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... LAW NOTICJ'IS.-THis DAY. HIOUSE OF L.ORtDS, Wi30TMINWUtfit At 1.O.M-Oanione tiecholfialbl v Earl of 1,ondrsboroiigh (fottbec ,t 1headg)-3iurdia Ifolal 0.1, (Llreited) v LBoxtlart (for herinrrg), iitJ11ititMO? COURT OF3 JU7DIATURE. 0O COURIT OFb AP1'IIAL,-COURT I.-Befror tlie Blaster ot the It Rails, L~ord Jartir Loprn, And Loind Justico Xay.-Al, 10.50.- it Aopu Iran h ?? Diviiloni (now trial ...


... THlE BAYSIWATEI TRAGEDY. A. L.IJA LX.I.LL F.'K II Z. 1 A.1X. .A AJL. SINGULAR STATEMENT.-VU1lDICT. At the NoWtial Orimireil Court yeoterday, bleforo Uv. JUtDioQ WVright, Frank Mayelon, atgell 32, witI lldieted for Liet wilful murder of hitt vife, at 63, *i'niiA-,towd, Ityawater, on thul morning of tli 21rt of I Augant.-Mr. C, MIathuivo nod Mr. Bodkiid, luistrooted by Mr, FIraylig, of tho ...


... SAVGE ATTACK ANjD :;RQOBBE e C--- fthWb'der. th i o cte& tho 'soaenb: fri'tiine'was alf' a ?? 3 excitin'g eha-- lae ?? the . distulrbansce Wals oznly, * uelle or'thle v1 of ..te police. The om n 'an ?? aok int& the .hsAl '.for shelter ) tr'i)i ain there until the erontd bad been dispe A RUlTE JUMP ;O A. WOIAN'S FACE. [SUBJEOT OF iThL'UTTIO1-] ' WUIA, M 0 0RMEi, a tvery oeaf lyhoung Uan ...


... I REiNWH MARQUIS ACQUTTED. EVIDENCE AG-JNST A.N ABBE. VERDICT-- NOT GTJI`-Y.'` The trial of the Marquis de Nayve for the mnrder of his wife's aon tea years ago was re3umed at B3ourges. All oyes were turned upon the AWbd Rosmelot, the tutior of the prisoner's children, as he stepped to the witness-stand. Ee narrated acts of riolence he had seeu the prisonei commit at home. The Marqni!, was ...


... AT - - -R- - - 9,-, ATJt',A T S^ Xt OBBERY. FroI UTIJTER ARREJSTS. Un 1uVIdIhRS IN. COURT, k CLEVER RUSE. M1'g' it ?? 4-1. descibed ii50 at 'notise ecd'cboddstgo, ~ovee~rea, Bilw, doI 'dUn' 4), of ti 001 A~indii refuici tip- 'e-li- idiyt wr(e liarel, t'fore ?? 1 ?? Police court oni Tk ieldItY, Ilb- oucci i et with enory 11ailily acid Xlcxac'drl LOS10i ?? ii. stealliug on September 25. ait ?? ...


... . ?? 2? : ! .% ? - ?11 ?; ? . i C, it .. I fi 4.1I'll - 10 .01.1EDY. il 41 -- ?? 7 I I T , -,o I ji . ?? I i , 14 7, ?? , ?, . 11 & ?? . NQU#SAD t' V- .ERDI Ct AT t~he offlci'ocf tho ?? . irdbjb~e; Dr. Danforthoriehutbed tilil* P the 6ireUmSteS . ?? the death of Pt6se.,, :.ePglish, aged t ?? wbo as aound hoF dead at ea kjo'se'in bDennmaA.-6 t, Soha.' Th& deceased, it xii a be ...


... YESTERRIAM INQUESTS. CRIPPlE' S DEATH AT LYINIEHOUSE. A' the Limnehouse Town HEll Mr. Baxter held an inquiry respecting the death of ThomasuHenry Walten, agoid thirty. lately living at Rich-street, Limehouss.. Sarah Aun Walden, a widow, stated that the demeised was her eon. HIe was a cripple and also an iniot, but his bhalth wars gonerilly good. On Monday last he did not Appeer very well. Ho ...


... - YESTERDAY'S LAW, I COURJT OF APPEAL. STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTAT0ocS.- ,udgment was given by the Master of thc Rolls and Lords Justices Kay and Lindley in the case of the Exohange Telegraph Company (Ltd.) v. Gregory. -The appeal was by the defendants from a decision of Mr. Justice Mathew without a jury, holding that the plain. tiffs were entitled to an inuinction re. straining the defendants, ...


... | LAI EIIS EXTEROEDIINARY CASE. Tn the Queen's Bench division yester. lay, before Mr. Justice Wright (sitting witbout a jury), the case of Dennis v. Cadman and another came on for hear. ?? this case the plaintiff, Mr. James Dennis, of Duke-street, St. James's, aS the endorsee of a bill of ex- change for 8501., sued Maiss Mary Letitia Cadman, the dreawver, and her sister, M~iss Anna Margaret ...


... RXIG-l-WOUTION APPRALS.- I Tito Lortl Cbhlo 3Jito~o, Mr. Iuntluo ymlottribf W~ilialouo ~nit lhft. ;iliplio fit1mothati, ptlog~bf at1 111 La1w oollrwC, yotvlity, hIouI ?? Orl~lrl appelal frain l1411)11t d101!1110110 of rolaingl iarriat~rs. Thin lira'. wooa by Lu \tr.1,Vnlttr vawitirct Hatd, frOmlC)iII of finintry, theC rof) Oity, Ur. fi4rvo C poar1ot fur likeo nottr, Mrl. 1V. Will~ Ohlitly, ...


... LAW IN'LLIJ3 NOE. SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE. COURT OF APPEAL.-Nov. 7. d (heforo the dss-ter of the Rolls, Lord Justice Lopwe, and Lord Jastco ay,) ll ML&Es V. T~rinY ANrD Alrcsnu. U In thisn case it wae nought by the plaintiff to elat aside a. a(led, uuder which the donor, au elderly lady, hail aeigood to her minco, the wife of a solicitor, certain houses ?? the gronsul that suchl solicitor ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TuIa DAY. . G 11013130 OF LORtDS, WEEI.&INSTf0R, 1 Tico foilowing tcu~roels Ile apoitcnned for hicudc. erit at 1.1- (3 1O,11 For iioortng noi merits F ord'sl Ife o, Lmt ?? Ifar to hcoariccgf-itray v Ford. rUIL1M COURT OF JUDICATIUR. COUoRT 00. AP'IPO .-L'ounoT I.-No sitting. The followloe E buoltocoi Ls aupolu~ted fur Mominay next, belowe the Masito of the to Rtl* r Joctlro M~ay, ...