... I KENNINGTON SHOuTI.NG CASE. At Lambeth police-court. on Wednes- dar, George Spiller Smith, 33, described as' a clerk, was charged, on remand, with attempting to ?? Walker with a revolver. He was further charged with attempting suicide.- Miss Lilian Walker said she first became acluainted with the prisoner about eight or nine months ago, and about six weeks prior to May I the accused and ...


... DIVORCE, YESTERDA.Y AN ABSENT RESPONDENT. In the Divorce division yesterdays Sir P. Jeune bad in his list kto b tried before a special jury) the case of Goluberg v. Goldberg.''-The petition was that of Mrs. Rebecca tachel Lay Goldberg, for a judicial separation by reason of the alleged eruelty of her husband, Mr. Alfred Gold: erg. At the sitting of the court. Mr. Rufus Isaacs, Q.C., on ...


... I A FALL WITH A BABY. At Lambeth, yesterday, the coroner held an inquiry into the death of Dorothy Ellen Bailey, aged one year and seven months, whose parentsli e at Harlington- road, South Lambeth. The evidence of the uiotper showed that she sent the child out in the care of Louisa Green, aged 13. In the street the girl fell with deceased, who was subsequently taken to St. Thomas's hospital. ...


... THE DIVOBRE COURT. I A LADY'$ HALLUCINATIONS. Before the president, on Monday, in the course of the calling over of the list Of cases in the reserved list, standing over by consent or otherwise the defended ease of M Muldowney v.M uldowaey was mentioned. It was a petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Mluldowney for a divorce, the responlent being Mr. Richard Mul- downey.-Mr. Grazebrook applied ...


... . I At-Clerkenwellpolice-court, yesterdayr Wnm. wfithorne, 17, a coal-porter, of Sermon-lane, Ishngton, wa iohargedwith disorderly behavioar and using obsoene I laneuage.-Police-constable68 a saw the prisoner and two othir min pushing an old man about in Pentonville-road. A female with the old man said he was her grandfatber, and iE she were a man she |would punishtherufflans. Prisoner then ...


... IDEN'rTIFYING A POLICEMAN. | At Clerkenweal sessions, yesterday, Wibliam Carew, a police-constabie, 423 ! of the E division. appealed against a con- viction and sentence of 21 days' hard labcur passed on him at Bow-steect on June 13, by Mr. Lushington, for aseault- ing one Eimmi Boddy.-iMr. J. P. Grain, instructed by the Lreasury, appeared for the respondent rmagistrate; and at the suggestivn ...


... ?? - - e1 THE LETTER TO AE. V. DOWSETT. Atfe. Ernest Aoorques, aged l8, labourer, pleaded Guilty at the Old Bailey, on Thursday, to sending to Mr. William Woolnough a letter demanding money with menaces. He was charged further with having sent a threatening letter to Mr. Vernon Dowsett, the manager of the Tivoli music-hall, threatening to murder him.-Mr. Woolnough is a solicitor in ...


... YESTERDAY'S LAW AND P OLICE. - RECEIVING ORDERS. Yesterday, at the London Court of gankruptcy, petitions were heard be. fore Ir. Registrar Hope. In the matter of E. R. Savigny a receiving order was made under a petition presented against tbe debtor, trading as the MorEe BIauufacturing company and the London and South-eastern bank, and described as a watch manufacturer and banker, lately ...


... |}fw '~EAR $RISTOI# A marlret gardener -named Xames Biokett6, of Wick, 'a hamlet five Riles from Bristol, Was murdered on Monday eveaning on the highroad, near his home. :hehad given.a.young .man a lift in hi. cart, and people at a distance saw the men apparently quarrelling. The body was subsequently fou qd in a ditch writ four stabbing wounds in the region of the heart. The assailant eacaped ...


... ARREST-REPORTED CONFESSION. A ehocleing crime was committed near Holborn on Sulday afternoon, Margarot Byrne, aged forty-one, a single woman, who, with her invalid mother, kept a registered lodging-house at 28, Red-lion-square, being fatally stabbed. The nnfortunato woman waR terribly injured and died while being conveyed to the Uni- versity Colleee Hospital. At the time of the crime a ...


... g TINGANY POMOTING. xrOOT5EY i)ISOLOSTYRE S. JIS pEBERS ANWD OTIEERS. ?? - SENSAT'IONA~L ]ITCIDENTS. JUD GME~iNT. wins~ Air. Justice W rigit, sitting in the C ourt of peh, Earl do lit Wart andi meesrs. Rocker, 'p~r id ?? seituolnoed to show ?? ~ ~ vIA notbe conitoitteid for conitempt of ?? te ~ attimopt to persuade Mr. Torah, lriette efllenloo lie had given relative rivl0.' thm in 'ha they ...


... I ?? ?? ()t~s rz~ati~le I>-77 r-777-- MI.TNYON'S REMEDIES IN I -+ CHARGE AGAjNSTs TI y' 'J?IfJjl At thic MiIIrlliitrcli-.tit(et L ;ii, t r'3 ,J:I;lC i'ilwo Ii'L Ikei.?n.. aged *1i. ' . j., it. r; ., liv.ig lit 66i,. L Ca ?? 1 i .)s. .. ,,,j , chantedlf vi~i i ?? ?? jI'f.'i' 1 ,r I~ewi-exsierc-cta ...