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... EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS IN THE TREAT. MENT OF OBESITY. n ,.m-milent readers will be glad to learn how Oui co P o gtone in abont a month, with to posit ney gib]e benefit in health, strength, and lflw a comparatively new system. It is a muscle, by oX that the patient, returning quickly singula p h inc,.eage(i activity of brain, IS RT mr foid than hitherto, vet, notwithstanding tins, ho food tna ...


... The London Gazette announces that the Chancel- lor of the Exchequer has appointed Mr. Alfred Webb to be steward and bailiff of the Chiltern Hundreds. The members of the North Wales Calvinistic Methodist Association assembled at Bangor, on Monday, and the business began on Tuesday. Rev. G. Parry, D.D., of Carno, was the Moderator, and the attendance iacluded Revs. W. S. Jones, Mach- ynlleth, R. ...

[No title]

... THE House of Commons re-assembled on Monday, after the Whitsuntide holidays, but there was little excitement at St. Stephen's. The lobbies of the House are very correct reflections of the public mind, and the prevailing feature of the past few weeks in the political world has been apathy. It shows that the practical citizen who is fond of reading parliamentary pro- ceedings, has been ...


... T th08j 8P°I'ED hands are caused by Washing Dav once, I pray. g6t MATGHLESS CLEANER SOAP & # PRINTING IJP TO J)ATE. SALTER AND ROWLANDS, COUNTY TIMES PRINTING WORKS, WELSHPOOL, Are prepared with every requisite in Type and Machinery, to execute, in first- class style, all orders entrusted to them for COMMERCIAL, ARTISTIC, AND GENERAL PRINTING At moderate charges and on short notice. Special ...


... LLANFAIR. THE MONTGOMERYSHIRE NEEDLEWORK GUILD.— During the week the ladies belonging to the Llan- fair district of this guild distributed amongst the poor inhabitants of this neighbourhood a large quantity of clothing, which was highly appreciated by the recipients. TEMPERANCE MEETING.—On Monday evening a lecture was delivered in connection with the North Wales Women's Temperance, Association ...


... MONTGOMERY COUNTY COUNCIL. STANDING JOINT COMMITTEE. YESTERDAY (FRIDAY.) A meeting of this committee was held at Newtown. Present: Captain Mytton (in the chair), Messrs R. Lloyd, W. Scott Owen, C. J. Newell, R. Rees, Machynlleth, W. Jones, Penycoed, and T. Williams, Llanwyddyn; with Messrs G. D. Harrison (clerk), R. Powell (assistant clerk), G. A. Hutchins (county surveyor), and R. W. Hughes ...


... AGRICULTURAL NOTES. One or two fine, sunny days during the past week suggested the approach of spring, but winter still lingers. Despite the higher day tem- peratures there has been a little frost on some nights, and though, compared with recent ex- periences, the weather may be said to have become mild, it cannot yet be called genial. The condition of the land is not improving rapidly as ...


... IN DEFENCE OF THE CHURCH. MEETING AT WELSHPOOL. In response to a letter from the Bishop of the Diocese and the two Archbishops, a meeting of the clergy, churchwardens, and sidesmen of the Welsh- pool Churches was held in the Church House, on Friday sennight, the Vicar of Welshpool (Rev. Grimaldi Davis) being in the chair. Mr. DAVIS, whilst emphasising the importance of the movement against ...


... THE RECENT CONTEST IN LLANGURIG. To the Editor of the COUNTY TIMES AND POST. SIR, --Perhaps it would interest your readers to know the sort of tactics adopted by the Radical leaders in the above parish in order to scrape to. gether a sufficient number of electors to ensure the return of their candidate. it was evident they could not hope to retain the seat against such a competent and popular ...

[No title]

... Mr. Justice Cave has fixed Wednesday, November 27th as the Commission day for Shrewsbury Assizes. Rev. J. Puleston Jones, The Blind Preacher of Wales has just received an invitation to under- take the joint pastorate of the Dinorwic and Fach- wen Calvinistic Methodist Churches near Llanberis; and Rev. Griffith Owen, minister of the church in which Sir Edward Watkin takes so much inter- est at ...