... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-YTMRDAY. a , --- _ ,n - .. ---- . . .1 - SouTrvaicS DxiVoSiO - (Before Mr. Swift). CEHARE OF STEAL}NG MWONEY AND PO}na ORDEBS. A middle-aged woman named Mrs Rock, residig in Cook street,- ~as charged by De. tective Sergeant Henry Stephens, on her own admissiox; with having stolen a one- pound note and two postal orders for one pound and ten shillings. Sergeant Stephena ...


... | ABEOEiVERS DEN. I - For ?? time past -the tradesmen of KentishtoWa asnd SHighate have been making coml Wt to the Iocal police or ?? robberiee perpetrated at their respective establishments, even in broad daylight, and, notwithstanding that every effort has been made to trace the thieves or the receivers of the stolen goods, the police have not been saosess- ful until now. At Merylebonel- ...


... WEST RBIING ASSIZE& . LEEDS TOWN HIAL, Tuesday. CROWN COURT. C I (Before -Mr. Commissioner Barker, Q.C.) I t TEHE BRADFORD SHOO=G CASE t Edward Payne (331, engmieer, was indicted for shoci- iag at Alfred Cooper, with intent to murder, l at Bradford, on the 9th January last. Mr. J. J. Wright prosecuted, and Mr. Waiter Beverley t defened&-Mr. Wright stated that early on' the morning in question ...


... LOIRD QUEEN SBERRY ALRLSVED.I CHARGED l VITH LIBELLING- OSCAR WYILDE; WORDS UN.1jIT FOR PUBJLICATION. STATEMENT TO THE POLICE. The Marquis of Queershorr'i, 50, described as having DOe OvcUpaiiOu, antd ilS re-sitdilng in Carto` 's Etf'tol, Dover- street, W., was cllargord. at IiLariborouwh-stroet Police Court yesterday, on a watrrii't, ' for that Ihe did wn- lawfully and mialicusly publiish a ...


... i TERRIBLE .TRAGDY IN LO: TDOYN. :I ISEUVEN Mt3ERS AYD X flStCDE.: Tooting, a suburb of South London. -was'at an early hour jesterday mnorning the 'scene' of one yE' the most terrible trgedies that baa occurred witbhin the metro- poiran area'for many years. Indeed, 'lb has resulted in the death of a man named 7Frank Ta7lor, a plasterer, of 8, Fountain Road, Tooting, who was himself the ...


... -CARDIFF BANKRUPTCY I 0 COURT.- o - - a TUESDAY.-(Before Mr. Registrar LANGLEY.) -, Commission Afent's .Affairs.-Williasn T 1hoimpsoi. commlission agent, Cardiff, appeared g of. fo i ublic examuination, -in answer to the Offcia Rc.er, debtor stated that, lie had beent t~ in business for fire yeeart, and he attributed his IIsfailure to the illness of himself mnd family, he His debts were ...


... -NOVEL WILL CA1SE AT -:I r CARMARTHEN, .II- !~ I ~; , . 0 - 7 . I7 . , ! TWO BROTHERS IN THE:LAW, COURL:T. At Clarniarthen Coultv-court on Friday (beforse his. lIonour' Judge Bishop' and a jury) a novel aebion was brodght -byDavid. Howells agausl his brother, Eiowel Howells, b6 (onwil- in-Elvt. Theplainiff - ought to e aside a. lease give- by their muther tiothe'drefeidadt. 'It appeaxed that ...


... LIVERPOOL POLIO COURT. ?? . CORT L - - MONDAY, MARCH 1U BSTEWART, STWS3DARY MAGISTRATE. CHARGE 01' Arraxrn TO PoCK Pocrrss-. Two respwetble-loking men, who gave their names a8 Thomia Pecker and William.Wiliama, were charged with attempting to pick pocks i n j Lime-street on Saturdzy. ?? Holmes stated. that he,. in 6oinpany.with Deteo- tive Pritohard, watched the-prisoners for a con- siderable ...


... LIVERPOOL - ASIZES. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20. GM W COURT, h lMrORA TME LORD ORV JV4TICL th TME PATAL ASSAULT AT LIRPOOL. 1, Ellen Brsan ?? hawker, who on the pie- es ?? day had bee found gu'lt' af the a.n- he saughter of aW Ann hMullerkey, at Holly- id street, Liverpool, by striking her on -the head I th e wee brrought up to receive sea- 01 x~onc- u- ffi-ship said -it was Teported to se him that ...


... bee Court. . WINDSOR CASTLE, Thursday. th, The Queen and Princess Beatrice drove out no yesterday .afternoon. ho The Duke and Duchess of Connaught left the be castle- for Aldershot. ar! The Earl and Countess of Cork. and Orrery; he Mr Fowler, Secretary for India; and Mr wi Arnold Morley, Postmaster-General, arrived at th the castle, and had the honour of dining with, d the Queen and Empress ...


... IAB~aae1c1.-Tbe above court was held yesterday, before Mr. Henry Hillock, J.P. (presiding), and Messrs. George A. Edwards awnd Arthur Nelson. Samuel BeishawJ summoned David Ferguison for using abusive lan guage towards him. Mr. J. B.. Gibb appeared for the defendant. The Court ordered the defendant to be bound over to keep the peace-himself in LII anld two sereties in £8 each. Arising out of ...


... TI Kii C HARGE AGAIN St THE MARQUIS OF QIUEENSBERRY. HIS LORDSHIP RriSETURNED FOR TRIAL. L0NDON, SATIIRDAY. - The Police Court at Mjarlborouh Street was crowded by people who hail come to hear the further development of the libel action brought by M4T. Os(ar Wilde against the Marquis of Queensberry. Hia Lordsljip, it srili be remnembered, -was in the hist iustance ar- rested, but after thie ...