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... POLICE INTELLiGENCE. BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YESTRDnAK. I Before Messrs. F. G. HODDER, R.M., and DAVID CORBETr. A S S .A U L T S. Lizzie M'Aleese was charged by Sergeant Brown with having violently assaulted her husband on the 18th inst. by striking him on the head with a poker and on the face with a can. Mr. D. F. Spiller prosecuted in the palice cases. The in- jured mar said he had not been ...


... I BELFAST CUSTOWDY COURT-YmTsmcA.' 1 Before Messrs. GAsRETT NMAGLn, R.M.; Jorg e GREGCG, J.P.; Josic HOLLYWOOD, J.P.; and ROBERT KELLY, J.P. i, THREATS. ?? Ard was placed in the dock charged by e Sergeant Biown with threatening his wife. Mr. Spiller prosecuted in this and the other police cases. It appeared that the prisoner said he would cat her throat, and complainant was coIn- a pelled to ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-SATURDAY. Before Messrs. GCPaEaE MOAGLE, BE.M., and J. Ot C. PAYNE. ASS A U L TS. George Calvert was charged with havirng assaulted his wife. _1r. R. Hancocklprosecuted, and Mr. Harper defended. Constable Weishman said lie arrested the ?? on the 29th ult. on a warrant. Mr. Harper stated that the parties had only been married a short time, but they evidently could not ...


... THE MUSWELL HILL MURDER, PRISONERS BEFORE THE MAGISTRATES. At Highgate yesterday Henry Fowler and Albert .>Milsom were charged on remand with burglary and murdering Henry Smith at Musoeell Lodge, Mus- wel] Hill, and Emily Milson was charged with being accessory after the fact to the murder. Mr. Avory prosecuted for the Treasury. He said the crime was comnmitted on the 13th of February. The ...


... BALaYaOT.-These weekly sessions were held I yesterday in the Ballybot Courthouse, before Mr. Henry Turner, R.M. (presiding), and Mr. James F. Erskine, J.P. Robert Hutchinson, Craigiore, a was prosecuted for having interfered with the coin- fort of passengers in a car belonging to the Bess- brook and Newry Tramway Company while tra- t velling between Newry and Craigmore on the 30th r ult., and ...


... INQUB?1?S IN RELFAST. SUT)IiEN IDSAT'I{. Tlhe coroner (Mr. E. S. Finnigan) 'held an inquiry in the Recorder's Court yesterday touching the death of a servant named tlen Morrison, who died suddenly at 30, Gamble Street, on the 20th inst. Sergeant Magee watched the case on behalf of the police. Robert Morrisou identified the body of deceased as that of 'his sister. H~e saw her last alive four ...


... A CAPTAIN, HIS WVIFE, AND THEj SECOND MATE BUTCHERED. INTERVIEW WITH ONEOF THE CREW Somo brief particulars have been received by i cable of the terrible tragedy on board the American vessel Berbert Feeller, vwhich put into a Canadian port with the dead bodies of the captain, his wife, and tihe second officer on board. An American cor- respondent has interviewed Jonathan Spencer, steward of the ...


... AL~LEG(ED MURf)DER AT ANTRIH. ARREST OF THE DE'CFASED MAN'S DAUGHTER AND SON-IN-LAW. Dr. John J. Adams, J.P.. attedad at the Court- house, Antrim, on the 7th inst., and held an inqairy into circumstances connected with the death of James Owens, aged about sixty years, who died suddenly at his residence, Riverside, Antrim, on Moanday morning. Messrs. John Kirk, J.P., and Bernard A. Meenan, J.P. ...


... QUARTERlE SESSIOiNS. BELFAST. SATURDAY-Before his Honour Judge FfZGIDBBON. M'MULLAN V. PHILLIPS AND ANOTHER. This was an action brought by David M'Mullan, of Bundoran, against Henry Phillips, Cliftonville, and Margaret Cameron, York Street, executor and executrix of Alexander Cameron, deceased, to recover the sum of £40 money paid. The cause of action arose out of two hearses, wvlich had been ...


... COUNTY FERLANAGH. EMPANNELLING THE GRAND WRY, On Saturday, at noon, before the Sub-Sheriff of the county (Mr. L. P. Kiught), the High Sheriff (Sir A. D. Brooke, Bart.) being unavoidably absent, Mr. J. W. Hanrahan, Clerk of the Crown and Peace, swore the following gentlemen on the Grand Jury:- W. Darcy Irvine, D.L. (foreman). Viscount Corry. D.L. Colonel J. G. Irvine, J.P. Colonel J. M. ...


... BELFAST BANKRUPTCY COURT- VYSTERDAY. Before Mr. Registrar M'CowrczC. Mr. Edward Allworthy, official assignee, and Mr. J. H. B. Murphy, assistant registrar, were in attendance. There was one arrangement matter before the Court, in which Mr. W. M. M'Grath (instructed bv Mr. Samuel Ross), Mr. David M'Gonigal, and Mir. C. H. Brett (Messrs. L'Estrange & Brett), wvere professionally engaged. IN r. ...


... II THE ARREST OF MR. HARRISON. Renter's correspondent at Georgetown (Deme- rara), writing under date of June 25th, gives the following particulars of the Harrisorn incident:-- On Monday, 15th June, Mr. Everard Im Thurn, Government Agent in the North-West district, came to Georgetown to report to the Government that the Ve-rezuelavr had crossed over to the left (the British) side of the ...