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Bristol Mercury


... E ESTERDAY. Before Lord 'ylton (in thebchair), Messrs J. Batey, * T. C. Gregory, George Carter, and E. E. Broaderip. Or NOIN-VATIdENT OP RATES. la Henry Gane Rogers, of Clandown, was summoned for non-payment of poor rates, amounting to P £1 13s 6d. Defendant did not appear, and P.C. Miles proved service of summons. Mr A. W. J. Catley, assistant overseer for the parish of 31idsomer Norton,. ...

Bristol Police Court

... Bristol Police Colurt, Before Messrs R. WV. Ashley and :I . 1 VltNT1R1->0\l'E: I:O)V. ' Joseph M'illcox, 10, and W illan ?? charged on remand with damai w ir - tv W~hitehall Colliery to the extent (, 1 broughI appeared for the pro ?? aniol boys were brought up on Octobtr remanded for a week. They got inti tie of the colliery and broke a door evi; U. which they m ade a lire, and threw. so ' ...


... A BRISTOL BUTCHERl FINED. At the Glastolbhury police court on AMondtvg, Frail,: George Doiton, who CorrieS Onl IlsilieSi ait GIlaI.S'oiiliilc-, as a cattle dealer, anild t IHotwvells riiad, Bristol, as b bIutcher, was summionsed for having in his possessionl tim Sonld antd ?? mea~t for hnilnaui cons000 1tioi. Mr C . 1., lagon (l3ridlgwater), instrutedl by the Tow.i Clerki (M~r Stanlely Anistin ...


... II'ORTANT BILL OF SALE CASE. Wicxj.,Ns(App11cant)v. SuLucIroURGII(Respondent)P -Yesterday the Court of Appeal consisting of Lords S justices A. L. Smith, Cbitty, and Collins, had before them the appeal of the respondent, from an order of 31 r Justice Dlay, in Chambers, tinder the Bill of SaDes Act, 1882. It appeared that the plaintil, a wvidow, residing at Westbourne house, Bristol road, ...


... BRISTOL B3ANKRUPTOY COURT. YESTERDAY. Before the Official Receiver, Mr E. G. Clarke. FIRST MEETINGS. MINNiE ScUDAMORE, of 6, Carolina row, King square, shopkeeper, wife of Joseph Scudamore, carrying on trade separately from her husband.- The liabilities amount to £107 11s 7d, and the de- ficiency is explained at £102 15s 1ld. According to the observations of the Oflicial Receiver, the debtor ...


... SERRIOUS CHARGEE OF ASSAULT I AritllrrTTTFD. A OUARD ACQUITTED. PiJOCEEDINCiS AT LONG ASHTON. At tre long Ashton police court yesterday, beforc Nler-rs Aritonry Gibbs (in the chair), in. T. Colea, F . e. Swaunn, . Weatherly, and Major Thorne, John Ilice, a unrd in) tie employ of thhe Great Western Railway Company, was charged with assaulting Elmz Hrendy, a married womian, of Air Balloon [aria, ...


... If ?? ,BILLPOSTING COMPANY CO1UNTY COURT ACTION IN BRISTOL. At the Bristol County Court, yesterday, before his Honour, Judge Austin, the cease of Love end Waite v. toude en Co.dwas heard Mr F. E. Weatherly (instructed byv M Jn Sintt) appeared for the plaintiffs9; Mr F0. A. T. Tuokey rpentetsd the defendants, end Mr J. ndskip appeared on behlalfof Youde's Bhlipostiu Syndicate Limited, third ...


... CHAfARGE OF FORGERY. A BRISTOL PROS.EClUTOR. At the High Wycombe (Bucks) borough police court, on Saturday, before the 'Mayor (Councillor Beacon,J ?? and other magistrates, aserious charge of forgery was preferred by a Bristol manufacturer against a tradesman of the Buckinghamshire town. Alfred Nicholls, boot salesman, of 6, Corn Market, HIgh Wycombe, was charged on a warrant with feloniously ...


... DEATH OF AN ITALIAN IN DRItSTOr . Yesterday afternoon the City Coroner, Mr H. C.I Doggett, continued the inquest at the Royal In- firmary on the body of Luigi Cola Luca, aged about 40 years, an Italian street musician, who died on Saturday, It was stated at the opening of the inquest on the previous day, that deceased and another Italian were called into a house in Clifton Vale and given some ...


... YESTERDAY. Before Alderman C.AV. Cope Proctor and Mr A. W. rj Summers. V ATTEI T'TED SUICIDE, a G;eorge Bitlen, 44, wvas charged with attempted C suicide. On September 5th, P.C. 121 A was called to fI a house in Church street, Newvtoun, where hc found a the man lying in the kitchen with a wound in his t! throat ana a pocketknife near him. 13ifin was talken l to the Royal Infirmp'y, end ...

Bristol County Court

... Before his I-Ionour Judge Austin. THlE VALUS 1 OF A 11OUSL. Sm .Hormsl.-This Wals a, action in which Alexnder 1. Snow, trading all John Snow and CJo,, coa mechatsof risolsought to recover £16, thme dendant being William Hobbs, farmer, o Ele' len Chow Stoke. Air Clarke (Tanner an Clarke) app'eared for the plaintiff, and Mr Lilley (PerhaTO and Son) represented 'the defendant. Evidence Was ...


... YESTERDAY. Before Mfessrs Charles Hill (in the chair), J. R. Bennett, HI M. Gibbs, HI. Coles, and Major Thorne. WALTON PARK HosEr. Soplhia Taylor, of the Walton Park hotel, applied for a renewal of liar license. The Magistrates Clerk (Ma O'Donoghue) explained that at the last court the Super- intendent reported that alterations had been made at the hotel without plans being submitted or the ...