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Daily News (London)


... SPORTTING, INTELIGENCE. 2! II II 9I GI pi it bi bi u m C T KEXPTON PARK NOTES. In weather which was a groat improvement oa that of the preceding day the Chester Meeting was ?? a afternoon brought to a conclusion. If the attendance Ishowed a great failigu off as compared with the Cup duy, it was aeverthel, sa well up to the average, and b taken altogether the fixture has heen One of the most . ...


... SPORTING INThUMMOas TIM ?? STAIRS. ldelightful weather the Second Spring Kcatlag at a headquartorz was commenced to-day, in tho piesenze of a, pretty goodi counpauxv, bat, of course, not equal to t* that whiah usually, assemblox at Meetings of the ?? a't Nwmarkret. In the earlyraorbing ~esavian, who has grown Late a grand-looking colt, had agallop with Roun, and moved well, h1umour stated that ...


... SPORTING IrNELLIGHE. 3 ~NOTTINGHAM NOTES. L3 At Oolwiok Park to-day the sport was fairly interest- t' iug, The fields were of average size except in the Friar I a Tuck Plate, for which Sir J. Bluodell Maple's Dalton had only T. Cannon's King of Greece to best, and the task was accootplished without any trouble. The win-I ner was bought in for 125 guineas. Only four turned out for the itniford ...


... ISPORTING INTELLIGENOB. I -STOOICTON ANTICIPATIONS. Th- At Wet verhamptun to-day the AUl-aged Maiden Plate Bue and the Dunatall Plate attracted fields numbering oaa twelve anld eleven runners rqspectively, the ?? event falling to Foxgtoues. who was in most demand at ~ 5 to 2, and the latter to Superb at 7 to 2. The other as~a race brought ant bit lew horses, sand generally .Speak- AU in~g the ...


... THE CONTY CRA)4PIONZUIP AVERAGES. t_ jIDDLEBSED idvdlesm, wba wrere third. the li inihe h n s i eoapetitim n .186, wit a ?? of eight ve ietozi gaii s ?? defeuts i f-w drawn atas finied an a strianely inequalsor lost Saturdasy at Lord's by defeating by: I 3n run. Though may times they played d..crid , io indeed, ther Wau notot mome rearkable ln the whole summer than Mr. 1P. ?? J. d's hitting ...


... . _ ? - , z , ? ?? - , - ? ? - , - 7 -. - N- - -, - ? , - , ? I :1 . I . I I - F ? . - , I ? I , NM - . ?? ?? YU a W:? L - -' ''i n% Nmofl and, wil! e-rot exteuily' ti X, t cprvzsatt tacnomwt 2a'-lgor. Sanli~aCrgr W~i Maduacnm or~ri54tegroem), ?? ?? to e the' pick otrho e oo idate forti A t~~. stt~~csa.1~oh~aN rith a oncee 1 ''1 Nt~to~t slnt(itcstttniorrow. It eta t. nc t &xli-tJvSzi ...


... I ENGLISH CRICTERS IN AMERICA. I ~ .- I (THROUGH REUTER'S AGENCY.) NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Beautiful weather rrevailed at Haverford to-day, when the second match between the English team and the aeatlemen of Philadelphia was commenced. The wicket was in perfect condition. The English team was uncbangged, but the Philadelphians were weakened in bitting bv the loss of Laver, who was replaced by Ettimg ...


... YACHThG. GDANUFMD'S.C.-There were ?? eutries fot the int6er-raa wihthe TbamaEtuary Club on Storday. but only three frhmh veotlard wbich only strong boats tould weather. te arters were: Merd. Bill and LiuxtoU's% Ruby, Winder Brother' rite, add Norton and Themes' Pixie, all specal Uraeefsnd 'eR'las boats. They were oil with a crouple of re hardened down at 4h. 17mt., Pixie getting the lead, anm ...


... S?~ININEI=IENCE. WINDSOR NOTE~S, VW Windso ueost was most unfortunate in the #a of weator, ono aI the Vwy wnrt days of the wite balug oprecd ne the clrumtaoit .As a rut., edd . WdY of endm& stheg, but those rho =majo the journey WA I4t, however, to- coW a Of In WetA, othe eutkincert poided 7o10rower of Wb, Njgbfgdr# le ha a gdod tie, the frat winer, Arakof, olt whe odd wero Wd, caried off ...


... Regulars of the Home District had their meeting on Friday on Bisley ranges which the public is e accustomed to associate with the triumphs of Volun- teer niqelksmen. Of what may be acbieved by steady practice well directed. no better illustration could be given than the wonderful success of the 3rd Grenadier Guards, who for the third time running a won Captain McCalmont's Challenge Cup ysster- ...


... The fact that William Gtun and Robert Carpenter have benefit matohes this week-the former at Notting- i haa to-day and Carpenter at Cambridge on Thursday J -naturally suggests a comiparisont between the great , professional ?? of the present time toand those of tho last generation. The two men are divided in age f by twenty-eight years, and Carpenter's career was over e before Gunu came oat. ...


... MANCHESTER NOTES. | The weather at MNtnchester showed a great improve- meat on that of Wednlesday, and in conseqjuene tuere was a large increase in the muster in all departments. Tlho racing was again interesting, but backers had by no mueans the best of the deal, as a large proportion of the faxourites were howled over. Lissa, about whom| as little as 6 to 4 wvas accepted, finished last but ...