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W\ FREE TRIAL OF rj J} SOMETHING Cl |5 THAT WILL DO. £1 By You would be perfectly astonished >c

... ■S if you were made aware ot the many f H ?? thousands of pounds absolutely f_ f\ thrown away from year to year (M ■y upon so-called curatives that are VC m\ foisted upon a public only too wil- (t: WS ling to ?? the specious argu- tB m\ ments laid before them. (■ 5^ Now, strength and muscular fm ■ 1 activity, rosy cheeks, plumpness, \K Jb\ and health, can be obtaiued without (■ iS It can be ...

Published: Saturday 25 September 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8825 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... restraint, and health, new sti eD gth, natural sleep, and appetite fully restored. Hearts of public Tests and terms on application to R. Mc DOUG ALL, Dt. Tyson's provincial re- presentative, 37, Fenton Street, Leeds. Dyke Boad & Preston Laundry Works, Brighton July23rd, 1886. To Messrs. RECKITT and SONS, Limited. Gentlemen — For twelve years I was the Manager of the Laundry at the Grand ...

Published: Tuesday 09 February 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8889 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CONVINCING PROOF OF THE EFFICACY OF HOMOCEA, Which touches the Spot and Soothes the Aching part. LADY KEANE has ..

... pleasure in recommending HOMOCEA as an invaluable remedy for Rheumatism, Cuts, Bruises, Piles, Sprains, &c. She thinks so highly of it that she would not be without it in the house, as it is has entirely cured her of Rheumatism and other ailments. Hillside, Bracknell, Berks., Jan. sth, 1894. Bishop TAYLOR says— l have used 'Homocea' and aod have proved its healing value both for severe ...

Published: Tuesday 25 May 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9404 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ItS-wS 5 £ oc ° AI!fE --Cocoa-Nib Extract waiisl Aa&'vL . ( j hol ? ?? roasted nibs (broken up

... i^ Ural Cocoa > ou beiu £ subjected to °H. 1.-avi [A fA l , Uhc P ress re, give forth their excess of ' ,ili «- a nrodurt^iM ?? i flav °»*l Powder- Co- W: 't-i has'X^LT^ ' W 'i eU •'-'Pared with boiliug f^ffi^ft*? 1 »>>y. Its active I'fpdfrt n,A- ?f. utle nerve stimulant suon'ios the S„ i , cuer ?y without undul y ex.-irinc, ?? ucs t luc •'•■ d omy in tinß b Grocer- KbS?. r Ue ...

Published: Thursday 17 June 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9086 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

JNetWe'sj I Food j

... t ) wanls of Infants and Young C | Persons, and being rich in \ { f and Potash is 1 I, of the greatest utility in J I* supplying the bone-forming # I and other indispensable ele- 1 1 ments of food. f J Sir Chas. A. Cameron M.D. _ \ InllbtPatent \ JAirTijKtTinslsJ LADIES TMSPEHSABLBTO LADIES! ?? Xsafeand reliable reinedyfor all obstructions snd Irregu- larities, a medicine which ...

Published: Thursday 28 October 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7824 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

*— ~ THE TYSON DRINK COBB. ALL DEGREES OP INSOBRIETY ABSO- LUTELY CURED by borne treatment in 21 days, without

... confinement or restraint, and health, new strength, natural sleep, and appetite fully restored. Reports of public Tests and terms on application to R. McDOUGALL, Dr. Tyson's provincial re- presentative, 37, Fenton Street, Leeds. Dyke Road k Preston Laundry Works, Brighton July 23rd, 1886. To Messrs. RECKITT and SONS, Limited. Gentlemen — For twelve years I was tbe Manager of tbe Laundry at the ...

Published: Thursday 28 January 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8327 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? m *^ = \wk' IT £ • Stung- by a Jelly Fish. • • To be stung by a

... Jelly Fish Is not ■ • fi pleasant experience, and may prove very a w troublesome unless you have HOMOCEA *■' 0 handy to apply, when all pain and swelling: 0 instantly vanishes. HOMOCEA Is an In- • valuable remedy at the Sea-side; should V be used for SUNBURN, BLISTERS, WASP- • STINGS, and all kinds of Insect Bites. *- • Use also for CUTS, BURNS, TOOTHACHE, • 0 RHEUMATISM, and all SKIN TROUBLES ...

Published: Tuesday 10 August 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9602 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A Few Points I touching v£\ HOMOCEA SOAP 1 It lathers freely in the hardest water. I It suits the

... most tender skin. w Irritation of the skin ceases to be HI where used. I It is simply perfect as a shaving soap. § It softens and beautifies the skin. 1 It is thoroughly antiseptic. I lIOMOCEA SOAP: Family Toilet, 4d. ; Toilet. » 1 9d.; io ° , Homocea Soap, ls. The latter 1 is guaranteed to contain 10 *».„ of Homocea: both it I and the 9d. Soap are most delicately scented. To 9 those requiring ...

Published: Thursday 21 October 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8109 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

0 Stung: by a Jelly Fish. • • To be stungr by a Jelly Fish is not • 9 q

... pleasant experience, and may prove very m*. trouble-some unless you have HOMOCEA • % handy to apply, when all pain and swelling: A - instantly vanishes. HOMOCEA is an mm- m valuable remedy at the Sea-side; should # • be used for SUNBURN, BLISTERS, WASP- ~ • STINGS, and all kinds of insect Bites. • • L'se also for CUTS, BURNS. TOOTHACHE, • fg RHEUMATISM, and all SKIN TROUBLES. £ : HOMOCEA • : ...

Published: Saturday 23 October 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8896 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CHILBLAINS, CHAPS, COLD IN THE HEAD are cured by HOMOCEA, if_freely used. No remedy is so safe or so pleasant

... to use. EquaUy valuable in PILES, CUTS, gORES, BURNS, RINGWORM, ECZEMA, BRUISES, TOOTH- ACHE, EARACHE, &c, &c. The first appUca- tion gives ?? . HOMOCEA EMBROCATION, which is a strong form of Homocea, and gives immediate relief in RHEUMATIC PAINS, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, COLDS IN THE THROAT, or on the CHEST, STRAINS or SPRAINS. Acts wonderfully in WHOOPING COUGH. These two remedies should be in ...

Published: Thursday 16 December 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8355 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

1 | Epps's Oocoa.— Gbatkful and Comfobt- isc. — By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the

... operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided for our breakfast ana supper a delicately flavoured beverage whico may save uf many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use oi sucb articles of diet tbat a cousti- ) tu tion may be gradually built np until strong enough • to resist every tendency tv ...

Published: Tuesday 30 November 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8947 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

The Grand Old Remedy -Fov- Chest Diseases. . _ la use trom tarn year 1826. uEKUB Tkli splendid medicine should

... be ta every household. . AY CASES OF On tbe tmaawammmtt BmtUtM Coughs (RECENT) sros&ssg^asssa QpwwwiW or CHRONIC) in nineteen out or twenty ease* .„_ csrry It off before it become* nRAiiA,. . . settled or merges into JnHuenaj. RRONCHIAL At tbe first suspici.-n of INKLU. ?? ENZA take it.— as weU as whe» _ the well-marked symptoms AFFECTIONS S^EQUKNT WEAKNESSof the ?? LUNGS, and other direful ...

Published: Saturday 11 December 1897
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8467 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds