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The Star

CONVINCING PROOF OF THE EFFICACY OF HOMOCEA, Which touches the Spot and Soothes tke Aching part. Rheumatism. ..

... Homocea did him nio»t good than any embrocation he had ever used for rheumatism. Neuralgia. The Hon. Mrs. THOMPSON, of Ackworth Moor Top, Pontefract, desires to testify the great value of Homocea as a cure for neuralgia, having received great benefit frora using it. Bishop TAYLOR says :— l have used Homocea and have proved its healing virtue both for severe bruises and flesh wounds, and also ...

Published: Saturday 05 June 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9713 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

*• ?? tw ?? « £ • Stung by a Jelly Fish. • • To be stung by a Jelly

... Fish is not • • g» pleasant experience, and may prove very a ~ troublesome unless you have HOMOCEA • 0 handy to apply, when all pain and swelling m instantly vanishes. HOMOCEA is an in- • valuable remedy at the .Sea-side; should # - be used for SUNBURN, BLISTERS, WASP- _ wr STINGS, and all kinds of Insect Bites. • • Use also for CUTS, BURNS, TOOTHACHE, • @ RHEUMATISM, and all SKIN TROUBLES, a ...

Published: Sunday 18 July 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9945 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CONVINCING PROOF OF THE EFFICACY OF HOMOCEA, Which touches the Spot and Soothes the Aching part. Rheumatism. ..

... Homocea did him more good than any embrocation he had ever used for rheumatism. Neuralgia. The Hon. Mrs. THOMPSON, of Ackworth Moor Top, J Pontefract, desires to testify the great value of Homocea ! as a cure for neuralgia, having received great benefit from i using it. Bishop TAYLOR says :— I have used Homocea and have proved its healing virtue both for severe bruises and flesh wounds, and ...

Published: Tuesday 02 November 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8499 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THe Grand Old Remedy for Chest Diseases. la use irom th* year 1826. eONGREYES BHLSftMie Elixir Tfclt splendid ..

... be Is every bousebold. IN CASES OF On the appesruiee ol the First Sjmjv. flftllAMM fVPCPST to 18 of » Co'* l • V oo * doie 0f th * ytIUGHS ™„„vL BALSAMIC ELIXIK will, ln nineteen OriUKUWII) outoftwentr cases, canr tt off bclore Umakm^ _ U becomes settled ormerees Into lnttn- RRONCHIAL enza. At the tost suspicion or INFLU- RFi-onviAnn well-marked symptoms sppew also fif f ECTIONS teke » '° ...

Published: Tuesday 09 March 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8070 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

fyomocea Toilet (LIQUID) A most delightful Nursery and Toilet preparation. For the Bath, The Teeth, As a Hair ..

... I Softening Water. I It refreshes wonderfully after ex- posure to wind or sun, or after travelling. . Aa a Dentifrice, Mouth Waah, and Gargle, It haa no equal. I Homocea Toilet (Liquid) is sold by all dealers a * iV- and 2/6 per bottle. Free by Post fr™^' } Homocea Work«, Birkenhead, totvllZ fa lff? J£? For the convenience of LADIES, SOUTHALLS* SANITARY TOWELS are now sold in Packets ...

Published: Thursday 12 August 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9199 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CONVINCING PROOF OF THE Wh* t. EFFIC ACY OF HOMOCEA, m toshes the Spot and Soothes the autism. ?? ??

... cood r I£ OM BERMERE says, Homocba did him more ■! any embrocation he had ever used for rheumatism, euralgia. p °mtfrar? n :. M - rs - THOMPSON, of Ackworth Moor Top, as a cimif res t0 testify the great value of Homocea using it. neur algia, having received great benefit from kvft3 Y] t oß say s =-I « lsed Hom6cea and flesh woum? lts healln g virtue both for severe bruises and c Wggoes (jig ...

Published: Thursday 11 November 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8409 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A Few Points j | touching VD\ I HOMOCEA SOAP I If It lathers freely in the hardest water. I

... ¥ It suits the most tender skin. \ § Irritation of the skin ceases to be I Ja where used. ft M It is simply perfect as a shaving soap, w § It softens and beautifies the skin. » 1 It is thoroughly antiseptic. 1 « lIOMOCEA BOAP: Family Toilet. *d.; Toilet, jB H mm. ga. ; io „ Homocea Soap, le. The latter U B is guaranteed to contain 10 .„ ?? both it H JH ami the Bd. Soap are most delicately ...

Published: Tuesday 12 October 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9301 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

£25 IN PRIZES. DANIELS' COLDEN~ROCCA ONION. SPLENDID variety of fine globular form, pale golden yellow skin, ..

... When well grown will produce bulbs 21b*. to 31bs. in weight. A superb exhibition variety, and the best for Autumn sowing. We offer £2o in prizes iv 1898 for bulbs grown from seed sown this teason. All purchasers of not less than one ounce of seed will be eligible to compete. Seed with full cultural directions, per ounce, Is. 6d. ; per packet, Cd., post free. Daniels' Bros., Seed Growers, ...

Published: Saturday 31 July 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10160 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

FREE TO MEN. When you are tired of taking nauseous and mysterious prescriptions snd compounds, which do you no ..

... but ■ nly ruin your digestive organs, wiite to mc and I will send you a book which des- cribes a QUICK AND CKRTAIN cure for lost strength, wasting weakness, &c, from whatever cause aiising. NO STOMACH MEDICINE, NO . ELECTRICITY. Sent in envelope on receipt of ' two stamps for postage, A. J. C. LEIGH, 92-93, Great R'.sxill Street, London, W.C. Ma&e's Contains all the elements of Food in an ...

Published: Thursday 13 May 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8327 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE TYSON DRINK CUBE. ALL degrees of Insobriety absolutely cured by borne treatment in 21 days without ■confine ..

... restraint, and health, nerve strength, natural sleep and appetite f uliy restored. Reports of public Tests and terms on amplication to R. MoDougall, (Dr. Tyson's provincial re- presentative), 37, FENTON STREtiT, LEEDS. Dyke Road ft Preston Laundry Works, Brighton July 23rd, 1886. To Messrs. BECKITT and SONS. Limited.- Gentlemen — For twelve yetrs I was th? Manager of the Laundry at the Grand ...

Published: Tuesday 16 February 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8178 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds