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... DERRY Before his Honour Judge OvnsMND. : BRADLEY V. SADLEIM. His Honour gave judgment in this case and cross-cass heard on the previous day. The diffi- culty in the case was the alleged payment by Bradley of £50 to Mr. Sadleir, deceased, in the month of March preceding his death, for which he had no receipt, and had not taken up the promis- sory notes which the alleged payment satisfied. His ...


... IN'QUESTS IN BELFAST. The coroner (31r. E. S. Finnigan) held an in 'uez yesterday, in ithe Recorder's Court, o;! tilt body of an infant child, which was fonnd n a barrel in the baek vard of Mr. Robert Turner's public-house, 296, Crumlin Roadt. District Inspector Wright, Head - Constable Donohue, and Sergeant Farrell were present on be- half of the police. Win. Bleakley, a barman in Mr. ...


... ARMAGH H Before his Honour Judge Xisny. PATTERSON V. COZIER0 . This was a suit instituted to have a certain deed of assignment purporting to be executed by the plaintiff to the defendant, assigning her interest in a farm of land in the townland of Ballyherridan, set aside, and declared null and void. Mr. Richard Best, Barrister-at-Law (instructed by Mr. Edwin Best, solicitor), appeared for the ...


... LAWet NOTICS-THI DAY. Ih ugetdbe o X1 anI eptu i untuefrsl yacin (From the Legal Diary.) iH.M, 0OUB9iT OP APPEAL IN IRLad'ID. ]Tanolan and Fay tenants Bor, landlord, 1, Nicholson, tensut, Marquis of {esdfort, landlord, 2; Guardians Athy Union v. Weldon, 3; Stewart, petitioner, Stewart, re- poudent, 4; Killingly v. Silley, 5. DROLLS. Nesbitt's trusts and Trustee Act, ex-parte Armstrong, 1; ...


... THE NEWGCHAIR AN OF THE COUDNTY OF LONI)ON SESSIONS. HONOUR FOR A BELFAST MAN. The announcement, published in ouer columns yes- terday, tliht Mr. AV. R. M'&onnell has been ap- pointed to the Chairmanship of the County of Lon- don sessions, in place of Sir Peter Edlin, resigned, vill give much satisfaction in this city, for the new chairman is a Belfast man, and is a member of a family which ...


... DUBLIN LAW REPORTS, COURT OF APPEAL-Nyov. 13. Before the Lord Chief Baron, Lord Justice Fitngibbon, and Lord Justice Borry. THEE EIGHLEY LAUNDRY CO., ITD., v. PLAINE & CO., HE-NRY AND MAIG, AND BRiGDS & CO. The appeal wee froten the Vice-Chan cellor's refusal to reopen rise taxation of the costs, the particulars of which. have been already published. The Courr made an order sending back the ...


... ARmAnie.-This weekly court was held here yes' terday, before Messsrs. N. L. Townsend, R.?. (chairman), and John S. Riggs, J.P. Inspector M'Court, of Belfast, summoned the following people tinder the Prevention of Cruelty to Animale Act :--Patrick Mialvo and Bernard Gorman for working a horse in an unfit state. The inspector proved to the defendants, as alleged, working the hoise whila it was ...


... The adjourned sitting of this Court *was held on the 24th inst., in the M'Garel Hall, Larne, befoie Messrs. 1). Tuckev, Barrister-at-Law (chairnian); T. Davidson, and S. Wilson. Mr. Morris, registrar, was also in attendance. I JAMES NIDLOCK ITEXNANT) V. JOHN RAPHAEL, J.P. (LANDLORD), This was an application to fix a fair rent for a second judicial term on a holding of 16a. 3r., held under Mr. ...


... YESTERDAY-Before his Honour JodgeFiTZGesaaOS. t' Mr. H. Al. Crawford, registrar, was in attend- tl ance.M PoLoCK, V. SIMPSON. This was an action by Win. T. Pollock, druggist, a Tomb Street, Belfast, to recover the sum of £512 n 13s 7d from Mnararet Simpson, grocer, Apsley a Street, for goodsso d and delivered. t Mr. Al 'Grath (instructed by Mr. John Shaw) g appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. ...


... RMFORMED PRESBXTERIAN SYNOD. MORNINO h SEOREUNT. This Court resumed its deliberations yesterday in tire Dublin Road Church-the Moderator, Rev. William Scott, presiding. Rev. James Martin, M.A., M.D., Antioch, conducted devotional exer- cises. Rev. S. M'Neillv presented the report of the committee on Synodical committees, which, with the recommendations of the comirrittee, wa adopted. Rev. Win. ...


... BE}LFAST RECORDER'S COURT. YESTPRDAY-Before his Honour JudgeFrTZvBBOSN. 'Mr. H. M. Crawford, registrar, was in atten- dance. DEFENDED CIVIL BILLS. MALLEY V. CRAIG. This action was brought by John St. C. Malley, civil engineer, Fitzwilliam Street, against James Craig, 31 and 32, May Street, Belfast, to recover I £S12 Is 6d for professional services rendered by plaintiff to defendant, and for ...


... DEATH OF A PAUPER LUNATIC. The coroner (MAr. E. S. Finnigan) and a jury held an inquest in the Boardroom of the work- house, Lisburn Road, yesterday, at 4 p.m., on the body of Edward Luno, 5, Israel Street, who died ; in the Union Infirmary on the 18th inlst. Head Constable Good and Sergeant M'Kinley watched the inquiry on behalf of the Crown. David Coulter said he was day attendant in the ...