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Bristol Mercury


... SATURDAY. g Before Messrs A. H. Ford and J. Curle. THEFT. 8 l1ary Hyde, 37, was oharged vith stealing a bodice, s value 94d, the property of Messrs Verrier and Co., of v Wine street, on September 23rd. Detective Dowvler S stated he saw the prisoner in Wine street, and he si subsequently arrested her on suspicion of having stolen the bodice. The prisoner stated she had purchased the article at ...


... BRISTOL POLICE COURT, YE3STERDAY. Before Messrs S. Wills and XW. Dove Willcox. 1 A 1ISTRESSED FOiREINElI. Auguste Wailter, 60, was charged with begging. c Ile was according to the evidonce seen at Paul 3 street, Kingsdown, on the previous day, presenting a me begging letter, in which he was described as a t Frenchman, and a cook by trade, and pleaded that a he did not speak much English and ...


... A LIGHT CALENDAR. Tilo Spring Quarter Session of the peace for the city of Bath was held at the Bath Guildhall yesterday morning before the Recorder (Mfr Henry Coleman Folkard), who was accompanied on the Bench by the Mayor (Major C. H. Simpson), his Honour Judge Gardiner, Alderman Tuckett, and Messrs Coobrano, Begehawe, Lewis, and Palmer Haflett. The calendar was an exceptionally light ono, ...


... ] I SEN TENCE. At the Old Bailey, London, yesterday, Walter John SimpSOD, 30, Army reserve man, was charged with the wilful murder of John Paterson, proprietor of a shooting range in Newlngton butts, South London. The prisoner called at the rifle range where he had been formerly employed as attendant, and asked Paterson for a character. This the deceased refused to give, wHereupon, it was ...


... FORESTEIRS' HIGH COURT. - A A - h- Tr- ct,,rtll -fjijh Court wa . It' tOF h J ' -d The session of the Foresters' High Court was resumed in the Drill ball, Chester, yesterday, under the presidency of Chief Ranger B. Hulse, of Chester. T1UE nEPORT Oi THE INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE was presented and its consideration deferred. The committee, in their report on the work of the society for the year, ...


... INQUESTS IN BRISTOL, YESTERDAY, lieforo tho City Coroner, Blr I. G. Doggett. DEATEI FROI5M ArOPLEXY. At thoeord Rodnoy, Boll hill, Kingswood, relalive to tho death ol Maria Hailnodge, aged 75 years, of 1, Rodnoy avenuo linggswood who died on Thursday. Ehoza itedneige identflied itle body as that of hot' Itotllot', Oil Monday, February 21st, lior moothe'r bad a hall doiwtttahir. and was pitkold ...


... WVITS QUARTER SESS1ON.. This session was opened at the Assize Court, Devizes, yesterday morning. Baron Ludlow, of lIdylvoed; prosided. NEW MNIASTRATES. The followiqg gentleroon qualified as magistrates eiid. took theiri seats oi the 8flbch :-M-r T: ?? o Riedman, Castle Housos,' Caine li, Meredith- I! Meredith Droivn, of Nonsuch, lBroinham, Chip- penhamn andfilr IV. Nelson Haden, or Trowbridge. ...


... BRISTOL POLICE COURT NT, ST~ERD E- - ?? - U n'r' YESTEMD,\)Y. Before Messrs S. C. Guodwin and 1. N S 'WHO hJAS LOST V1Mm \%Al~slc-r:,k Q E llen Klsdon, 57, was charged wit] i waistcoats, the property of soow I ?? The police stated that a prese Oit known, and asked for a romald The o15 said she was drunk at the time, wals re ?? week. ANAL(1nl' for !~ ~ ~~A AXLI! \5.'AN'rleD. Cornelius Haynes, ...


... BRISTOL POLICE COUi.l ;YESTICl AiA . Before lessrs W. 1ethlick, . A. I 4 ;I! F.1'embery. AYlOUNG LA!)S IllN : I loenice .1infoot, a respectable voun- laidx- charged with stealing a linger rHiL vii. propelty of Annio Clara. 7hle ?? 1 domestic service in Oaklield road il evidence that she had known the i,t'ixlv some years, and on the 15ti instl. sit iva sitting room, where the ring was iii a ...


... YESTERDAY. Before Sir Edward Fry, Mr E. G. Lorymer, and E. J- l)AMA:ISN4 A ]IRE IIOSE. WVilliaml Poole, a labourer, was summonod for mualiciously cutt-idg a hoso, the property of the Bristol Corporation. Dlr H, it. Wausbrough (Wansbrough and Co.) prosecuted, and stated lhat on August 1st a hayrick belonging to Sir Greville Smyth caught flire at Bower Ashton. Assistance was sent for to Bristol, ...

The [ill] Case

... V0t 33riotofiwatirgj WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,1898. Tile B is'rOL MERCURY was established March 1, 1790. The BRISTOL DAILY POST was issued in conjunction with the MIEBCUnY January 24, 1660, and incorporated with it January 26,1878. TELEPMONE No. 149. Thec Droyfils Clran. IT is, of course, always difficult for a foreign journal, and a journal of a different race, to discuss in at all a ...


... YESTERDAY. IBefcre ilessrs Obed Hosegood and Charles Gardinor. CIIAGLGE OF IMDElil7ZZl.1t.FNXT. Pliebard John Denny, 24, was charged with cmbczzling Os 4d, received by him on account of his master, George King. Air Zlawer (Gilinoro, Mawir, nod lloyd) prosecuted, and Mir Essery defended. Mr Mawer stated that King was a mineral water manufacturer, of York street, St. .Paul's, and Denny, who bad ...