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... tBALLYMENA. Before his Honour Judge FITrZcBBON. Mr. Henry M. Crawford, deputy and acting clerk of the peace, was in attendance. SC917Tr V. FOSTF.B. John Scott. Lisriagaver, processed David Foster v and his wife, of B-iyiiymoonnelly, to recover £5 i damages sistainel by trespauss of horses on plaiu- tilt's laeds, and als) by an allede obslrnctieon o plaintifls right-of-way thereto. Mr. Williame ...


... TERRIBLE NEAR TRAGEDY CORK. - :, A MAN MIURDEuRS HIS WIFE AM)8 IWO CHILDREN. SAD STORBY OF DOMESTiC MISER-Y. SPECIAL TELEGIAII,. Cons, SIJSDAY.-The qtuiet town oE Pa~ssage was on Saturday night startled by a terrible iloim-s- thc tragedy, the details o>f which are of a, horrible character, and w ithout. parallel in the South. Eidwardl Foley, aged a~bout thbirty-aix years, who haul for some ...


... BELFAST BECORDER'S COURT. Yesterday, before his Honour JunDGc FTzGBrsBnO. Mr. H. M. Crawford, registrlr, wa5 ih atteus. dance. DRAjkKE V. DAMtON. Thomas Drfcke, merchant, NevetowarzsS, stied Johm Dalion, ho-se dealer, Duuismirn Gardens, Bel- fast, to recover £5 tor loss and damnage sustatied by the careless and negligent mtaflageniieut by defen- duea of a, stud horse a-t Newrtownards. which ...


... POLICE INrELLIGENCE. BELFAST CUSTODY COU L' * S:ranDoY. Before Messrs. F. 0. HODDaEwa. 11.M., andA. WI. 1A, R ( X Y I E S . Ellen M11aanus and Ellen Brady were chargecl by Aciing-tSergeauat Ca-rroll withL the larceyv of thiee brass tcips, the property of Messrs. WI'. & Ii. Shearer, Sminhficld. Mr. IDonnelIy (for -,r. 1). F. SpiiIr) rolsecailea1. It app'?t~red; ions the evidleffne; titr ta' v ...


... TIJE CHARGE AGADNST LADY! SCOTT. j REMARKABLE EVIDENCE. THE ACCUSED COMMITTED FORL TRIAL. London, Monday. ,t Bow setreet this morning, before Mr vhghan. Selina Lady Scott, John Cockerton, 5Stifl enginaer; arnl Frederic!, East, groom; ,ere charged on reu'and with unlawfutlly and ,5¢ciously publishing, and causing to be ablished. a defimatory libel of and concern- -I Earl hntisesl. I ...


... I LAW INTE1.1GENC I I~~ LAIV N(OTICBS'l'RIS DiTr.- (Promh the Legal Diary.) COUNCIL CEAMBER, DIUBLIN.CASTLI3. 10 45 o'eil&'k-fishbery bye-laws, re aet-fioing' in the river Suir. rnd aps ais ainst te satme. HIGH COURlT OFJUSTICE. CHANCERY DIViSION. LORD CHANCELLOR. The Lord Chlncellor will sit on to-morrow .Saturday), the 24tN day of Occober; 1896, to hear motions in Court, and applications in ...


... INQUB?1?S IN RELFAST. SUT)IiEN IDSAT'I{. Tlhe coroner (Mr. E. S. Finnigan) 'held an inquiry in the Recorder's Court yesterday touching the death of a servant named tlen Morrison, who died suddenly at 30, Gamble Street, on the 20th inst. Sergeant Magee watched the case on behalf of the police. Robert Morrisou identified the body of deceased as that of 'his sister. H~e saw her last alive four ...


... DALLYXOSEY. Before his3 Honour Judge piz1lr,S Nfr. Henry M. Crawford, Aeting ]Ccrk of the Peace, andil Mr. H. 3. Mtornaicki, rena. were in attendance. The number o *rz bin cot its F 121, which included 11 ejectntu' entr es. Tle number of defended ces was 37. 'The follolving maghtrztc-u uccapicj ca:R on th bench dn-ino the hearin oi Ia iic--l ' tiown :-Loliq iiifac gi It lU, ?? 'IL- ten, ...


... THE CORONER ON THE CONDITION OF THE POLICE CELLS. The Coroner (Mr. E. S. Finnigan) and a jury held an inquest at noon yesterday in the Recorder's Court on the body of Ja-mes Thompson, a window cleaner, aged fifty-two -years, whose death occurred in the Union Infirinhany at 2-30 a.m. on Wednesday. Sergeant Moore conducted the inq~piry. John MU'Nally, 2. Gosford Siredt. said ?? d.e- ceased was ...


... t'lE EARIY CLOSING MOVE- MENT. AN INTERESTiIG ACTION. Yesterday in the NisiPrius Court, before Mr. Justice O'Brien and a special jury of the city, thle case of Callaghan v Griffan came on for hearing. It Wite an action arising out Of the movemnent started by the Drapers? Club for the earlier closin~g of the drapery establishments in thocity. It was an action brought by Mr. John Calaaghan. a ...


... BELFAST QUARTtER SESSIONS. LS Yesterday-Before his Honour Judge Fefrsoenow. Amzong the mnagistrates present ?? Right$ Honiourable Thomas Sinclair, D L-; Clapt IS Porter, Dr. Whitla, Dr. Mackenzie, Dr. Gl'on- nell. Messrs. R. Wv. Cerry, J. Workman. F. Tocr- tens, C. Ntashl, J. Keenan, WV. Mululan. R. W. iS Murray, Rt. Young. 4. Thompson. WV Mietellan, Gee. KidO, J. Mack, WV M'ali, J. GJory, J. ...


... TIlE IUDNXPPING CASE. * Thu Times' ?? thec aconcSt of] Europe is supposed to be mak~ing ctnd 3>ol es towvards thle establib3 nc.t OT' Itiitiony aonge~fst the constituent Powers, the ordlinarily s'moochl course OF dipiom;a.Cc ?? hats b~een rUIfUd: by a cur~ous violatina of la--w and ca-tomn at the Ct;'~ncsc Leeation-avwiat.1:on irhicitiniliht hte l;ledtotragic; consCe~ituncOs, but whlich ha; ...