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... This was an application on behalf of Jame Martin for a writ of habeas corpus directed to the governor of I>undalk flail to produce James I'.Iartin. Mr. Ahr II. Brown (instructed by M1. T. E[. Callan), who appeared for Martin, Stated that the prisoner had been sentenced to one month's im- prisonment without the OptiOIl Ott a fine on a charge of having been drunk. It leas contended that the ...


... CURIOUS WILL CUSE. BEQUEST TO ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPELS. t KARCHBISUOP WALSH EXAMINiED. r DcinisT.2, SATueRDA.-To-day, before the Master I of tile Roils, the hearing was resumed of the case r-f the Attom ?? for Ireland, at the relation of the Conmmissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests ;or Ireland, v the PRev. John Edward O-M aley at-i the Most Rev. William Joseph Wsts, Roman Catholic ...


... PRISONER BEFORE THE MAGISTRATES. ar the Cuskody Court yesterday-before Messrs. Garrett Nagle, E.M.; John Hollywood, and John Gregg-Andrew O'Neill, saddler, of 1, Donegore Street . Bridge End, was charged with having 3 murdered his wife, Mary Ellen O'Neill. Sergeant Joseph Eagleson stated that on the 29th nit. he entered prisoners house. The prisoner was sitting at the fire in a drunken sleep. ...


... DUBLIN LAW 1REPORTS. COURT OF APPEAL-D1m0. 14. Before, 'Lord Ashimourne, Lord Chancellor; and Lords Justices Fixzgibljoii, Walk-er, and Holmes. KIRKlPATRICK v KING. This was an apresal from a decision of the Queen's Bencs e~~~o n a, eisa' stated by the Lord Chief Justice on t~mli~ e risg of a 071bill ap)peal] at Downpatrirk asaires. :acionwasoneof ejeetoisot brought by Robert and jares ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY CIOURT-YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. F. G. HoD1taR, R.M.; J. JENKINS, J.P.; and WV. JCcn~aca, J.P. JARCENIES. Robert Carey was chargeri with the larceny of a handcart, the property of Jas. Murray, Library Street; and of a bale of rags, the property of H. B. W. Delaney. Prisoner was seen by a barman making off with the hendcart containing the rags. whichl he had stolen from a cart ...


... BELFAST RECORWBDE'S COURT. Li Saturday-Before his Honour Judge FITxGIBnOs'. M Mr. H. M. Cravfiord, registrar, was in atten- pa dance. as 011 &I2ADY V. nROBSO. to This was a civil bill for ;£3 1St brought by tr Joseph M'Grady, draper, Dromore. against e£ Meswrs. Robson, 31, Chichcster Street, being the ws price of a horse. W, Mr. N. Tughan appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. Pe F. Kerr for the ...


... THmE V A, N S T N DIVORCE ase. I VERDICT-ONE FARTHING DAMAGES. t DULLTIN, TnxRsDAv.-To-dav, before the Lord e Chief Justice and a special jury, the trial was re- i sumed of the actionr -in which the plaintiff is the Rev. William Samuel Vanston, and the defendant is Dr. Launicelot Whitecroft. The plaintiff claims damages laid at £01,C0t from the defendant for al- i leged criminal ...


... POL IXLLE1 BELFAST D CrY p Before M'essrs. I'PVT N - Ottf .}XIS ?? toi.r- - + Constable .o -5; A drun]kennless and din~ den . -a day ;r Stataon Stres, .as4 - . stnbce ?? ann 4 P ?? ' Kerna--han w'til drurK. duct on tire 1ttnl i'l' ir §1 c4 Ci-, . b I planan'u stated that bon'± .- ' Iting .-ih eacao mr. ,S, d'4 a a.d Kersa-Ivhan ?? 'r ILsorderly ony, -,I Q Fined 105 and nets. (to -. ?? l jWut. ...


... J POLICE INTEULIGENCE. CUSTODY COURT-SATURDAY. Before Messrs. F. G. HODDER, R.M.. J. C. C. PAYNE, and AZxAzmia CRAwroFD. ASSAULT ON A CONSTABL3. Hugh Brown was charged by Constable Richard Brown with being drunk and disorderly in North Queen Street, and assaulting the complainant when in the execution of his duty. Mr. Lewis prosecuted in this and other police cases, and Mr. Donnelly defended. ...


... REVIsIoN S. SSIONSI A NTRIM. Mr. H. C. Ctllioan, Bard-zer 'Lwr: Revising Barrister for Connot Aryre: Ar-trli Courthollse yesternav :reza;. a o'clnck, and took up the revisoa eint Lhe tary voters' lists for tle pci~nn dv-.e- Randalstown, Grange COrrier. fl Tully. Mr. Robert Boal. s *crc. V acted as registrar. Mlr. ,John r. s Antrimn Union, Nvitkh 'Meiss. IVE 54 JamneS W. Stewart. and ictarta J ...


... The presiding magistrates in the Ciustodly Court yesterdav u-ere Messrs F. G. Hodler4. R.M., and Arthur Hamill, J.P. Constable Johnston chargel Gawn Yates writh having nialiciously broken a Ln- light in the house of Clharles Irwin, Raphael Street, on Saturday night. MIr. 1). F. Spiller prosecuted. Mr. Irwin stated that the accused was one of three young men itho canse to his place otl Saturday ...


... ' SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST TWO DER?,, I O S ;1 ALGED THEPT OF LETT'}E CONTAPJ ; i'jqri- At Londonderry Police CrQUP ?? m boys, residents in Fountain 5treet, nameed Jii Duff and Joseph Magee, were hrjueha cc icustody on a serious charge. ALdermaan Bvijl sided, and was accompanied cn the bench Alderman Pollock and Colenel TvnteR P. defendants were prosecuted at the c1 o, Majesty's Postmaster ...