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... A GLASGOW MURDERER EXECUED. George Paterson was executed at, eight o'clock yesterday morning within the Glasgow Prison for the murder of Mary M'Guire last February. The crinae was of the most revolting character. Efforts were made to obtain a reprieve, but without avail, and towards the end Paterson appeared quite re- signed to his fate. Billington, who arrived at the Jail on Saturday, ...


... BAYROT.-This court was held yesterday t before Mdlessrs. Henry Turner, Rk.Ml. (presiding); John K. Todd, J.P.; Thomas O'Hare, J.P.; Jamnes Aiken, J.P.; and Robert Harpur, J.P. Head-Con- stable Flynn prosecuted Thos. Hannigan, Queen Street, for having kept open his licensed premises- for the sclo of intoxicatin.g liquor on Sunday, the 5th inst. Two men named George Stanley, Cloughrea, and ...


... IMPORTANT TRADES CASE, London, Thursday. Eight judges of the High Conrt who were summoned to the House of Lords to consider the trade union case Allen v Flood attended at Westminster to-day to deliver their opinions on the questions of law submitted to them. The appeal raises the question whether an action lies against Allen, as agent of the Boilermakers' Union, for inducing the em- ployers of ...


... THE IRISH JUD(GES. Yesterday in the Queen's Bench Division, tihe list of whtich included several cases of importance, Mr. Justice O'Brien, on taking his beat oin the Bencu, iaid he would wait before directing the list to be clled in orler to ascertaint whetber Mr. Jutice Johnson could attend. The Lord Chief Justice was enga&ed in the Court of Appeal, Mr. Justice Holmes and Mr Justice MaddeJ o ...


... THmE V A, N S T N DIVORCE ase. I VERDICT-ONE FARTHING DAMAGES. t DULLTIN, TnxRsDAv.-To-dav, before the Lord e Chief Justice and a special jury, the trial was re- i sumed of the actionr -in which the plaintiff is the Rev. William Samuel Vanston, and the defendant is Dr. Launicelot Whitecroft. The plaintiff claims damages laid at £01,C0t from the defendant for al- i leged criminal ...


... POL IXLLE1 BELFAST D CrY p Before M'essrs. I'PVT N - Ottf .}XIS ?? toi.r- - + Constable .o -5; A drun]kennless and din~ den . -a day ;r Stataon Stres, .as4 - . stnbce ?? ann 4 P ?? ' Kerna--han w'til drurK. duct on tire 1ttnl i'l' ir §1 c4 Ci-, . b I planan'u stated that bon'± .- ' Iting .-ih eacao mr. ,S, d'4 a a.d Kersa-Ivhan ?? 'r ILsorderly ony, -,I Q Fined 105 and nets. (to -. ?? l jWut. ...


... IINEiTOWVNARDS QUARTER SESSIONS. Beforehis ?? Judge OR. Mr. Disney, registrar, was present. MUKOrE V. ALLEN. James Machule, publican, Greyabbey, processed James Allen, proprietor of the steam rollers, ICornber, to recovter ;g'30, IcES ann damnage sustained by plaintiff, through the negligence of defendant's servants in charge of defendant's steam rollers, on 30th Tiareh , wrhemby plaintiF, was ...


... PETTY r - - . 1:- BALLTBOZ.-This cotrW hl the Ballybot Coun'nouse f l M Ersskinef J.P. Ipresidrlin',) H f and James Aiken, J.IQ ni j½7 l ! charged Private Stephien Srna nr. LParrott, D.L.IL., withl t~it laud the property of Mr. Ferlbtear Ithe 29th ult. H A - z J i f thce Weduussday ?? ri-ott h i e, o f khe watches. XVWeu .e .nnilibivr police were after 1,li, 4, watch mto the canal. BotlP a ...


... ACTION AGAINST AN IRuiE * HOTELI FOR LOSS OF JEWELLERY, Yesterday in the Nisi Prins Court, before Mr. Justice O'Brien and a special jury, a came waa tried in which ?? plaintiff was Mr. James O'Connor, solicitor, 118 Stephen's green, and the defendants were the Grand Interna- tional Hotel Company, Limited, of Bray. The plaintiff sought to recover from thle defendants £186 2, the value of abet ...


... I ~LAW INTELJAIIENCE. I SATURDAkY. ACTION AGAhINST Tt3E DUBLIN - CoRPOIZATION. In the Quwn's Berch Division on Saturday, before Mr. Japtice O'Brien, Mr. J H Campbell, Q C, with whom wis Mr. A 4 E Blood (inltrueted by Kessrs Hayem end SOD), ., ?? pll tfle-bTff, 5Mf John Good, obutrrctor. for an irder chat the defendants should mank further discovery of docunenta. The acnon is brought txo ...


... POLICE I-NTELLIGENCE. BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YE'SE:RM(rn'ay. Before Messrs. asar N~n i. (chairs manal); T. H1. BatowsxE, ?? and Jor1N,,HunnY- wooDO, J.P. INDECLNT BEH1AVIOUR. -Constable 'Wats.on ?? Ann M2,urray wihhaving been guilty of indecent behamviour on the da4 previous. In all, about thirty-nine pohiee w-ecords -were ag-ainst thle defendant, who wee fined .i. Ms and cost. tfir. '-9iller ...


... ALLEGED STEALING OF 25,ooo. MAGISTE'RIAL INVESTIGATION. Tipperary, Thursday Night. At 3 o'clock this evening Mrs Bridle Butlet, manageress Registry Office, 40 Cecil street, Limerick, and Mr Henry O'Dea, described aS a scholar of Trinity College, Dublin, brought here under police escort on the cbareo of having stolen the sum of £5,000 from a cletk of the National Bank, named H J White, at ...