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... AnnDr1ASS.-The monti l- court ws held yerkr- day. before Ma0-rTs. J. Jellie (in thle Calir), S. .Iirtin, and P. -Ixurea; criticl It. WlWitcoice (clerk), and J. F. M-aNamrva, DI, R.C. Margaret b Io~lo- ' Ba la-v.s rio, s srrr-r/,ron-d Jose l-l Carson. farmer. Iaklannhixlaal, f-- assau~lt. 'Ibra aes aL cross-ease for t1'reaetoirig ±a-ngr--ge p]ecil--td by Cairson. MI. F. W .urr-at. soliciPor, ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YESTERDAY. Pf I l.Jcssrs. F. G. HODa)ra, R.3L, and JtAsS A S S A U L T S. e I . :K rlilton wvas charged by Sergeant Du-n ,f Vtih assaulting his wife MarY Hilton, and also a his mother-in-law, Catherine Traxvers. The ac- cus-ed was sentenced to one montn's imprisonment wvith hard labour. A labourer narned Jazmes Gallamher was charged e with having assaulted his vife ...


... IAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. ( From t]^e L~egal Liory.) H E CO LJIaT OF APPEAL IN lRELAN D- For Hearing-Macouehy v Clayton, Vice-Chan. ellor, part heard. The following will be In the list for to-morrow (Friday)-For J udgmeu.- Aberdeen Glen Line Steamship Company, Ltz. I v H11M and P Macken. For hearing- lite'o- I ecutory Appeals-Truffatult Cycle and Tube Ma- I nofacturing Compsny v Drury, Q B D ; ...


... POI!CE INTELLIGENCE-YESTERDAY - , TV - .- Hi - - - . - - NOUTh'HZRN DiviioxN-(Before Mr. Keys). WE'BR CACGOT AT TAST. Andrew Lawlor and James KeLy were.r elsarg;d by Detective-Officers Lonergan and ODrisccll with stealing a silver watch from -Williamn Robertson. Wr. Robertson stated that he vvs in the Atuction Room1s, 12 Capel street, on Saturday right, and missed his watch whilb there. Mr. ...


... - IMPORTANT FiRkayRY CaSs. yesterday, in Que3n's Bench, No 1, before the Lord Chief Justice, Mr Justice O'Brien, and Mr Justice Boyd, in the case of the Queen (Coyne) v the Justices of Mayo, Mr Charles E MacDermot (instructed by Mr Kilkelly) moved to make absolute a conditional order obtained from Mr Jnstice Ross, sitting as Vacation Judge, to quash four convictions for trespass on an alleged ...


... i ARNrAGQT.-The weekly court of petty sessions Y was held vesterday, the following magistrates being 'i on the bench :-Mescrs. N. L. To. asend, ?? -e and Joseph Anderson. J.P. District-Inspector 38 Walsh charged George Young with injuring a plate- 3t glass window in David Ferris s premises, and also Aa. plate-glass window in Leverett & Fry's establish- It ment, on the 30th October last. Mr. ...


... LAW NOTICBS ::.rIS DAY. I _ - at t _ 7--- _ I_ (From the Legal Diary.) HE COURT OF APPEAL IN TRELAND- Interlocutory-Stewart v Stewart, V C; Moran v Wilson, Q B Div; Swanton, owner, Atkins, petrtioner. Lnd Judge. The following wall ap- pear in the List for Monday next, the 15th No- vember ?? Hearing-Motien-Wood- house v Newry Navigation Company. 1E1[BOH COURT OJ JUSTICE-CHANCERY DIVISION-LORD ...


... London, Thursdar D7fXLOP PNUUMATWC TYXRE CO., LTD, 7V. TE LEICESTER PNEUMATIC CC Yesterdaiin the Queen's Bench of the High C ourts of Justice, before Mr Justice Kennedy, sitting without a jury, the hearing was cofl- tinued of the action brought by the Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co, Ltd, now the Pneumatic Tyre Co, Ltd. against the Leicester Pneumatic Tyre Co, Ltd, ror damuages f.r infringement of ...


... | BIUIAC OF PROMISE ACTION I . BY A DUT'BLN LADY. Yesterdy Mr JUstice Gibson and a city common jury assembled to hear a breach of promise case fu' ~Thijh ifij Ellie Byrue claimed £1,000 damage. from Wr. Patrick Joseph M'Callagh. Both partiet to te action are resident in Dublin. The defendant pleaded that, admitting be had broken his promise to marry the plaintiff, she had suffered no pecuniary ...


... QUEE-N-'S BDENCiT DIVISION-Nov. 2. , Before tile LoRD CIIcE' BARos, Mr. Justice c O'BRimNv, annd Mir. Justice JOH5so0N. aI PflEVFNTION Or CRUrLTY TO ANIMIALS. The furhaer hearing was continued to-day of the Y case stated by thke magistrates of Belfast on the , point of law wvhether there was evidence jnstifying s the conviction of a youth named Stewart, at the prosecution of Inspector Clearfor ...


... I THE ALLEGED FRAUDS ONI I . I LADIES. MR. ARTHUR CADOGAN'S EVIDENCE. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) London, Monday. At Bow street this afternoon James Henry E Irvine Cruickihank, 43, of the Wharneliffe t Hotel, Sheffield, no occupation, was charged on remand with offences against the Bankruptcy Acts. Mr Bodkin, instructed by Mr Rowe, of the Treasury, prosecuted. Mr PurceH defended, and Mr J P ...


... tAW INTELLIGENCE SATURDAY. THE NEW THEATRE ROYAIL MIR. GUNN'S MOT101O FOR AN INJUNCTIO.. On Saturday before the Master of f ie lls Ut Adjourned ?? of the notiocbn the part of Mr Michael Guno for an injunntion to restrtin Mr Henry Hardy M'Kenzie Morell from build- ing on the site of the old Theatre Royal, in HalItins street, any tfietre the seating capa- city of which will be less than 2,300 ...