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Belfast News-Letter


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YESTERDAY. Before Mr. F. G. HoDDER, P.M. ; and AiRticR HoLuEs. d STREET GA.%IL1G.3i} Constable Hunt charged John Enwright with thimblerigging in the public street. A mornth's 2( imprisonment was ordered. Mr. Spiller prose- cuted in this and the other police cases. Pi A TliOc'BLESOME SISTFER. d Fanny May was charged with having been drunk rc and disorderly at Ship Street ...


... DUBLIN LAW REPORTS0, CHANCERY DIVISION-JUrE 14. Before the MASTEr of the ROLLS. BELFAST WATER COMMISSIONERS, ESFARTE ROBINSON. Mr. WV. I. Whitaker instructed by Mr. David Dunwoody). on behalf of Miss Rosannah Robinson, of Drumalig, near Lisbun. applied that £94, standing to the credit of this matter, should be paid out to her. It appeared that her father held a farm as an ordinarv tenancy from ...


... FELFAST POLICE INTELLIGENCE. In the Custody Court on Saturday-before Messrs. Garreti Nagle, R.M.; Charles MPLorinan, and J. C. C. Payne-John Morrison wtas charged with ban- ing used party expressions likely to lead to a breath of the yxcoe. A fine of 40s rnd uoszis was in-pueaed. Constable Foster charged John Morrison with the larceny of a coat from Albert Brooks on Friday. Mrs. Brooks said ...


... INQUaESTS IN BELFAST. I IEGLECT NOT CUrBLE.AL The coroner (Mr. E. S. Finnigan) held an in- quest on Saturday morning in the Recorder's Court on the body of & ohild named Thomas Cassidy, whose death occurred at .29, North Thomas Street, on the 23rd inst. Evidence having been gone into, the jury, in accordance with the evidence of Dr. Mllroy, 170, York Street, found that pneumonia was the cause ...


... BELP'AST[ JJICENSING SESSIONS. Tle annual liensing sessions were resorted yes- terday in the Suninions Court before 3lr. F. G. Hodder, R.-A. ; Dr. 1Oalley, Dr. King Kerr, Mles ...


... B3'LFAST CUSTODY COURT-YPSSP.nAY. Before Messrs. F. 'CT. Honna, R3; JOHN . HOLLYWOOD, and Timas. H. BiOWwNR. ALLEGED ROBBDOSrY WITH VIOLtNCE. Edwvard Ferrari, alieah M c'Veigla, was chlrged - with hraving robbed Jaities Smith with violonce ,in Milifield on _Mondray night. Smithl qmid he came iroM, and was looking for kddgings, ?? tlhe prisoler and relirs ?? him for the price of a drink ...


... DUBLIN' LAW REPORTS. LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. (From the Legal Diary.) vlOECHANCELLOR. Kebhe, Donnelly. and Pakenhain, Ltd., and Bedueed, 1; p( vaileiy. petitioner. Gitvin, respiondent, 2; Belfast Corpora- tdon, ex-parte Birch. 3; Attorney-General, petitioner. Daly. gi reSPonrdent, 4; Woeodbhauae . Neery N.igation Co. 9: 5 P Vprichard v. Doek, 10; Stephens v Stephens. 11: Lee v. Lee. 12. F4 Vlrs ...


... DUB~liN LAW REPORTS. Y LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. ('From the ,egal Diary.) H. M. COURT OF APPJeAL IN IRLLAND. . Webb v. Oldfild; Rictrard umiues, a baurl-pt; Lemon V. M-$rk; DovliO T. O'}E13-n. and VndIor aus, Purchaiser Act, 1&74. e ROLLIS. g 6i-anu v. lorrissan; Benisan v. C'opiey; Gorringr v. d Land improve-mont Societv, Liaitcd : O'Neill T. Fortune; Sb-crcaAe litee-Foneter, M1oors v. Dookyl ...


... BALLYMENA.-At this fortnightly court on lth inst., before Messrs. Robert Simpson, J.P. (presid. ing); S. J. lvPCartney, J.P.; and Samuel Smith, J.P., District-Inspector W. J. Hardy charged a priblican named Marv Barke, of Springwell Street, -with a breach of the Licensing Act on Sunday last. The same complainant also summoned Mary Henry With beinM at Mrs. Burke's premises on the occa- sion ...


... THE HtUDI I' IN INEPRY. 1Deails ef thle srck:-.!kig murder near l3-llvleiue. Count'. Kerrv. haveconine to ha.n-jd. It apears tihat in a towvnlend leni as ileandeirt. a emaill farmer named Tihoanes Cconredi. a-ped about 67, lived rir1h E tliS wife. Marcare;. ennd a fanilly of fear--three fl i-tin ien m le i avm eiiO. titliul aivanced in ve- ; i one uuitii-tetd dialighter. TIre Connell family i ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COUhLT-SATURDAY. Before !tesr F. G. HODDER, B.ML; J. C. GE PAYRE, CHARLES MLOrTNAs, B. M- YOUNG, . ad ALExAMNDER CE&AWFORD. L 9soLCITING ALMS. Joiln Goodman was charged with begging. Mr. Spiller ,roeeuted and Mr. M-Erlean defended Their Worships sentenced the accused to seven days' imprisonment. A fortnight's imprisonment was ordered in the case of Martin Cavan, who was brought ...


... LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. (From the Legal Diary.) CHAl_-NCERY DIVISlON. Lord ChareIllor's Chambers-Befor the Chief Cler - Jackson, minors; Scranig. 1iallora. ROLLS . Attarnev-General v. Irish Soiety aed otherr. nt 'eari ag- R.Solls shlcbers-hia.. tioa l v' IQ uesVtion; v. SezdkLln r~uell v. W';ilmul~ns, Moilloy V. CuIlinltl-. T '.1o1 : tola v. aheel-Lal: BermItl v. Lacy; .? r,. ...