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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... PETFIY SESSIOiNS. BALLYB~OT-These week ly sessions were held r-esterdacv in the Bcllvhoz Courthlouse before .Messrs. Henry Turner. R Ml. (presidingr); -and Jamiles Aik~en, J.P. Disticet-In~pector Dwyver and M~r. R. ]Erskile, C'. P.S., were in cittonliance. Constabole Somers sucunlonled a ncan namedl TIhouca~s Da-is, Nc-wry, ior having cruelly ill-treated a lor~se nics liroperkv. by w-orkirir s ...


... HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE-OCTOBEzR 7. LONG VACATION' SITTINGS. Mr. Justice MuP.PHY sat to-day in the Nisi Prius Court and heard urgent motions for the several divisions of the High Court. MfACAULAY V. FARI-BY. Mr. P. 0. Gaussen (instructed by Mr. M. E. Knight) applied on,4elalf of the defiendant for an order: for discovery of documents. The action is for alleged criminal conversation with the ...


... LURGAN. Before his Honour Judge EasDe. The magistrates who occupied seats on the bench with his Honour were-Messrs. John Richardson. John Collen. Wm. John Locke, Win. Cra.wford. Francis O'Hanlon. Win. Adams, Joluh M4Nally, and Bernard M'Glynn. Mr. T. G. Marron. Clerk of the Crown, having called the Grand Jurv list, the following answered to their names:-Jamnes Johnston (foreman), H. Abraham, ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE, BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-SATURDAY. Before Mr. F. G. HODuER, R.M., and Mr. J. C. C. PAYNE, J.P. AUDACIOUS LARCENY. Lizzie Fowler was charged with the larceny of a puIse containing two gold rings and 7s 6d, the property of David Lynn. Constable M'Dermott, who racde the arrest, said lie found the purse a few yards from where the prisoner was standing. Lynn, who is employed on ...


... The borsinass in connection w.ith the revision of the mcc lulial lists foor the five wards of the city was continued yesterday in the County Court- tl use. Crunlin IRoad, before the R~evisingy Bornisters-M.essre. Whlitaker, MIt'rathl. Bates, Watts, and Houston. In the Judce's Chamber M'oxt}1fic'dh Wvaidi Mr. Houston, wvho presided, drews attention to an article in a local contem~porary, chxico ...


... iBELFAST BANI(RUPI;CY COURT. Yestertlay-Dhfore M~r. Registrar I MvOaxxaC Mfr. EdwvairdAllwo rtbh- official assignee and Msr. J. Hi. B. Mrurphy, assistant registrar, were present. There were thlree arrangemient ma~tters, in wvhich thle solicitors engaged were-M~essrs. ±\L 'Gouligal, linac Gakway, IltLorinan, Allen, and 'M(uotchleon. IN itS is-N. Ht'NsTEI. Thle bank~rupt wvas a pub~linin, ...


... BELFAST BANKRU DPTCY COURT. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. Hi ilr.olor ' Jidg, Ftzrziblhon g art intporteat jl -ision at tie ,ittiing of the. iucaI Baln1kruptcy ma)ert ycdteaday. when an application was made to set aside ad judication in the case of a bankrupt. where the xsauzttion of a trust deed was tthe act of bankrutcyv. Mr. 0. iNPdonigl appeared for the arranging debtor, and Mr. P. J. Mfagee ...


... QU ARTER SESSIONS. DE RRYY.t g~the 24th inst. the Recordler sat at eleven ' ]sk sad rootntiuad the civil busine 3 of thes*e 1 wA& & 00. V. ThE. BELFAS S~hNfI A. COMPANY. qs proCe45 wras broughat by platintiffs to recovert h* e detendeants . wscommionl carriers the price oft teaJ of wvhisky,> on which duty had been paid, G-:~ fh they eonsigned to a firm of merchants in °5tdge iug~and, and ...


... 'BA;GOW-This court was held on 28th inst. be- fore Mr. Win. White, J.P. Ipresiding); Mr. Thos. Grahamn, J.P.; and Mr. R. E. Work-man, J.P. Mr. Jas. H. Barrett, C.P.S., was in attendance. There were only a couple of cases for hearing. At the instance of the Town Comnissieners, Alex. Murray, Balloo, and James Watson, Oroomsporu, were charged with disorderly bthariour on the pub- lic street on ...


... THE CONSTABULA1?Y INQUIRY AT ]AM?AVADY. On a recent date a constabulary court of in. quiry sat in the da yroom of the constabulary bar- racks at Lima~vady to, hear evidence in reference to a. charge brought against Sergeant M'Fadden. of that station, that ha did, on the 9th September last, write an anony~mous letter against disci- pline. The cour't wNas composed of District-In- spector ...


... t ARMAGH. eBefore his H~onour Judge SISBEX\ I PATTIERSON V. CitOrEIrt AND M~aG1LL. eIn this suit the plaintiff sought to have set aside a- deed alleged to have been. executed by her on the 14th March, 1895, assigatin~ a piece of land and sonic houses thereon to her daughter, Miica Jane Crozier, the defendant in the action, upon the .ground that satme wras not execotted by her. Th-e .case stood ...


... BELFAST BEVISION SESSIONS. The revision of the municipal voters' list wtas cantinued yesterday in the County Courthouse, be- fore the Revising Barristers-Messrs. A. H. Bates, W. M. Whitaker, W. IM. M'Grath, F. H Houston, and W. N. Watts. The Unionist party were re- presented by a large number of agents; while on behalf of the Nationalists appeared two solicitors, who raised many objections of ...