... I VOLUNTEERS AND MILITARY LAW, IMPORTANT JUDGMENT. In the Queena's Bseh Division on Saturday before M-r. Justieo 3ennedy, the heariug of Marks v. iWoglev. aid others was concluded. I this cas the plaintiff was a volunteer residing at Hemnel Hsmpstcnd, and he sued the Supariateadezt of Police at that plane and three follow volunteers to recover damages for flie imprinoment under the following ...


... MORE ATTEMPTS ON POLICEMEN. T DATE OF THE ZOLA TRIAL MORE DEMONSTRATIONS, OVER A HUNDRED ARRESTS. (PROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.) PARIS, Thursday Night. Shortly siter two o'clock this morning a policemsn was on his beat at the comner of the CL St. MZichel and the Boulevard St. gi Germnain, when a shot was ftred ut him, a bulleit i1 going through his coat. He guva chase to his T aggressor, who was ...


... PoLiCIN, (OtTlITS. tIatiuifl' fr 376/. i, rlortii-,t L It1 uiittliteii( by Mr. Johnt Iutilre Fr tser W~ or, . ?? of DIhoviCixlito iwr iioleiiiti iii, ui mtin1 dlo, ?? Wtti limittily totl LIIt' LIot ti M re liiiliristtcr cit nul-ed Nit I r Al4~ott re 'ito to ill! pr. io tol it iti i-l L ~ t ii iti'ill. liii WiLtti~r to liviiteci by ollen tirituti I gi'. lit xliieil r.ttli. r- os 4e' ilgit ...


... IAW mmcms-? rpxr. 4?- I 2 CDURI'T UP Afi'fZAL-33k1-,v t 41>~' n4 Lr r ?? ?? 0 2f.-6--Ap El t. Ch Uiyom, Wf~fan RUiwUT Coinpeoy. Appea'k ?? tbe. 4-cya~ti )1~ t 2PlFrem Zi J ttA.,L. atudid Lod ?? C1 Lord at~ee ecll-ru ANPW1 N. LPrntted ke~rdW ~ ef (lnurim ?? F9rp49e,-lIod-(1 Th ?? 6 ?? A04-ORAaV een ~ MeW-Ue PAM og~T F Tt~TaB N.B.ANOMr. Juaic toiv!ca~ 3-92Uteys frm2rA et' novo hea'e_~jUrd- ...


... UOUI-1) 'TL POLiCE !( qj UItPs. 17 ,. 1.31 ..L ?? P O RTSM1) UTII 1. ifsrdo ?? BeioiO Matajor-( nciacl eatif and s Mr. J. Ieati. S ArTTE'iiTt 1ODiir..-- tate Deluchi, 26. of 15, P tlsurntcstrc.. iLrndport, wras charg-ed with n attclnpting to talke her life bl e sllolvinlt a 6 ,(uantiry of .alts of levmoii -esterday afternoon- Shlen Mary t ter. a oitle girl liviji at. 44 o Sbauutru-atreet, ri, ...


... SOIJTHS EA TR RAGEDY. Iblo 2 THE RESUMED INQUEST. exi OU Oni VfJ'\ nUJCT OF WILFUL Tbl 'o ]iURDER.l be. 6- RiIO, II COMM ?ITE D F OR s tich lie I AA F IOnl Tnesda) ?? l'orrsusoiifh Corone~r (Mr des, ?? -`lva~OtLlte1o, ,J. P.) reiltmflet tile ?? at trioe I 1onHl oil te, bod;, l! halriali Sope ii Smith, opi vr3iio is adegeti,~: to havej li-nritonurde-c'l hr best bec Ud tLOlibad, ii ...


... THE AFFAS. O0P JABEZ BALFOUi - - ?? G. BUTLER IN THE ARGE OTM. In the London Bankruptcy court, on Thursday, before Mr. Registrar eliffard, an adjourned sitting was held for the public examination of Jabez Spencer Balfour, against whose estate a receiving order was made in January, 1893, on the petition of the liquidator of the London and General ban'k, one of the Liberator group. The act of ...


... I I I I SECOND DIVISION-Thursday, January 27. (Before the Lord Justice-Clerk, Lords Young, IA Trayner, and Monoreiff.) &pYE&L- CAIRNS V. CLYDE NAVIOATION TAUSTEES. The Second Division allowed a proof in an C. -action brought by Francis Cairns, quay isbourer, S. 24 Albion Street, Glasgow, against the Trustees of the Clyde Navigation for payment of £250 it respect of personal injuries sustained ...


... London, Sunday. Tie Press Association says Cabinet Council was held Saturday at the Foreign e. Minister* rti't half-past two o'clock, liour cho in order to meet the convenience • some members i••turning from the country, and die meeting did not conclude until quarter t.» five o'clock. Ministers usually assemble this 1 time of year for the purpose revising the Legislative pi ograinnie for dy ...

LADY POOR-LAW GUAIIOIANS. EDITOR TH* FKKf!MA N. Sir —As the time is r near for the election of Poor-law guardians

... Ireland, may solicit your kind help oil beitalf of a movement in which our des'itute p r or, and mire tsaperisiiy the women and children, are deeply interested. KnoKud there are nearly 1,000 lady guardians; thorn are from six to eight some of the larger unions; and highly valivd are their services both hy the r fellow-ijuar.iians and the ratepayers in reepective distiicts tiiat the 1 is j iu' ...


... SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST A _LORD. POLICE COURT' PROEEDINGS. & ABow StreetPolice Courr, Lrudon, on Monday, beforo Sir John Bridga. Lord William Berebfora Navill was charged with having unlawfully, and with intant to defraud by means of false and fraudhlent prerences, in- duced Flerbert fenry Spencer Clay to write and affix bis namce to certain papers, in ctdcr that the same might be used as ...


... CUAROM OT HL.AO AULING A va~TamYtA1s. At Pengo Police Court yesterday Joseph Johnson, general porter, of Woodland-road, Upper Norwood, was chargedwith sending letteros to Richard Winni- fritL. a contractoraul local Vestryman, of Hawthsrne. grove, Penge, denisudisig money by menaces. Evi. denee wee given sbowing that prisoner seut n letter to prosecutor demaniliren money, whichl he al'eged had ...