Advertisements & Notices

... but throughout the province. The price, considering the magnitude of the work, is very moderate. TEE BELFAST AN ] Northern Whig. The various directorial listsb ave been re- vised and brought up to date. The work is now a Directory of Greater Belfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10791 Local SecretarY. - TRAVELLING GOODS. WHERE ARE THEY H&DE? The Pioneers of the Travelling Goods busi- ness.-Northern Whig. The only manufactory in this line north of Dublin.-New8-Letter. The only makers of Travelling Goods in the North.-Indiustries ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the wvork, is ver y rnodurate.~' TilE BE171rFAST AND DIRE CTOR JY 5110 U | T JAR EI O-10 UtSE |~~~17 }JRE HO SE Northern Whig. The various directorial lists have lbeen re- vised and brought up to date. The work is now a Directory of Greater Belfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... other months of the year to collect Money for Capitals to appear in this Directory. EXTRACTS FRON PRESS OPINIONS. 64 Northern Whig. I&rish Timecs. An admirably turned-out Directory of Bel- fast and the Northern Province. The task has been splendidly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... & LO0IBARD STREET. 13742 TRAVELLING GOODS. WHERE ARE THEY ADE? The Pioneers of the Travelling Goods busi- ness.`-Northeru Whig. The only manufactory in this line north of Dublin.-Yewrs-Letter. 1 The only makers of Travelling Goods in the North.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... but throughout the province. The price, considering the magnitude of the work, is very moderate. TilE BELFAST AND Northern Whig. The various directorial lists have Twen ren vised and brought up to date. The work is nti, a Directory of Greater Belfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on application. 11504 TRAVYELLING GOODS, WHERE AUE THEY MADE? TThe Pioneers of the Travelling Goods busi- ness.-Yorthern Whig. The only manufactory in this line north of Dublin. -News-Letter. The only mnakers of Travelling Goods in the North.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... chief Ulster towns. The work may be said to be an indispensable adjunct to the desk of the professional and business Northern Whig. The variots directorial lists ha;e 'een re vised and brought up to date. The work is DO9 a Directory of Greater Belfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13th June, 1898. 15560 TRAVELLING GOODS, WHERE ARE THEY MADE? The Pioneers of the Travelling Goods busi- ness.- orthern Whig. The only manufactory in this line north of Dublin.-Vews-Letter. ' The only makers of Travelling Goods in the North.-- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the magnitude of the work, is term mnoderate. TilE BELFAST AND DIRECTOR Y 511O UJ CO UNVirl Y HO US WA REHO USE Northern Whig. The various directorial lists have- been re- vised and brought up to date. The work is now a Directory of Greater Belfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... but throughout the province. The price, considering the uagaitude of the -ork, is verb moderate. TiE BELFAST AX-D N orthern Whig. The various directorial lists have been re- vised and brought up to date. The work is now a Directory of Greater Belfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the year to collect Money for Capitals to appear in this Directory. EXTRACTS FR10k PRESS OPINIONS. 66irish Times. Northern Whig. An admirablv turned-out Directory of Bel- The various directorial lists have been re- fast and the NTothern Province. The ...