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... PE'TTY SESSIONS. BLLsarior.-These weekly sessions were held yesterday in the Bad hoot Courthouse before Messrs. Henry Turner, R.M. (presiding); Thomas O'Hare, J.P. -William Davies, J.P.; and Robert Harpur, J.P. Sergeant Hawthorne summoned Patrick Markey, Corrinlshego, for having been drunk and disorderly in King Street on the night of the 25th ult. A fine of 5s and costs was imposed in the ...


... ALLEGED IRREGULARITIES. . tOCAL GOVIctNiT.NT BOAPD I'QUIRY. Yesterday Mir. R. Agnew, Local Government Board Inspector, held a sworn inquiry in Antrim Workhouse into certain irregularities alleged to have taken place in connection with the last milk contract. Amongst those present in the Board- room during the proceedings were-Dr. John J. Adams, JP. (chairman of the Boardi; Messrs. David Dickey ...


... BALL Y-MEN A. Before his Honour Judge FiTzcizcoNr.-frsNE23 Mr. H. MINeill1 Cornick. regi;rar. apl Mr Henry 1. Cratwford, Deputy-Clerk of the Pease, vere in autendance. CPAWFORD V. FTLTON. This wes an action brought by the r.laintiff. James Crawford, KiilLyless, against the detendsnt John Fulton, of sanie place, to recover £20 (iatl. eg sus tained by reason of defendant having ol,sru: ted ...


... INQUEST IN BELF AST. A CHILD DROWNED. The coroner (Mr. E. S. Finnigan) and a jury held e an inquest, at noon yesterday in the Recorder's -Court, on the body of a child named Dar.d MNax- 1 well, aged two years and five months, who was s foundl drowned in a pond at the rere of Walmner ; treet, Ballynafeigh, on Monday evening. Sergeant Seymour conducted the inquiry. Lizzie -Maxwell said she lived ...


... POLICE INTELLI(;EN,'CE BELFAST CUSTODY Before Messrs. G;ARRnET N AGE. K.AE , P VoraNcc. J.P. |ltSIOrlfEPLY C'CONDUc. Bella Holly was. Charned by (untc.ll~ II-y , with having been druink and h t1, I ?? fifty prr-,vious convictions ain-r ?? i M'ie fi111l ?? INand coos. Jolvln Oieill. for a .timilsr oh r- ?? andi costs. Constihlo Sampey peiO d r 1 Hugh Donnelly -nd i LCisC I charged by Constable ...


... tBALLYMENA. Before his Honour Judge FITrZcBBON. Mr. Henry M. Crawford, deputy and acting clerk of the peace, was in attendance. SC917Tr V. FOSTF.B. John Scott. Lisriagaver, processed David Foster v and his wife, of B-iyiiymoonnelly, to recover £5 i damages sistainel by trespauss of horses on plaiu- tilt's laeds, and als) by an allede obslrnctieon o plaintifls right-of-way thereto. Mr. Williame ...


... I Beore the LoiDD CHTmF Juswrnc. Mr, H. MtNeile McCormick, Clerk of the e rown, was ii attendance. BRFARUCfNG AND EN'TEEING. Thomas Yates and William Presho were indicted for breaking and entering the dwelling-houuse of James Cassidy, Upper Eustace Street, on 13th No- vember. and stealing therefrom 43 3d in money. Mr. G. H. Campbell, QOC., and Mr. Geo. Hill Smith (lust-ned by Mr. B. N. Johnson ...


... LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD LNQUlRY AT COOKSTOWN. The inquiry by Mr. Robert Agnew, Local Go- vernment Board inspector, into alleged mismanage- n meat iL. the Cookatown Union Fever Hospital during the typhus fever outbreak was continued yesterday. The inquiry had been adjourned at 8-15 on the previous night, after continuing over ten hours. Mr. WV. J. Vesables, solicitor, repre- sente(d the ...


... COOleSTOWN..-These sessions were held yester- dav in the Courthouse, Cookstown, before Messrs. John Raphael, J.P. (chairman); Richard Cniff, J.P.; Stewart Devlin, J.P.; Thomas S. Magill, ?? ,John Rickard, J.P.; and Win. Anderson, J.P. Twvo young girls named Connolly and Baxter were charged, under the Towns Improvenient Act, with riotous and indecent behaviour on 10th inst. Mr. James Mullan ...


... TERRIBLE NEAR TRAGEDY CORK. - :, A MAN MIURDEuRS HIS WIFE AM)8 IWO CHILDREN. SAD STORBY OF DOMESTiC MISER-Y. SPECIAL TELEGIAII,. Cons, SIJSDAY.-The qtuiet town oE Pa~ssage was on Saturday night startled by a terrible iloim-s- thc tragedy, the details o>f which are of a, horrible character, and w ithout. parallel in the South. Eidwardl Foley, aged a~bout thbirty-aix years, who haul for some ...


... BELFAST BECORDER'S COURT. Yesterday, before his Honour JunDGc FTzGBrsBnO. Mr. H. M. Crawford, registrlr, wa5 ih atteus. dance. DRAjkKE V. DAMtON. Thomas Drfcke, merchant, NevetowarzsS, stied Johm Dalion, ho-se dealer, Duuismirn Gardens, Bel- fast, to recover £5 tor loss and damnage sustatied by the careless and negligent mtaflageniieut by defen- duea of a, stud horse a-t Newrtownards. which ...


... POLICE INrELLIGENCE. BELFAST CUSTODY COU L' * S:ranDoY. Before Messrs. F. 0. HODDaEwa. 11.M., andA. WI. 1A, R ( X Y I E S . Ellen M11aanus and Ellen Brady were chargecl by Aciing-tSergeauat Ca-rroll withL the larceyv of thiee brass tcips, the property of Messrs. WI'. & Ii. Shearer, Sminhficld. Mr. IDonnelIy (for -,r. 1). F. SpiiIr) rolsecailea1. It app'?t~red; ions the evidleffne; titr ta' v ...