,. Poole, Q ,, 0Lwhot hbiest at lo.30. Ernest Amaiihett, aged 17, who pleaded guilty on PFildai it breekiaW %d viia, t a mhop of 13arh Blodee and stealing a quantity of tOaO, was' sentenced to oii months' impthonmneut, he having be3n ZptevobeISaonlbtlmhdt L obaf ...


... TEMfPLE CLOUD-POLOE COURT. Y.ESTEIRDAY. Eefore. Mezt. C. A..A. Keinill (la, the cabilr), i , HIppelehy;W.3HIB',Efte, and GeoroeGibbona. PATEBENITY CASE DISMISSED, -Mazrtha .eymour. a sldow,. jlvie:sb Clntpn Workhbous, again appeared before the maximtrates ito apply for a mainteuanoteeder oegainst Thoe. Wititaim, of Radatook, whoshe allegel wja.the, father of beer illexitbpinge obild, Tile amme ...


... . BIBSTOJJ FOLION DOUBT. YESTERD AY. V Magietrates ?? Mayor (Mr B. H. Symios), Messry W. W.,Jose, W. Lane, A. Bobinson, and J. W. &rrowN rith. THM POOR BO0, The Mayor drew attention to the need of contributions to the poor box, remarking that it contained about 403. From £26 to £S0 was the amoant distributed from the box each year, and as everyone know very- great care and dis. cretion were ...


... HEYNSHAM POLICE COURT. 'YESTERDAY. BiforeoMr L. Dapbeny (in the chair). Mr'J. Cookea.nrle, MIjor 0. B. Edgell, and Mr D1nald Bala. LICENSING. Prior to the ordinary business of the court the- annual lieesing seesion wias held. All the licenec3wersarenewed without objection. alr Cooke-Hurle presided over the liceneitig justices. A BOY CHArGED WITH DEUNKENNESS, Alfred Batt, an undersized boy of ...


... BBISTOL POLICE COURT. YESTERDAY, Before Mesris 0. B. Hare aud J. El, Woodwaed SUCCESSFUL BEGGARS, Joeeph and Margaret Braton, a youg 'a and hbl wife, wbo were aceompanied by two younare chiz were ohoared with begging on SaturdBy. The dants were eeon singing Ia Wine steet end streeta on Saturday, and a police 0 Icer them, and seeing them beg appreheud-d them t heguilng. When aeserched 15a we. ? ...


... BRISTOL POLIOC 0OtTT. YESTERDAY. Before Messrs A. H. Ford and J. Carlo. TREFT Or A SHIRT. Albert England, a middle aged man, was charged with Stealing a cotton shirt. James Sally, a labourer, of Brick street, St. Philip's, said that the shirt was worth 2a. It was sent to bis wife to wasb, and on the previous afternoon it was taken from the clothesline in the back yard. Witpess went out and ...


... BRISTOL FoLM2 OOUBT. YESTERD>AY. O Before Bessrs W. H. Badgett and F. F. Fox. AEBAULTIGE CONSTABLEB. a George Lewie; labouer. wa obhargai with beinR it drunk aad disorderly and with assaulting. P.a. 27 D. 1 The constableraid he sawtbs prlioer, who wan drunlk, fighting with another ?? in St. Philip',. and he iamterfrod, whereupon the prisoner bedono abusilve 0and violent, butting the offloer ...


... In the Probate Division of the High Co3ut of Justice yesterday, before Mr Justice Biraeo and a. special jury, the case of Brown and another v. Penn (Arthur v. others oited) was further heird. The luit wan brought to test the validity of a will of the 2ith May, 1891, of Mr RobeRt John Toogood, formerly connected with Weiton, and latterly employed in the Scrivenera' Department o1 the Royal ...


... TH1E LAICHESTER CAMJ The following letter Gvppea in the !ilma :- Sir-Ineoonequenee of the widespread pubio interest attaching to the ease of my daughter Edith, I feel called upon to make some statement of my podition and vlews on the subject, The recent decision of the Commlssioners Ia lunacy In respect of this case In one of those events which human wisdomo annotforesoee Topreveut mlsappye. ...

To-day's Torquay Police

... Before Mr. W. I ~erewill (in the chair), and Mr. T. Harrison. Tlheft of Spoons by a Boy. Alfred Isaacs, errand boy, was brought up in custody charged with stealing one silver and four plated spoons, valued at 9s 6d, the property of Mr. J. S. Bridgmau, grocer, of Union-street, Torquay. - Prosocutor stated that defendant had been employed by him ais an erranl, boy. 'When witl;ess's wife, at his ...

Shocking Story of Depravity

... ?? A shocking case of depravity ?? told Pa an inquest held at Mow Cop, North Staffolj.. shire, on the bodyof Frank Cooper, Aged ten ?? (Jooper deposed that she wa3 the mother of the child, and lived with her parents in Market-street, Kidsgrove, She was thirteen last bibthday, but did not know when that was. The father of the ohild was her brother Albert, who Was twenty years of age. itqness ...