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... PE'TTY SESSIONS. BLLsarior.-These weekly sessions were held yesterday in the Bad hoot Courthouse before Messrs. Henry Turner, R.M. (presiding); Thomas O'Hare, J.P. -William Davies, J.P.; and Robert Harpur, J.P. Sergeant Hawthorne summoned Patrick Markey, Corrinlshego, for having been drunk and disorderly in King Street on the night of the 25th ult. A fine of 5s and costs was imposed in the ...


... DUBLIt~N LA&W -1{ I'POeTh.Z l LIAW NOTICES-TEIS DAY. | (Froem the Lega;l Dliuryj H TIIM. CO CIUL'0OF APPE!AL IX 1[ IET'.lAD. Cinonell v. B gydi 1; oti Q ueen 'rt.-tiei pn-rnit.^inn adt Joseph ¶ Pbewtier lOiauro v. A~bbots, a ;l trra)te:r, 2; Oocit-'y v iionna;, 3, NL Auter ast ltwidirdsoc, 4; 1k-tao Rv-Bboar. 5- ynve vt 'Tweod. 6. For lode-menui to-molrrow (Wvednoiadasy) - O'Briel vr. O'lirien ...


... TUE TRANSVAAL RAID. IT ACASO TE OF ARTERD COMPLANY fFI COMPROMISING 'ETELEGRAMS. P Ram'oIA, W Drrsn:CTv.-A series of telegrams, which were put in as evidence on Monday last at the trial of the members of the reform committee, have now been published, and have caused a sen- sation. Some of them were in code, but were deciphered by means of a key which was found in the 'baggage of Dr. Ja meson ...


... On Saturday District-Inspector Wa.lsh charged a, man naMed John Steerson ab Keadsy petty sessions with baivinig on the same day killed :cnl mnurdered one Edward Toal. 'I'he prisoner, during the hearing of tho evidence, seemed. to feel his posiLion keenly. Sergeant James Belford deposteu that at about 2-30 a.n. on 11th inst. lhe was in bed, and was called bh Constable Sands, lie wvent down aud ...


... I BELFAST CUSTOWDY COURT-YmTsmcA.' 1 Before Messrs. GAsRETT NMAGLn, R.M.; Jorg e GREGCG, J.P.; Josic HOLLYWOOD, J.P.; and ROBERT KELLY, J.P. i, THREATS. fRobert Ard was placed in the dock charged by e Sergeant Biown with threatening his wife. Mr. Spiller prosecuted in this and the other police cases. It appeared that the prisoner said he would cat her throat, and complainant was coIn- a pelled ...


... THE MUSWELL HILL MURDER, PRISONERS BEFORE THE MAGISTRATES. At Highgate yesterday Henry Fowler and Albert .>Milsom were charged on remand with burglary and murdering Henry Smith at Musoeell Lodge, Mus- wel] Hill, and Emily Milson was charged with being accessory after the fact to the murder. Mr. Avory prosecuted for the Treasury. He said the crime was comnmitted on the 13th of February. The ...


... COOleSTOWN..-These sessions were held yester- dav in the Courthouse, Cookstown, before Messrs. John Raphael, J.P. (chairman); Richard Cniff, J.P.; Stewart Devlin, J.P.; Thomas S. Magill, .J.P.; ,John Rickard, J.P.; and Win. Anderson, J.P. Twvo young girls named Connolly and Baxter were charged, under the Towns Improvenient Act, with riotous and indecent behaviour on 10th inst. Mr. James Mullan ...


... BALL Y-MEN A. Before his Honour Judge FiTzcizcoNr.-frsNE23 Mr. H. MINeill1 Cornick. regi;rar. apl Mr Henry 1. Cratwford, Deputy-Clerk of the Pease, vere in autendance. CPAWFORD V. FTLTON. This wes an action brought by the r.laintiff. James Crawford, KiilLyless, against the detendsnt John Fulton, of sanie place, to recover £20 (iatl. eg sus tained by reason of defendant having ol,sru: ted ...


... NE WRY. (Before Mr. it. R. iherry, Q.C.) SARAUH MLURIJAY, ijY JAS. HER lk'd, hER FATHER. I 1-'GH LYNCH. AND JtUlN LYNSCh. Plaintiff resides at 36. North Stieet, Newry, and the deteurftm it In MmI street. hl'e prucess sIIS brought for 'i20 for thIat John 1v itch, oue oi the defelidants, on the 12th sf50 of Julie, 18il, when oil busaiues aud anting as the servaut. of ^u;hi Lotch (hi, ftatheri, ...


... BELFAST IIECORDER'S COURT. Yesterday his Honoum the Recorder sat in the Recorder's Court, Municipal Buildings, and corn- menced the business of this court. I Mr. Wiilliim Carson, J.P., clelrk of the peace for ( the city, was in atte adance. ] GRAND yUcYV. The following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury: -Messrs. John B. Burnett (foreman), William Reid. William l-I. Ward, P. S. Corbett, ...


... LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD LNQUlRY AT COOKSTOWN. The inquiry by Mr. Robert Agnew, Local Go- vernment Board inspector, into alleged mismanage- n meat iL. the Cookatown Union Fever Hospital during the typhus fever outbreak was continued yesterday. The inquiry had been adjourned at 8-15 on the previous night, after continuing over ten hours. Mr. WV. J. Vesables, solicitor, repre- sente(d the ...


... A NEWRY LICEINSING CASE. Donuts. THUR-SDAr.-To-day, in the Queen's Bench Division, before -Mr. Justice Holmes and MrSh. Justice Gibson. in the case of the Queen | jtamb) v. the Justices of the County Armagh. 1 MIrI. Bushe, Q.C., with irhom was Mr. Drnmgoole (instructed by Mr. Joseph Carroll, solicitor lNewry) applied to the Court to malke absolute a conditional orler which was obtained on the ...