... IN(4ulT*'Tm. Ado T;rir. ti mrm r- & MForenn,-Lat ovenin , at thn h P, 00~10r ?? tims I)Or1111h Corontr, Drc. Ji,lfoc, is 1 ly Croh an.11 inqury' wthiml roar~lt~ to* tho oth o G)i lbll Sxt to ;lfItbgt, alnold sir. And a qoarker ollm, ilia, eon of a g& B ooali eleri ieampiyioil At Noriot~ol 1iiieti olt %Vt19 ievils L) in iolnd rtomiic3d its ai bedroon, At hin ionle, 61 P'arr- C Iet run'e-road, ...


... PORTSMOUTH BANKRUPTCY CouRT. )f Nendail.-Before Mr. Registrar Renny. r- A DRAPEY's FAILURE. - Sarah Elizabeth it Abrams, of 62, Somers-road, Southsea, draper, 1, came up for public examination.-Mr. J. F. Le Glanville appeared for debtor, who, in answer to le the Official Receiver, said that she formerly 1- carried on business in, King's-road. When she Ln removed to Somers-road she found that ...


... THE TRIAL OF THE LIBERATORI | GCOMPANY DIRECTORS. ] I STATEMENT BY.,BALFOUR. I Yesterday when the proceedings opened, Mr I John O'Connor addressed the jury sbortly on behalf of Balfour, and then asked permission for his client to make a statement. After sonse discussion between the Judga and the Attorney- General, they both agreed to this, and Balfour rose from his seat on the solicitors' ...


... QUARTER SEiSSIONS, ENNISKILLEN. Before his Honour Judge ORR. A SALVATION AR3MY CASE. An interesting case was heard at the sitting of the Court on the 2nli inst., in which the trustecs of the Methodi.t body sued two dressmnakers named IM-arv and Elizabeth Fitzi atrick, of ]acst Bridige IStreet for £31 damages, fur that, on the 29th Aunuas and di crsocher occasions, defendants, who are Roman ...


... TB',E 3ilPORi-ANT STOCK EXCHANG.E C A S E. Lovmnn,. SATreiAtv.-In the Court iif Apeal to-day tiue coasc of tie Exchangu Tejeagiili C0o11- pant.-y Lirnited. v. Gregoty & Co. camne on before the Masster of the Rolls and Lords .]n saices Ka.v and Rigby. In t.3is, appa' 1 frocm a j1:dmnitit if ! Mr Jmusice Nfotliew. granting an injunetion re- straining tihe defendants fromin infringing tbei copy- ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE, LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. (From the Legal fliary. - 22.2. COURT OF APPEAtL IN. IRELANDI. Hughles ;'* SleW, 1; Pembroke v. Wanese, 2; camne v. ROLLS. Donohule v.- TMceiiny, 1, Cochranre v. Verner, 2; Caosidy v. ¶air,3; Cl nulls ,. Gourman, 4; Cowan i. Holmes,, 5; ilge v. Coetis, 6; Simith v. Nieville, 7; Liston v. t N-ih, S; Mli i L rlter, 9; B. Cntcr-an, dleraooDeuirlry C~r' ip.. ...


... BELFAST STREET TBnAIDAys CO' - PAN ye Y. IMPORTANT VAIA'ATLON1\ APPEA,.~L. to-day, before nf'. JusieQfl n \r-'u~c Juiin'ilai `,r. jl~l Huini-su. 'hI r. 0 0 !Ic Gibson, the lheii-um sa- olcil ' Ih n 15 W&7 itiIn port-mt question aril, cieo txo C-s' s'e t Be iia-stnce of the Be'J-cl '-rte: Tri- his, J'-s Con'- pan'y- tie 27I'. Her-'121 is .s i fast and Counmt Court 'Jucdase 0 Awrrin mud 'Irl ...


... LA4W NOTICES-THIS DAY. v (From the Logal Dtary.) I' X.tM. SOVEJT OF' APPEAL IN- IP'ELAXD. Mf'tlDraniik tenUOOt Omes, tea!iiler 1. 1: ha.rt ix Scaart, 2; l Ba~natyflO v. £crgttSOf, 4; itaracris crusts, 4. ( Shard'srti, petitiolnnr. 31. ie. Emerson, a ,atic itoar, re-' op-indent, it i' Di rrmit v'Ai.oi'~n-' Ai.cssc:t''e lo., 2. Skei proc v. t-k-ilcsct. 3 ; i~ck~- v. 0 f>ir. 4-, ;I; c'L-.; I -y 5 ...


... )y ine Jury. -; A BAPTIST MINISTER ; : DIVORCED. n DISSOLUTION O' THE MARRIAGEt . :r ;0 r In the Divorce Division on Thursday Alice a Fsther :Carr sought a dissolution of her mar-- fa riage on the ground of alleged cruelty and adul- xv 2 tery on the part of her hhusband, George Henry _s r Carr, a Baptist minister at Morgan-s reot, Bow. fc t Respondent denied the allegations. Mr. Bar- grave ...

Published: Saturday 23 November 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 699 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... The trial of the directors of the Lands Allotment Comr- ipany on a charge of issuing fa se balance-sheets was resumed yesterday in the Quseihs Bench Division- before Mr. Justice Bruce and a special jury. The accused are :-Jabec Spencer Balfour, George Edward |Brock, Morell Theobald, and George Dibley. I lr. Samuel Wheeler, the official receiver, was eross- examined by Mr. lohn O'Connor, who ...


... ITHE FATAL E O O A LOCO- M lIOTIVE. Yesterdav Mr. John Booth (coroner) opened an incuast, at the North Staflordshir6 Infirmary, on the bordjes of Mark Jenkinsoau (26. assistant eigineer at tho edeley Coal and Itron COdrpany's Leycett collieries, and Sainuel Bairatt (341, of Onneley, a 'stoker Va the ' employ of tbe company, who died on- the Iat inst. from injuries sustained through the ...


... There were 43S cases before the GIsg polse Cuts on Monday, as compared with a total of 404 on the core sponding Monday of last s ar. Tbe Wick Harbour Trustees have completed arrAW& ments with the Treasury for a loan of S13,000. f t further harbour improvements. The Lord Chancellor basa appointed the Rev. E- R. Fagan, curate of SS. Michael and All Apge!S, Beck3-' bam, to the rectory of Wold ...