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... MIAGHERAFELT. YEsTERDsA.-Be-fore His Honour Jdodge OjvaRND Q.C., Recorder of Londonderry. tI1PORTANT POINT AS TO COUNTY COURT IPRACTICE IN PARTITION SUITS. TIPPING V. T.EATiLY. This was an equity suit instituted by CanOtge R. Tipping, of Maghlerafet, a-ainst Richardson Kcatley and Satnuel Kteatley, administrator of Abraham heatlev, deceased; Abraham Keatlcy Eliza Jane Koatley, Nancy ie;atley. ...


... BE L FAST. Saturday-Before his Honour Judge rsTZ'.Tnr.o',. Mr. 3{. Mr. CraNwford. Deputy and Acting Clerk of the Peace, vas in attendance. POLLIN V. LOOMFf. John Pollen, falmeer, Crosscrir Dropuira. sued William Booner, cattle ~kuler. Knockmore. to re- cover £5 f-cr adleged breach of wsarranty -in th.e sale of a. cou. Mr. W'ood (lessrs. MIcorhe-ad & Wood) apimared for tite pliiuciff. and MIr. ...


... POLICE INTEULIGENCE. BELFAST CUSTODY COURT.-svTERDAY.v | Before Alr. F. G. HODDER, R.M., and Mr. Wmz. M-CosMICtc, J.P. LARCENY CASES. A boy named Kennedy was charged by Detec- tive M'IiDermott with the larceny of a pair of opera glasses, belonging to Thomas Dargin, Smithfield. it was stated that another lad had already been arrested in connection with the same satters and the accused was ...


... THE ACCU[SED 1BFCIPL TRiE MAGIS TRAIES Eesteiday morning James Arthur Pawceft, who arrested in Dublin, ou the infoimtation and de- scription of Sergeant Daly, in connection with the robbery at Pelliper House. the residence of Captain Ogilby, D.L., was brought up before a special Court in Dungiven( Courthouse, and charged with having, on the niclht of the 30th clt. burglarioudly entered ...


... CUSTODY COURT-YESfnRDAY. Before Messrs. GAIIETT NAGLE, ?? JAMES JEN;INSs, J.P.; THos. SHAw, J.P.; end JaGLm BunIE, J.P. LARCENY. Thomas Richardson, a private in the North Staffordshire Regiment, was sentenced to a month's imprisonment for the larceny of two pipes on Saturday night from the shop of Mr. M'Kee, tobac conist, Ann Street. Mr. Spiller prosecuted. Francis Han-. charged by Constable ...


... I AN' ANSWER TO LORD rERSCHELL. Losnos, SraD.4 .-The Press Association has received the following from one of its legal corre- spondents with reference to Lord Herscheli's state- ments in the House of Lords onl Thursday about the approaching trial at Bar of Dr. Jameson and his colleagues. Members of the criminal Bar in the Temple are discussing with considerable interest Lord Herschell's ...


... MAGHERAFELT. I Before his Honour Judge OVEaRND, Q.C.-NOV. 18. The following nagistratcs occupied seats on tile bench, viz.: Welch. E.M.; Dr. Auterson, J.P.; Me;ne. William Harbison, J.P.; Thomas Meek. J.P.; John Keenan. ?? John Weir.J.P.; J.ames Eilrce. J.P. * Peter D. Carleton, J.P.; and Henry O'Neill, J.P. THE B.ALLYMOGRAN MAIMING CASE. .Tolin Loughran. of Broughderg. who was ...


... TIlE IUDNXPPING CASE. * Thu Times' ?? thec aconcSt of] Europe is supposed to be mak~ing ctnd 3>ol es towvards thle establib3 nc.t OT' Itiitiony aonge~fst the constituent Powers, the ordlinarily s'moochl course OF dipiom;a.Cc ?? hats b~een rUIfUd: by a cur~ous violatina of la--w and ca-tomn at the Ct;'~ncsc Leeation-avwiat.1:on irhicitiniliht hte l;ledtotragic; consCe~ituncOs, but whlich ha; ...


... BALLYBOT. Before his Honour Judge Kisaxa;. Messrs. Thomas J. Marron, Clerk of the Crown and Peace; Arthur F. Maffetit, registrar ; and James Morrow, deputy-registrar: were in attend- ance. ACTIONS AGAINST THE HIGH SHERIFF. T1his was an action brought by Mr. George H. Massey, tobacconist, Hill Street, against Sir Daniel Dixon, D.L., High Sheriff of the County of Down, and William Riddle, King ...


... YESTERDAY-Before his Honour JudgeFeTzGIBBON, 40.C Mr. J. H. B. Murphy, assistant registrar, was in attendance. There were four arrangement matte s, and the solicitors engaged in these were Mr. David M'AGonigal and Mr. Joseph Allen. I;N RE W. L. METCALFE AND IN RE D. A. CHARTE:RS. In the case of W. L. Metcalfe, Chichester Street, Belfast, trading as the Pure Bread Company, and 1). I A. Charters ...


... R9SIGNAtTION OF LORD ROSEBERY.1 The Times ?? Lord Rosebery dis- claims the intention of making any complaints, the facts speak for themselves. It cannot be denied that Sir William Harcourt, when he found a 1 younger statesman promoted over his head on the retirement of Mr. Gladstone, had much reason to feel annoyed at the slight. But it was altogether unprecedented that the Radical leader in ...


... CHANNCERY DIVJSION.-MAB. 20. Before tbp Master cf ti- otolIs. PROTYIDSN v. M-LNEL};B -A ABiITitATIO\. This t-%. mcsoz tsC rooke a s'abission so. srbitratisl i Wns1 the av;strd bas,,el tbereoix a -ute l- C -urt. The deote-' dain haul estweref ino a contttsct to buiss3 .s Nasisazsl ,.ehseo ecn Termoon, Co'u.tst- Donezal. and erigam-xk the plaintifi ius sob-onteor-tor to ;.ssoit IIa tUe work. tOu ...