... MW.: NO3Y~.-W fis. - PPWPM N im Cal. VW~ ~ aad= Answ d.S WM.5S: IJ t ' ;UDI0J.h. 0Ot~ IOt T~ ~IV OOld COVB v-t -Al Mo0As±l tionDfM 3Plohete. and Dllvorce DIQO. Apl froml the Camri~tt Frob at n t): , anw la r ?? Knnd S ad va ao ?? the 0 ?? R~tmAttn0c stld, ?? Ci2S$Ctz~hd~eX,&adrltniCropamn ?? Ns1_Aleci h ptey br i e tn sh Cc wa waydthob. e ci tby orderl. Bnetore L~z luals a L~Ii, anrd aactl= ...


... ?? . .. A a l. _ ALOV010M ~ ~ ~ y. and rd Jauaod Aot. I-t -Lit wily betr Itoiw Sum Donoa] .ew l WLOahvfa- a iw= o nuawA nu4i.i ?? He Apho ftsi C3A4 1kinWVWl*n k1=wo~ Ulya Josty ce A4. arui& ba id atiallb. and V. L6W Ovd 1J7u1t enc v~u Wlharinw.-4 n Aatd ComattNa. LA& Z=to,. 1M kn Ito B nkzpter R H IAax4 ,agLZPrh, ft erey-tl mt ELs onj WPdaeo. Daotumae Lord wtio A Smtzeite Lornasie-d Jusw ib. ...


... . I THE' ST NEOTS POISONING CASE. I CLOSE OF TRIAL-SENTENCE OF DEATH. I The trial of Walter Horsford, farmer, of Spaldwick, charged with murdering his cousi . Annie Holmes at St Neots on January 7, was concluded at Huntingdon yesterday. Crowds assembled outside the Court, the interior of - which was packed. Mr Justice Hawkins, in commencing the summing up, saidc ihey had nssembled in presence ...


... Y1EETICR DAY. llefore his lonour .1 Ldge Austin, I i-owrANCL Ol' W'In'TEX A(GRIuElME:NPis, MN'EmES v. Hi ?? action arose out cf tho partnershlip of lhughes and W'eelks, builders awt contractors. Mr F. E. Neatirerly (instructed by Mr' Pershouse) appeared for the pinitiffl, who is ithu widow of Mlr Weelks, nnd asled for a partneroriip account from Bir Hunghes, wvho wlas represented by Mr E. W. ...


... - 1 =- - - = : - Aloe T if mlipf .Tustice. Y Before the Lord Chief Justice. ?r 'The Court opened at the Townhllail, Wells, at tenl ?a o'clock- ysterday morning, when the follownllg lr prisoners were ?? Up and sentenced IC x TASSAULT. J .Tohn Perritt, 17, labourer, found guilty of assault- -Y Iug a girl uinder 13 at Cucklinaltoll, Was sentenced to )f 12 monoths' hard labour. - Frank Pratt, for ...


... TIlE WOTTON-U.-EDGE TRAGEDY - - J A. ?? -J ?? .L W ?? . con 100, Yesterday at thle Wotton. police court William tiad Matthew Cornook, after having been twice forinally noJ renisnded at Gloucester 'on account of his mental givi condition, was brought up,-and Charged with the inei wilful rnurder of his mother on tile 18th Of las. The nionth. A large concourse Of ?? asseMbleI tta Outside time ...


... BREACHI OF PROMIS1E. tS BE STILL, 8AD HEA.RT. . s' In tho Queen's i3nch Division on Wednesdly - before Mr. AlustiePlilloy- Miss Kate Sinclair aseied Mr John lHacklett, a veterinary seurgeon, l(o reeover damages for breach of promise of r marriage. The defendlant origrinally denied tiho proumie, bht the main defence was that irhe promiso was of a conditional nature with redwild to an event ...


... (REUTERS TELKOB.VM-) Pur: s, Tuesday. The now Ministry iia.- definitely constituted follows:—MM Hrisson, Premier »od Minister of the interior ; Delegate, Afftirs ; IVytral, Finance; Sarrien, Justice; Bourgeois, Public Instruction: Csvaigna-. War Lochroy, Marine, Trouillot, Colonies, Commerce Viger, Ajjrtcuiture (Senator), Public Works A hucdred and fiity Deputies belonging to the Protjresnut ...


... I KENNINGTON SHOuTI.NG CASE. At Lambeth police-court. on Wednes- dar, George Spiller Smith, 33, described as' a clerk, was charged, on remand, with attempting to ?? Walker with a revolver. He was further charged with attempting suicide.- Miss Lilian Walker said she first became acluainted with the prisoner about eight or nine months ago, and about six weeks prior to May I the accused and ...


... ACCUSED AGAIN IN COURT. At Bow-street on Wedceesday, before Sir J. Vaugihan, Jobn Trodl, aged 41, described as a boot. maker, of li,6 Corurmvli-roal, Lanibrothr, was charged onl remand with aittemptings to miurder Count Arco. Valley, First Secretary to tho 13ernan Emlbassy. by shooti ng hint smith a revolver at Carlton-house-tsrrace, on June 15, a[Ir, frrthler, with shooting at, and attempting ...


... THE sT. NE OTS MURDE{1 TRIAL. VERDiCT AND SENTENCE. At lluntinzclun Assizes on Mcnday, before Mr Justice Hawkinzi, the trial of Walter HEorEford for the murder of hi- coasic, Annie Holmep, wameorculdced. A ?? crowd L of people asthaiebd au an eirly hour in the mrarket squatre L and the main stzeet of the town, and the most remark- a able extitemenc prevailed. Quite Lalf the ?? of Spaldwicit ...