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Advertisements & Notices

... obliged to the proprie- tors of the 'News-Letter' for now producing this invaluable directory annua'lly. (From the Northern Whig of 19th February, 1896.) The edition for 1896 of this Directory has just been issued from the ' Belfast News-Letter' ofioe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reputation for tlh qurlity of0f their instrutments. While maintaining this reputation. theyvare determined to prove that, (whig in their - slendid nosition, wide c.inections with all leading manufacturcri at hisne aid abroad, careful buvin6 for cash, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of view is very attractive. . . . . The characters are weil sustained, while the general balance is admirably preserved.- Whig.. The fun never flags. .. The corn- panv is an excellent one, comprising artistes of the first rank, end a strong ballet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOMBARD STREET. WHERE XARE TRAVELLING GOODS MADE? Eas-ir. FKsF:r is the Pioneer of the Travelling Goods Business.- aorthern Whig. Mr. Eas1imEE'S firm has been before the public for over a quarter of a century, and bas gained the recognised position of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Manager. 5. 16002 WHERE ARE TRAVELLING ! GOODS MADE? Mr. Es:siNE is the Pioneer of the Travelling Goods Basiness. -Northern Whig. Mr. Exsmcascts firm has been before the public for over a quarter of a century, and has gained the recognised position of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OJ' 17064 W1HERE ARE, TfRAYELLING GOODS IMADE? Mr. Ests;xncr is the Pioneer of the Travelling Goods Business. -Yorthern Whig. Mr. Eisiasfirm has been before the public for over a quarter of a century, and lies gained the recognised position of being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Central Hotel. 16428 WHERE AR- E TRAVELLING GOODS MADE? Mlr ERmUnS ~is the Pioneer of the Travelling (oods Business. '-Xorthee Whig. MrI. KslI-E?s firm has been before the public wor over a quarter of a century, and has gained th~e reogn~iset position of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DONEGALL PLACE. 16628 WHERE ARE TRAVELLING :GOODS MADE? Mr. ERSaINE is the Pioneer of the Travelling Goods Business. -Northern Whig. Mr. ERsKINE'S firm has been before the public for over a quarter of a century, and has gained the recognised position of being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOMBARD STREET. 16485 WHERE ARE TRAVELLING GOODS MADEP Mfr. ExtsmsYE is the Pioneer of the Travelling Goods Business.-Yorthern Whig. Mr. Es~sKi-,a's firm has been before the public for over a quarter of a century, an .a gained the recognised. position of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... London, W. 20299 WHEARE ARE TRAVELLING GOODS MADE ? br. EeS9KINn is the Pioneer of the Travelling Goods Business.-Nosthero Whig. Mr. EasKiNEt's firm has been before the public for over a quarter of a century, and baa gained I the recognised position ...

Advertisements & Notices

... StocL; E AEO j, WHERE ARE TRAVELLING & B GOODS MADE B hMr. Ewsqrxn is the Pioneer of the TraveUing u Goods Business.-Northerrl W'hig. & Mr. ERsnI;SE'S firm has been before the public for over a quarter of a century, and has gained the recognised position ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 22135 es PI P WHERE ARE TRAVELLING GOODS MADE ? at Mr. ERSKuIN is the Pioneer of the Travelling i Goods Business.`-ortherr( Whig. in ,Mr. ER3SesIt's firme has been before the public ti for over a quarter of a century, and has gained ai the recognised position ...