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... IAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. ( From t]^e L~egal Liory.) H E CO LJIaT OF APPEAL IN lRELAN D- For Hearing-Macouehy v Clayton, Vice-Chan. ellor, part heard. The following will be In the list for to-morrow (Friday)-For J udgmeu.- Aberdeen Glen Line Steamship Company, Ltz. I v H11M and P Macken. For hearing- lite'o- I ecutory Appeals-Truffatult Cycle and Tube Ma- I nofacturing Compsny v Drury, Q B D ; ...


... ITHE MURDER OF ML W. | I TE.RKISS. PRINCE AGAIN AT BOW STREET. London. Wednesday. At. Bow street Polied dourt, today, before Sii John Bridge, Ricbard Archer Prince us again bvoght up in cbistody. charged with the murder of Mr William Terriss, the actor. Upon the prisoner entering thE dock, he said .in a somewhat- excited way that he should like to make a statement. The Magistrate told him to ...


... POI!CE INTELLIGENCE-YESTERDAY - , TV - .- Hi - - - . - - NOUTh'HZRN DiviioxN-(Before Mr. Keys). WE'BR CACGOT AT TAST. Andrew Lawlor and James KeLy were.r elsarg;d by Detective-Officers Lonergan and ODrisccll with stealing a silver watch from -Williamn Robertson. Wr. Robertson stated that he vvs in the Atuction Room1s, 12 Capel street, on Saturday right, and missed his watch whilb there. Mr. ...


... I I SATURDA.Y. THE DROMORE WEST MrURDER CASE. OGesaiturday, in tihe Queen's Bench Division, before tne Lord Chief Baron, Mr. Justice An- drewso end Mr. Jnstiee Murphy, Mr..JB Powell (instructed by Mr. Mannoni I spoiled that Bryan Connolly,nne of three meni who were tried at the Galway Wilnter Assizes for the murder ef a man talmnetl James Cawlev shou'd he admitted to bail. The other two ac-n! ...


... CUSTOD Y COURT-YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. GARRET NAGLE, R. -M., and Jas JxErS1r-NS, J.P. ChARGE OF BIGAMY. ArthurAger was charged on remand by Detec- tive-Sergeant Stannage With having illegally married Mary Eliza Snence on the 13th August, 1892, in the Alariners' Church, Belfast, his former L wife, Ruth Eliza Hook, whom he married at Nor- w xich in 1888, being then and still alive. Air. J. ...


... ThE SEDITION IN INDIA. ! TflJ. COMMITTED JOB TRSIA. I~~ru' anacin S 1aCsfi}VioS.| BOMBAYs, AUGrSi 2.-At the IPolice Court hereI to-day---before the chief magistrate-further for- mna] evidence wvas taken in support of the charge against Gangadhar Tilak, editor of the K;esari, and K~eshew PMahadewr Sal, the printer of that joulr- nal, of inciting to disloyal practices. The receipt and ...


... BAYROT.-This court was held yesterday t before Mdlessrs. Henry Turner, Rk.Ml. (presiding); John K. Todd, J.P.; Thomas O'Hare, J.P.; Jamnes Aiken, J.P.; and Robert Harpur, J.P. Head-Con- stable Flynn prosecuted Thos. Hannigan, Queen Street, for having kept open his licensed premises- for the sclo of intoxicatin.g liquor on Sunday, the 5th inst. Two men named George Stanley, Cloughrea, and ...


... A GLASGOW MURDERER EXECUED. George Paterson was executed at, eight o'clock yesterday morning within the Glasgow Prison for the murder of Mary M'Guire last February. The crinae was of the most revolting character. Efforts were made to obtain a reprieve, but without avail, and towards the end Paterson appeared quite re- signed to his fate. Billington, who arrived at the Jail on Saturday, ...


... POLICE IN't'ELIGENCE. jBELFAST CUSTODY COURT-¼ SOTERDAY. Before Messrs. CARns-Tr NAGLE, R.MI., and Ar:s. DISORDERLY COND1C:T. Sophia Short was brought up before the Bench yesterday for the one hundred and eighty-six'h. time. On this occasion she was aecused of havillg been drunk and disorderly at Sandy Row. When asked had she any question to put to the consulhac at whose instance bhe charge ...


... 1. LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. (From the Legal Dfiasry H.3. COURT OF ATPEAL IN IRELAND Murphy v. the Great Northern Railwvay Co., Ireland, 1l in re the Drumcondlra and .Norib Dublin Lin'sk Railway. 2. 'E ROLLS. C. Anderson, deceased, Bank of Ireland v. Heany, 1; D . Boullen, deceased, Gillan v. Mullan, 2; Ryan v. Ryan, 3; i.Nugent, deceased, Naugent v. Nugen^, 4. VICE-CHANCELLOR. f At C(ha nber~Co ...


... DGrAosunn.--This monthly court was held yes- terday biefore Messrs. Daniel Deladierois. D.L, chairman; F. D. Crommelin, John M'Oonnell, D. L. Hughes, William Carmichael. and A- M'3ion. DistrictrInspeetor Feely was also present. Con- stable Shaw eummoned Alexander Palmer for drunkenness andl assault on complainanr. Fined 3s 6d and costs Elizabeth Thomson sumnioned Holbt. e Robirson. her ...


... A NTRI M. Before his Honour Mr. HNAY FITrzaImBON, QC. Mlessrs. Henry M. Crawford, Deputy Clerk ,-f the Peace, and H. M'Neile M'Cormick, Clerk or tthe Crown, were present. t At these quarter sessions on Saturday last there o were thirty- two entries, tmvelve of wiih whaere de- fended, and three spirit license applicatisrns, all of which were grantrie. I TRANSFERS. ; James Baird, Church Street, ...