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... BALLS-UOT (NarwlY).-At the Ballybot petty ses- sions, on 23rd inst., before Mr. J. F. Erskine, J, P., presiding, Private Francis Goddard, Duke of Corn- wall's Light Infantry, Newry, was brought up in custody, charged with that he, on or about the 26th December, 1895, did unlawfully steal, take, s and carry away a sulin of money, two rings, and two seals, the property of one Robert Maya ...


... COUNTY FERLANAGH. EMPANNELLING THE GRAND WRY, On Saturday, at noon, before the Sub-Sheriff of the county (Mr. L. P. Kiught), the High Sheriff (Sir A. D. Brooke, Bart.) being unavoidably absent, Mr. J. W. Hanrahan, Clerk of the Crown and Peace, swore the following gentlemen on the Grand Jury:- W. Darcy Irvine, D.L. (foreman). Viscount Corry. D.L. Colonel J. G. Irvine, J.P. Colonel J. M. ...


... BELFAST BANKRUPTCY COURT- VYSTERDAY. Before Mr. Registrar M'CowrczC. Mr. Edward Allworthy, official assignee, and Mr. J. H. B. Murphy, assistant registrar, were in attendance. There was one arrangement matter before the Court, in which Mr. W. M. M'Grath (instructed bv Mr. Samuel Ross), Mr. David M'Gonigal, and Mir. C. H. Brett (Messrs. L'Estrange & Brett), wvere professionally engaged. IN r. ...


... THE JAMES(ON RAID. . PROSECUTION AT BOW STREET. London, Tuesday. The magisterial ?? intothecharges against Dr Jameson and his fourteen military companions, under the Foreign Enlistment Act, was resumed at Bow streetitto-day before Sir John Bridge. The counsel in attendance wrecethe same as at the previous hearing, and Sir GForge Lewis again watched the proceedings on behalf of the South ...


... I - .- ,- _6 . I WHITE GLOVES AT DROGHEDA.I Drogheda, Tuesday. To-day Mr. Justice Gibson opened the busi- ness of the assizes. His Lordship was accom- panied on the bench by the Mayor of Drog- !heda, Mr Peter Lyneb, J P, iu his robes and chain of offire; the High Sheriff of Drogheda, Mr Francis Gogarty; and Mr Thomas Byrne, Sub-Sheriff. The following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury ...


... T -_2 _ - 11-_J London, Wedunsday. l.uis Both and Co, Limited v the Owners of the County Derry. To-day Mr Justice Barrnes, sitting with 'Twiaity masters in the Admiralty Division of the High Court. London, gave j udgment in this claim of the plaintiffs, who are corn mercbants c&nying on business in London, for £1,070 7s tor damage sustained by a cargo of grain while being :carried on board the ...


... THFE KITSON SLANDER CASE. THE DOCTOM AND) HIS PATIENT'S SECRE ?? P THE JUIDGE'S CHARGE. £12,000 DAMAGE-le London, Friday. Justice Hawkins summed up to-day in Mrs Kitson's action against hr Playfair for alleged libel. The plaintiff and her husband were again early in court, the lady looking ill and distressed., Before commencing his address, the judge banded down a letter which he had read, and ...


... CHANNCERY DIVJSION.-MAB. 20. Before tbp Master cf ti- otolIs. PROTYIDSN v. M-LNEL};B -A ABiITitATIO\. This t-%. mcsoz tsC rooke a s'abission so. srbitratisl i Wns1 the av;strd bas,,el tbereoix a -ute l- C -urt. The deote-' dain haul estweref ino a contttsct to buiss3 .s Nasisazsl ,.ehseo ecn Termoon, Co'u.tst- Donezal. and erigam-xk the plaintifi ius sob-onteor-tor to ;.ssoit IIa tUe work. tOu ...


... BELFA-ST CUSTODY COUTRT-YESTERDAY, Before Messrs. GAirmEm NAGLF, R.M., a-nd DAVID Cocemcrr. SLEiEPING OUT. Five young men named James Wylie, Francis Axion. James Reilly, Victor Williamson, and Jas. Murray were charged by Constable Cosgrove with sleeping in Murphy's brickyard. Springfield Road, at an early hour yesterday morning, without having any visible means of support. Mr. A. J. Lewis ...


... I ?? -- - _- I LrAW NQ7'I(CS-TLIS DAY. I (From t!rhI Lwaln DPiaru.; VICE-CHfANCELLORC - AK Chambars- Lewis, deceased, For-ter v lvrwt. LAND JUDGES--Before the Right l.Vu thle Vice-Chancellor. in his own Coura,12 30 o'clock. In Ch1amrlber-Ak N J Curle, t ori3 Atnnaly, J A Steel P Fulhianm. mr. TODDln1, Exan;iner-Assignees J Aiken, vworeli: J Caey. rental. B--,ore Mr. Lyouh. Asiistant Exambier- ...


... SPRING1 ASSIZES. NORTH TIPPERIARY. N'enagb, Saturday. To-day the ?? gentleten were sworn on the gr'ud jury for the North ?? of Tip- perary, in the Crown Court here, before Captain Roberi TwisS, High Sherti, aid Air. Armold Power, Sub-Sheriff-Anthuony Parker, D L, 3;P; Georga Ryan, D L, J P: thle Hon Cosby Godol- phin Tr;uch, D L, J P; Can'taiu Gibson, D L,.J P; Lieuteanaut Colon-l ...


... THE BISROP-BLECT O' DERRY IN BELFASTL ELOQUENT SERMON ON EVIDENCES OF THE RESURRECTION. Crowded congregations assembled yesterday morning and evening in St. James's Church, when special services in connection with the twentv-fiith anniversary of the consecration of the church were held, the preacher on each occasion being the Very Rev. Dr. G. A. Chadwick, Bishop-elect of Derry. In the morning ...