Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATR' A e;arge of OTNE SErELLIsrs .ks SIXPZSCE,ir.5t-i. -p the abomcnoz eot-, n ex.ceredbrc facen's ,,rd. Frt-t-5V Zinet (trn tnords) Sipoep t eztra. Po,&a- s ?? 5S: ' t- J paywvrt. Awessncmenrs s must be ?? 'r'i address of ?? sender. Memorial notieet ?? I srcroorio ?? i rz r'tl'' c si.r BIRTHS. L25E.-On the 23ruviest. at. 151, Hal R oad. Haarti;Srcrlh et t* ras0Aee ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS MARRIAGES. L2D DEATI A arpcfO SaMLT4DLLt co A SrIXZSC joarewva d I liostabate sesso not eZ3Ud% zwentl- -ss be r e . . line (ten worded sizpee eatcr. POeala nouei Mst MOesto bS pibinm. Annountaem V bc acgf sar` b ta tC auD ddreh n of thosmderf. - - r * ~~~BIRTHS. Coax.-On the 7th inst.. at 57, Silin Boad. EdlbastO. of Herbert D. Cohen, of a rou (stillborn) MARRIED. BI3DDZ-TAY R-On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IDW.tHW OF. DR.I -:J:9 ToN! t. u fbe eat afDr.James-Jolinso,: which occurred ont Tlirad4y, ac his residence, S,'ey, ow, there has passed away one wbo for mnann yatiwocupied :an important plase in the medical professioa iniiirmingham. He was the ion of Mr. Thomas J'ohristobdP;W, ( was well known as the chairman of ztlfe>aNiteyrworks- :Company in this town, and who ' founded ?? Caledonian ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF ADA CAVENDISH. After a long and painful illness, Ads Cavendish, the v once beautiful actress, died on Satmrday. Sine the o year 1863 her name has been familiar to the play-going a public. Starting as a burlesque actress in eemi-classi:.a M attire, she ad% anced by sbeer talent and determination P to a very leading position in her protession. Burlesque of the early sixties (says an ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'WXoatiS: 18 AND 20. PARK -LANE. mwfie2S ma rirthsp k, arri~gc~, andV ietks. de * No oticr of Birthb larrinpe. or Death can be P' inseree,i un;e-s a1ithectiasedf by the canoe and th ?? ci' th. s'r. The charge for the insertion - a- >n'-h nti, e. nh-n prt, Iidr is Is. each. provided the ts I sace oca-ipied *loes nix *aceed five linles, and 6d. per bet fne forancinno additonal. Acharge of Is. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ftl THE DEATH Or A BIGGER -c AT BOOTLE. L ?? CORONTR ON WANT OF EVIDENCE. Yesterda#, at the Bootle Police Court-buildings% Ur. S. Brighouse, county coroner, held an inquest lx n the body of a, ships rigger, named Jeremiah 4 Belk-Macnmara. aged 52 years, late of 36, Duke- r'J itreet, Liverpool. The evidence showed that do- dc ceased was in the ?? of Messrs. R P. re louston and Co., and that on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF MISS HARTLEY, OF AINTREE. Yesterday, at the Primitive Methodist Church, v ag Aintree, Miss Sarah Jane Hartleyp fourth c daughter of Mr. W. P. Hartley, J.P., Ingle- n nt wood. was married to Mir. George Gibbens, who c 30 occupies an official position in her Majesty's ; lie Patent Office, and is the elde:c son of Mr. George C as william 3Malnby Gibbens, of Levtonstone. Essex.; * an ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of rims SALUS POP'UL LEX ESPY wa _~1UP~SDAY, _ NOVEMBR 7. biE rTI EUSDAYT, NOVTEMB:ER 7. beX ?? The inarriage oi the Duke of Marlborough aies Co uelo Vanderbilt was daly celeI bested ?? York yesterday, the event being utade homoc-soe on f an imposi ng ceremony. A full d escriotton of the wedding is given by cpe'm ~ewY York correspondent i n our coltrnne co-d:'y. Y lIr. J. C hamPlain, I?., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE MARRIAGE OF PRIESTS. peo POPE LEO CONSIDERING. THE hr QUESTION. -. CARDINAL `VAUGHAAN AND Pel :.'BISHOP, HEDLEYTS VIEWS. are, ?? - the A correspondent writes to, the Globe as pas follows :-Thc Pope is disposed to abolish wit the law of compulsory celibacy for the secular wh' clergy, confining the ?? celibacy to wh members of religious orders who takeO vows.of 'TIu poverty, chastity, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. JOHN EVANS, BRIDGEND. S Mr. Johin Evans, editor of thei Chronicle, passed away peacefully on day aoraning at 1.30, after a protrachif act , ea 'anful illness. Some five months ag wee taken ill, the effects of a cold, w'hich dve. e loped into more serious symptum,0 until a 3 lrgth valvular disease of thke leist ret in, to swheicl hle filnally succumbed. He uflfred; g greatly, but ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PETER WILLIAMS. 3g DEATH OF THE COMMENATATOR'g GRAND-DAUGHTER. C, A CURIOUS TESTAMED, id It will ?? our readers to learn 0 dg the death at Lianrug, Carnarvonshire, of ad at old lady who was the grand-daug-htcc of thg .nl Rev. Peter TWilliams, one of the founderiis us of Welshl Nonconformity. The deceased, lady Of was fit-at married to, a, 31Ir Melbourne,a yea aecattna wyo .es mrerchadt in a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF 1JR.. 13kISCOE. CHANCELLOR OF THE DIOCESE OF BANGOR. GRAND OLD MAN OF THE WELSH CHUI.RCH. By the decease of Dr. Briscoe, vicar of Holyieall, and chancellor of Bangor Cathe- dial, the Church in Wales loses one of its de most distinguished ornaments and ripest re scholars and divines. Like most students w and thinkers, his life was uneventful, an.] di consequently, leaves not much to ...