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Newcastle Courant

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rirbsg, T1rriam3lse nnb i 0 o DIRT!US. XE;VCAsTLO, 317, Deatconsficid Street. on the Sch icst., the nife ef Rob'rt C. Donaldson of a sonm ThoseTrzt, 26, Ivy Lord. on the Sth iist., the Vils of Benjamiin Dady of a dauOuter. MozaLSIIAUtGt, kiltoe, on the 2nd inst,, the wife of William Daviso~n of a son. lAnsTEELH, SRose Cottare, or. the 6th inst., the wife of WIn. Rawsthorna of a son. Grctste ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iDEATH IN RABBIT PiE. The lnqoett woe concluded at C:rawley, in Susees, On Mon day evening, on Ann ie Brook-bank~s, a servant, aged twrenty-twvo, who died recently at the Buonbon Elill resi- dence of Mir P. Saillard, of Bloomebzury Square. About the middle of July a etrange sickiness broke out in the house, and ten searvants fell ill. Inl Miss Brook-bank-a' na's the result proved fatal on July ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NORTU OF ENGLAND FARMER, AND GENERAL HUE AND CRY. ESTABLIBEED 171i-9TH Y1EFA OF QUEEN ANNE. PRiNCE HENRY'S DEATH. In these stirrinz and eventful times, a great snrrow has befallcrt the Royal Family, and the nation's ?? patri:.tism lhave been mixed with sympathy. Tihe sal intilliizence of Prince Henry's death reached the Queen at Osborne on1 Wednesday forenoon in circumstalaces himilar to those ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ssrrc'.aTrir. 7S. Stiarct'n direct. ?? the 9th inst. the s~ie of h. Curaruhites of a Son. SOGT]m iLit'Ltm. 3. Cbt-rlottc' Terrace. en thse 8th inSt, thes ivifa ot Th Cr, shyC or a dlaugh1ter. NIONE;SRATON. [hute~h, Osi'rorne Gardens. Gn tlis Scb inl't.. rhos whoft of ii. It l- m oh f a daughtear. Moor-Ti;, )fta:itet P'awc, on1 the 9th iost., the nife of ZOcoeph ?? Cc:le nw. M. C.Vr.S., Of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ItlIlTIlot Nwc XSTLK. 59. Jesniid reaCi, rn the 23V,1 unt., the wife of C, V. 3(tr*Zer of a daughter. Si fiartinot n Street, ou the let iust,, the wife of Rebert A. Patters:mn iif a oun. A jTES HEAD.0>[Y . 7, 'ctrk Terrace, on the 31st ult., the ivies of T. S. Mdier of a I on. NyfwOrtoj. Dlurh1am, 2, Efighburte Terrace, on the 31is nIt., tdlo wife of chD Rev J. L. Perry cf a daughter. TANIE=LD ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sizi'il~, g -ia atI t ts, la -- BIuTHS. NEWCAMSrT, 10, Grosvenor Place, on the 24th inst., the wife of James Bi. flairis of a daughter-still born. GOSP'ORTIT, 17, HRLe thorn 1ad, on the 23rd lUst., the wfeof J. J. Hjbkiilt ca &SJOI. LsrDe, All Hallons Vicarage, oil the 20th insb., the wife ot the, Rev F. S. H. Gro--on fi a daoghltr,. BMARRIAGES. SvEWAsTLr, Jeetond Church, on the 21st iu-ir., 7 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'j 5, intb i1c 5.t!s 0-0 E RTHS. On St. LuTke's TDyv. Oct. Iftb, the wife of ?? i. ttar(.tr, Vicair of St. Luke's, Nrvcwa=tle, of a den' bier. DLxm ?? smD ta:: Si~an;', on the 1Sth inst., the wife 2f P. 11. mrtrson of asn. lOTITAL Pic-.XAL:E, )on th(e IS11 inst., the wife of the }-vC. C . .Crowe of a an. 5Jonrt'I, 1S. l1u' oitr t Terrace, on the 15th ist., tho wifo otf .Ji I-. Ettere ,f a san. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SENTENCE OF DEATH AT BIRMINGHAMI. STRANGE STATEMENT BY TEl CUTLPRIT. Hierbero Allun, barman, was tried at l-rmingbam Assizes rn Rlonday for the murder of ?? Ja. .kinn r, mauager of the Bodeg3 Stores, TempleStreec. Evidnree having been given of the shooting of the deceased by the accused, who, with his brother, had been di-charzed from Skinner4 mnnlovment the previous day it was Ahfuw that :i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RHAMIA'S W'EDDING',. An eye-writness thus describes the recent wedding of R~hama5 the Eaarnga~gta ?? old prov erb, Hlappy is the bride that the rua shines on, was ccc- cainly a herald of happiness to Khbama and Sethaywane, for though ina country like this fair wreather is mrore or lees of a certainty, still, on this occasion the sun seemodi to shaine, if possible, wvith mort brillianrcy, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TH'J LATE SHAHl OF PERSIA. Tim late Shah %was ~a go2 king, an simable despot, a firm, wise, and ma-rcifril rulet. who had the welfare of Persin, at liare, and was neither is, tyrant norif, vclaiptuairy. ils piseairce wrow simple in the extrurno; he wasB a spOrts' man par cxc e:1(nce, a. man whot dul iglted in the bunting of big gam D, a line shot witha guin or rifts, cur who,, like the law ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE WITH A DECEASED WVIFE'S SISTER. TlBE ROYALS FAVOUR T1HE rILT L. In the Honse of Lords, on Monday, The Earl of Dunraven, in moving the second read- iny of the matriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister Bill, said that the subject of the measure was non altogether unfamlliar to their lordships. He did not, therefore, propose to occupy much of their time, especially as be though; in was ...