The Court

... I Abe ¢otl t, I I . OSORNE, Thursda4y. The Qdeen drove out yesterday afternoon, attended by the Hon. Harriet Phipps. Rear-Admiral Fullerton, A.D.C., had the honour of dining- with the Queen and Royal Family. Madame Albarti Gys, Mr Beth Davies, and Mr Kenoearley Rumiford hadl the honour of .singing a selection of music before Her Majesty and the Royal Family in thle evenhig. The ladies and ...


... IA NURSE C5HILDs SHO E D ' ?? SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS. Mr SCENES LN COURT. Last night at ?? Canbecwell Coroner's Court, Mr. LO 3. ?? WyVi. Coroner, opened an inquiry respcctng yj the da=th of a wale child, tuppused to be tramed Siduey White, ago unknown, which took place under mysterious ciruristanes. A Elha= oodwin. of 252, Sonuthm;ptou-street, Peek- V barn, befure giving evilence was ?? by ...


... ARITAGIc.-The above weekly court was held yesterday before MIessrs. Hemny Hiluclk, 1P. (in the chair) ; F. J. Best, J.P. ; George A. EIdwards, ?? - and Dr. Gra-y J.P. Jamrnes Forsythe wes sumnuned by Inspector I'Court for cruelty to al animal under the Cruelty to Animals Act. The iinspector stated that he met defendant in Dobbin Strcet, who told him he had come from near Gale- don. The ...


... LAWFORD',( GATE POLICE COURT. \'ESTE RDAY. Before his l;race the Dllke of Bleaufort, )[eOssrs C. 11. Pope, I!, 'fothill, K. Robiison, and A. Shipley. , A LAT Y IS I1011. FIlenry ligwood. 40, was charged vith being 00 the premises or thle Black Horse inn, Warniley, for an ?? prpose. His preseneu there towards midnight on the 2ud January was clearly proved, and it was shown that lie had paid a ...


... _, . _~ NOISY EVANGELISTS FINED. MORE ROWDY SCENES. PRAYING FOR WITNESSES. Raymond Hadley, of Church-street, Islington, was summoned at the North London Police Court on Tuesday for playing a noisy instrument to the annoy. ance of Eugene Driscoll, of St. Thomas's-road, IFinsbury Park. William Cook, of Gillespie-rond, and George Humphrey Knight, of Lennox-road, wero ea-h summoned for aiding and ...


... BELFYAST RECORDER'S COURT. YESTERIDAY-Before his Honour Judge F'7GiBBor N. S Mr. E. M4. C-rawford, registrar, was in attend- anoe. DEFENDED CIVIL BILLS. n TATE V. HARVEY. This was an ejeetment brought bV Robert Tate, of Carlield Street, alainst W. J. Harvey for the oveslholdilng by tale defendant of Nos. 172 and 173, Scotchnmount Street, occupied by him at the weekly B rent of lOs. 3Mr. H. ...


... DU.NGANNON. Before his Honour Sir FnsscIs W. BRakDY, Bart, Q.C. O HOWARD V. SMITH. to This was an action brought by Joseph Howard. lo of Creevagh Lower, against Robert Smith, of . Ballyineenagh, to recover £10, for damages tor Sl flooding the plaintiff's flax and potatoes. Mr. Samuel Howard, solicitor, appeared for plaintiff, gE and Mr. John Simmons (Messrs. Simmons and . Meglaughlin) ...


... Division.—(Before Mr Keys.) ASSAULT. Maria was charged on remand Polieeonstable with having assaulted John M'Garry in a. parlour hou-e »n Summer hill strik him 'he forehead with tumbler oid causing serious injuries, for which he bad to •e treated Jervis street Hospital. She was sent for trial. BY A SERVANT. A domestic servaut named Bridget Mulholland was put forward bv Detective-officers ...


... THIE RINEHL. LEA TOWING PATH. COOICNKU AND CONSERV'ANCY. Y--te-rtay, previc~us to ?? ntiues it te 11-:ne o ririefit Court, Dr. Wn n i this Cnm et- f, North- Eatit L~otd-ni,: r,.ferr.-a t~o ?? ,ii a i 'rnin z'ue-I Martha Dek-s,.-ti C Ii ia' ini.liw-t wai hll~l ; wcpee zig-. T ?? riv. to t I:, i-i, nI; its UI!, IxI vcrI Lisa itumn the~ towiitg i- dic,,a sit --n rei,4 A tidt~ijii A-S to Lb., daic ...


... The coroner (Mr. E. S. Finnigan) held an inquest yesterday in the Recorder's Court on the body of a child named Richard Thompson Price, aged five weeks, who died on the 2nd inst. at the house of his parents, 62, Brown Street. Head-Constable Magauran watched the case on behalf of the police. Alexander Price said 'he was the father of the child. His wife was not under the influence of drink when ...


... I I I ?? * AllEGED MURDEROUS ASSAULt Geoge William Howe, a onDier, surrendered to the Burnley police yestediay, saying he had murdered Jack Pickup, his foreman. The police subsequently found Pickup lying near in a pool of blood, and suffering from injuries apparently inflicted with a bloodstained stick. HiS. con- dition is now critical. Howe is ddtaihe& in cusiody, THE ALLEGED PLOT AUAINST THE ...


... WIFEIWBIX-B A ,T IPTS KU-U- TYL - o A shocking trageda oecurred on Fri- dayat:5, nvillei-oadSouthsea; at the house' ?? Siith,- a naval pen- sioner, working a labdure in. Ports- mouth docliard About two o'clock in the afternoon Sith, a-strongly-built man, entered the Cetralpolice-statiQn at the town -hall and inquired for the in- spe-etor. He wasat once seen by Inspector -Palmer, to whom he ...