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... BELFAST CUSTODY OOURT-YESTIRDAY. Before MIessrs. F. G. HODDnnt, R.M., and DvnID Coarsrcrr. J.P. ASSAULTS. A man named Barklie was put2 forward in custody of Constable Hill chairged with assaulting his wife's grandmother, his mother-in-law, and his wife in Marchioness Street. Mr. D. F. Spiller prosecuted in the polike cases. When arrested the prisoner said he was sonry he had not given themn ...


... I ANTeM. -The monthly petty sessions court of this towII was held yesterdary, the magistrates pre- j I sent being Messrs. fHenry B. Murray, J.P. (in the Ichair); Bernard A. iMesnan, J.P.; and Philip C. ICeagh, BWM. James WVilson. Sanine Gray, and, T lonizos Aggie were each fined 10s 6d and costs for I being drunk in charge of horses and carts. The coucolaiinants were Head-Constable Craig and ...


... poL?iCE INTELLI(iENCE. rELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YrsrnPAY. ?t -.r, Mean-a. F, C. NoDDER, P.M.; Jasens JL?'.?N? 3.1?. .1 'tiN Pt ins-s. J.P. ; TH0M?IS * if- in'. NattY, J.P. AeSALLIS- i¶rn. AJ'n V.-? c-c-n-3ed on remind by Sergeant y .- ?- in .. a ti.i A5, a:red ?\ho. Z yee a fort- t -'-JWr p:>--uted. and Mr. The injured man sass cite COSO SASS asritier ad- i'iO 1'' -. a e 'I 'a ci' 'eel Snr.h ...


... THE TIAL AT PRETORIA THE JUDGE'S SUMMING UP, PASSING OF SENTENCE. THE FEELING IN PRETORIA. PRETORIA, TUESDAY (delayed in transmission).- The trial of the members of the reform committee was brought to a close to-day. The presiding judge summed up, dealing exhaustively with all the evidence which had beer adduced during the hearing. H-e held that the general law must apply, except in cases ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YESTEP.D.17. . Before Messrs. GARR.iEITT NArLE, R.3I.: T-noaus hL BROWSE, JOI{X aCco,, and Join' Hous.rWOOD. ALLEGED STABELN. Francis Porter was charged, at the instance oV Sergeant Rueyr.or, with baing felonioasly cut and wounded William Lusty and Fanny Lusty .)y stabbing them, on the evening of the 13th inst. Mr. Lewis prosecuted, and Mr. M'Erlean ap- peared for the ...


... PET'rY SESSIONS. CARRICKFERGUS.-The fortnightly court of petty sessions for the borough of Carrickfergus was held yesterday, before Messrs. Wm. Gor4uan, J.P., and Daniel Bowman, 3.P. District-Inspector Lilly, R.LC., and Mrs. Isabella Barr, Lower Woodburn, summoned Samuel Barr, same place, for having, on the 19th nti, made use of abusive and threaten- ing language, calculated to provoke a ...


... PETTrY SESSIONS. BANGOR-This court was held yesterday in the Courthouse, Hamilton Road, before Dr. Reuben Bolton, J.P. District-Inspector Mulliner and Mr. Jas. .- Barrett, C.P.S., were in attendance. There were only a few cases for hearing. Patrick Heaney, 6, Crumlin Street, Belfast, was charged by Constable Gallagher with disorderly behaviour on Sunday, 16th inst. The constable deposed that ...


... The trial of Dr. Jameson. Sir John Willouglhby, Major H. F. White, Colonel Grey. Captain R. White, aind Major C. J. Coventry was resumed y-tste'day morning in the Roval Courts of Justice before the Lord Chief Justice (Lord Rossell of Mil- owen), Mr. Baron Pollock, and Mr. Justice Haw- kins. The charge: which they pleid not guilty to is that of being engaged in the preparation of a military ...


... PLiT'IY SE1SSIONS. IARIAOH. -The w~eekliy court of pettv sessions wvas held yesterday, before Messrs. N. 3'. Tow ns- end. R.t. (chairman) ; Henry H'illock, J.P.; .John Conipton, JP.; John S. Rigg, J.P; and Patrick ii 'Galley, JP.p Mary Brady summ~oned James M~astersun for threatening language, and, after h Cearing the evidence, defendant was ordered to find bail-himself in 40> and two sureties ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YES~rDnAY. Before Mr. F. G. HoDDERe, E.M., and Mr. Wr. M'Colluecs, J.P. CHARGES OF LARCERY. Two boys named Rainey and Stewart were charged by Acting-Sergeant Jackson with the larceny of a cage, the property of John Johnston, 14, Kathleen Street. The cage, it appeared, was taken from Johnston's back yard, and the boys were seen coming down an entry from the yard. They ...


... PE,'T'TY SESSIONS. AXoGomLTS.-At this court on the 15th inst., before Mr. P. C. Creag-a, R.M., J. M;cuicggalm sannlmolled Joseph Craig for that defendants dog had, as al- leged, bitten complainant's child, a little girl of about four years of age. As there was not siufi- cient evidence to sustain the charge in the mean- time, the case was adjourned for two months. The other business was of ...