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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... CORONERS' TNQUESTS. (Promn our Special Sndavefitonof les week) WOMAN'S FATAL FALL. Mr. Baxter held an inluiry st Bromn ley on Saturday respeotig the death of Margeret Wiseman, ag-ed 55, the widow of a builder's I tboaurer, lately residing at 27, Cordelie-atreet. on Tuesday she -as washine, and in order to keen her feet dry she wore a pair of men s heavy boots. At di ,ner time she was goiD¢ ...


... AN ACTRESS'S SUDDEN DEATH I An inquezt was held at the Newiny, on ICoroner's court, on Friday, on the bodv of Mrs. eins, better known as Miss >(itty Tyrrefl. who fell dead on the -.le Lant and Castle theatre stage on BOzinD1 ?? E3wins, 225, Sayer street, grrr TY'rvREL INfl CiHAMICTEr . walworth, said that the deceased was his .wifo.- Herfofl name .was Katbleoe Made' leine Ewins, and asia vii ...


... I B | TH6E SILVER ROBBERY. George Barrett, 41, of Stewart's. buildings, Devons-road, Bow; and Ed- ward Gigy, 41, giving no addrers, were charged on remand, before Mr. Horace Smith, at the Clerkenwell polioe.court yesterday, with being concerned in steal- ing on Sept. 25, at-Ossulaton-stireet, St. Pancras, 31 ingots of silver, value 4,9001., the property of the Midland Railway company.-Mr. ...


... Dr. Houcbin, deputy coroner, held an inquiry at the Mileo-end Coroner's court, on Friday, on the body of Edgar Henry RlogeisoD, aged 40 years, a brewer's labourer, of 24, West-street, Mile-end.- Ethel Daisy Rogerson, an intelligent child of 10, ktated that the deceased woas her father, a~nd for somen time past lie had been very eftrange in his manner, of ten telling the children-their mother ...


... At Southwark police-court on Thurs- day Mr. Nryndham Slade resnmed the hearing of the summons issued at the instance of Dr. Waldo, medical offioer of the Vestry of St. (eorge.the-Ma'rtyr, Southwark,against Lieutenant Robin- son, of the Salvation Arrmy, for allowing the Shelter, adjoining the Temperance hail, Blaekfriars-road, to ba systemati- cally dangerouslyovercrowded, and ask- ing for ...


... 4. BABY PLAINTIFF. In the Queen's Bench on Thursday Mr. Justice Hawkins and a special jury hard before them the case of ' Salisbury v. Raweon, in which the issue to be tried was whether Georginfa Henrietta Hannah Lydia 8 alisbury, an j`fanrlt 15 months old, was the child of George Henry Salisbury (who died on Jan. 7, 1894) the last tenanvt for iife under the will of George Kirkman Priestley, ...


... | SUICIDE OF A DIVORCED WOMAI. At Fulham, on Tuesday, Mr. Drew held an inquest as to the death of Elita Constance Jorgensen, a divorced woman,1 lately residing at 35, Peterborough.road, Fulham.-Mr. Augustus Taylor, a soli.' ceitor, said that he weted for the deceased during her divorce proceedings. Since that time she had been living under the protection of a Mr. Brockman, ard had assumed the ...


... £3,0 0N NOTES STOLEN. A daring and successful robbery of IBank of England notes for just over 3,0001. wvas elietted on Wednesday after. noon at the batik of Messrs. Williams, 13eacon, and Company, Birchin-lane. A City ?? from Coutts's, ar, old man about 70 yeihrs of age, who had boen in the employ of his firm for over -0 years, reached Williams, Deacon. and Company's with a portfolio con- ...


... I STLRANGE NULLITY SJT.| YOQNG GIRL TRIPPED INTO MARRIAGE. In the Divorce division, on Friday, Mr. Justice Barnes had before himthe case of Stier (otherwise Clarke) v. Stier. -The petitioner sought to have the marriage with the respondent declared null and void by reason that it was ob- tmined by duress. There was no defence. Mr. Bargrave Deane, who appeared for the petitioner, said that ...


... It transpired on Friday, at Marl- borough-street police-court, that a new and more stringent method of enforc. inz the law against clubs which have fallen under the suspicion of the Inland Revenue department had been adopted. The practice which has been fol- lowed until the present is for an Excise officer to obtain access to a sus- pected club, and, in the event of evidence being obtained, ...


... At the Worship-street police-court, on Friday, Mr. Buebby gave his decis on in the case ag inst Henq l/ Coo per, toy terrier fancier, of 38, Gloucester-street, Hack. ney.road, and Rshsrt and 3larpl Curling, husband and wife, of 111, Pritchard. road, Hackney, charged with torturing a dog by ctting its ?? prosecu. tlion was at the instance of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to ...


... . THE SHAM. WARDER. | NOT iNSANE AFTER ALL, Percy Hamilton, 34, described as an upholsterer, pleaded Guilty at the London County sessions, Clerkenwell, on Tuesday, to three indictments charging him with having obtained by false pre- tences from Thomas Abbott a shirt, a half-dozen of eggs, and Lhe sum of 3s.; the sum of 6e. trom Annie Davey; and the sum of 5s. from Alice Young, in each case ...