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HEATH AN INFANT, Yesterday Dr Kenny, Coroner, held inquest i« the Morgue on the body an in fan r limned

... Bernard Patrick Casey, 1 months, who died the previous day the residence of his mother, 53 Smith field. It appeared that the previous morning the child was seized with convulsion*, and wriven a warm bath. Wnile the bath was given to him died. The child had been healthy up to the i previous day. Robert Kenny »tated that ' death was caused convulsions due con• of the brain and t-pinal cord. ...


... Monday. All arrangements have been completed for tlis holding splendidly earnest and lepresentat.ive public Waterford on next Wednesday week connection with th» Irish Catholic University Question, and in a few days complete ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E T 1 THEATRE. G For Four Nigbsts and onie 3latinee only, Mr 'MILTON BODE'S COMPANY. THIS EVENING (Wednesday), October 19th, at 2, The Celebrated Musical C'onmtey, GPENTLEMNIAN JOE, TEE HANDSOME CABBY, Fro'o the Prince oi WYles' TheaLre, London. Fell Chorius. Augmentetl Orchestra. G1 tNt)L D AY SAl-lUDAY NEST, PERFO.NUAXCF. r.t 2 o'clock. ?? tl Prices. Early ,oors 7, 6d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S KIMahd BLOOD DISEASES. , IN and BLOOD DISEASES. SKI t. CLA&E3'S WORLD-FAMED BLO05 MIXTURE. Itisa guaranteedenreforall blood and skin diseases. Itistbeinost searching blood cleanser yet discovered. and it will free the system from rll known blood.polsons, be they animal, vegetable. ormineraL It is warranted to curette Worst forms of skin diseases, blotches, pimples, and eruptions, also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROSPECTUSES, 'This Pr tetus will be issued samutaneously in England and the United States. ,1 .4O PAT 0OF THE CPITAI OFFF(RED HAS BEL'N TZWRWRITnE OR GQUARANTZRD.. * N LIS ?? MONAY, te 4t Nov. and CLOSE on or before WEDNESDAY, ~esUSSCRIP~lO thes mth N~v, 1M8,8 for Euglatd and the Unit-ad States. an h rta ie AeL(Inand Westminster Batik (Limited), Head Offices in Londlon and Branches, n h riih ...

St. Rcront. i.iNs, i'oiik strut, Dublin—The following the returu for the week ended 19th of admissions to the ..

... (founded 1861, by the late Very Rev Spratt) for homeless women, children, and girls good character, who there received and partial support:— Thorough servants, rnoiiikeepfrs. 110; charwomen, 84; laundresses, 218; 40: aged servants, 44: petty dealers 7: held worker?, 8; children, 7.J. Total 706. Old clothing most gratefully received ...


... The twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Dedication Ireland to Sacred Heart will fittingly and solemnly commemorated 'h»> Pro-Cathe Iral to-morrow, Sunday. the unveiling the magnificent New Altar the Sacred Heart at the o'clock Mass. There will be Exposition the Most Holy Sacrament from o'clock until 4 o'clock. The Act Consecration approved the Archbishop will read. The Instructions the Holy ...


... ° TRITONVILLK v. EI,MGROVI) [BELFAST), r This match took la- yesterday it. ; e 9 weitber Sydney I'arade. Elnigrove scored in th* first fivo minutes, and it t.>ok the home tela. some time equalise ...


... lon, Sa'urdav. | The fifty-R«cnnd ordinary half-venrl.v nt>r»l niff■ i»t;'if shaiMholiiers in I> J Street Tr iii«.uliry, London Mr George Richard- sou, w+io i>re»i'ied moved that the dir»'Ctr» j r»M> rt b« ad->pt«d. and in supporting; the motion said company ««s amir the usual mpro¥emvnt,h ...


... The celebration the grest National festival was marked with the customary observances, chief amongst which was, of course, concerned with the religious aspect of the time the Pro-Cathedral. Marlborough street, the feast St Patrick, Apostle Ireland, was observed with all the customary solemnity. High was celebrated twelve o'clock, his Grace the Archbishop presiding. The Dean, the Dignitaries, ...